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HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � ��. � �� � F� L.E C� <br /> HS.I�IiC� o. �tlG=�tD N 0 V 1�19 n� <br /> �_ <br /> 3�I�Mf 2iLL 1�1t BY TI� FBE�ITY9 t That Z, Hlan�k��ur�rY�urx�E <br /> Yiok�trd, b�inq a zssici�at of, aad ha�i�►q l�qal doaieil� 1A, 6=aad � <br /> Island, H�11 Coant�, li�l�aa�a, awa b�in�t of souaci a�d disposiaq <br /> �ind and ssaor7►, do lur�by �al��, publish and ci�clue this instzn- <br /> � �s�t ta b� s�► Laat �ill and ?�sta�nt. <br /> 1. I l�r�by aanc�l, re'o�� aad annul all p�ior �riAls <br /> � oodici�s �d� by �e at an� tis� ir��tofoz�. <br /> 2. I dir�at that tho ozp�aass of aY last illa�ss, bnaial <br /> �Ad t�wratl as�ns�s bs paid as so0a u praatiaab2f aftsz sy eMooase. <br /> �. I h,�r�b� appeint Ethau l�f. 9't. Je�, ot Graad Islaad, <br /> lis}�ra.l�a, as ��antos of t}iis �vill, In ths •Toat tLat lw f��ls to <br /> �litg� �r a�as�s to eo�rs, a� saoh s�sa�toz, t�sa I Lareb�► app�ia�t <br /> �tna�s Jv 3t. Joha, of Graa� Zslaad, xsbsaalr.a, aa suck ��osontriz• <br /> I d3raeat that no bond oz sar�t� �kha�ll b� r�sqnized of oith�r �f the <br /> tt� persans sp�ciiEiaallg► �d ia thia pazaqraph, ia ths ���at th�t <br /> lm� or sh� s�z�ss as ezsantor. Thh� sxec�toz, az�antriz, ac�eiaistza- <br /> toz aith xill anxisz�ci, or othoz lsqal repzeasatativ� o! s� sstats, <br /> xb�thar �ecitioallY na�eed h�rsin oz not, an�d rhsther sall, fs�ala <br /> or �orp�r�ts, dnd rheth�r aingnlar or plural, �e h�z�in a�tiawrs <br /> �e:E�rs�d to iaa tha aiaqnlar sasanline as ay ez�cntoa. <br /> !;, I �Sreb�r anthorise mad eapo�nz sT s:�a$tox, �rhsth�r <br /> �pweifi�lly nased in the prec�dinq paraqraph or not, vit�in his <br /> aIbenl�at� diacretimn, in ao far ss per�itt�d by law, to r�n�v ozistia� <br /> obligation�, to aosprosiss any alaiws, and to asll, �zabsaqe, tooa- <br /> se�o taansf�r, assiqn, �sortqage, pl�dqe, l�se, r��t, in�nst or r�i�- <br /> ��t, th� Mhol�, or aay part, ot sy rsal or personal •atats, ia an' <br /> �ar�z, to any eztant, oA aay taras, and xithout bsi�q lisi.t�d t�: <br /> 1�I or statutarp in�eat�eats tor !`id�aiazies, and to p�rlor� all <br /> mr aa� aats, auid to ezeante all or aay instruMnts, aad to do any <br /> Paq� 1 of my Laat �Till and Testa�sat ` <br /> � <br /> Ig3tials of �fit�ases ` ��� <br /> 3 <br />