��' � ���
<br /> n�c�er Qt' th3a court was �made ailote�in.g �rr�ditora ur�til the 31�t c�.y af
<br /> I43�arch, ].966 within wF�.ich to fi�.e c3.�.i.� ar�d fL3rthe�r �x�d�r3.nc� thst noti�
<br /> ta �edi�rs �ae ,�ubli�hsfl �s by la�e required, �d i�i�t � h+earing nr�
<br /> cl.air.�r �i3ed �g��.n�� s�id �st�ete �ld be h�ld �t t�-ie affice of t1�ae
<br /> �s�ua���r Juc�ge af B��ala Gounty, I�Te�raskt� bn th� Tth t�a� crf �,�riZ, 1�6�i
<br /> at �.t3:t�E� a'clo�s, and it �ppea�� 3�y prvo� a�n file t2�� nr�tice �rar� �a�xb...
<br /> 1.�,s'h�d �s art'�ared b�r th�.s court.
<br /> �ie Ca�r� �ur�h�r ��.�ds t'h�t tY�e ���utc�r �i2�d �rei:� �Zi� ia�ven-
<br /> �or�r af ��Se asset� af this �s��€�e, tcaget�er wi�.h a �ropgr for the �ourst�
<br /> ��sseBsc�r �f Buf���.Q �aunty, �tebrask�, ar�d �h21t ac�ardinr� �o said �,rsven..
<br /> tor� said 8�cessed �.�d seir€�d �nd go���s�d c�� the �r�ilQwing described
<br /> real �st�tes
<br /> Nort.hwest �2u�rter (Z�IW�} o� ��c��.on 2'3, T+��mship 32 �orth, R�nc�e
<br /> 12, Tiail �ounty, z�ei��sk,��,
<br /> �Za�n us�divided oaze..h�,l� ir�ter�st in the ��"�:r�t E�alf of the ��art?�€:a��
<br /> �,auart+�r (�?�T�) , �cludiric� Z acr�s d���,�d tcs �3.ount ��easa�a�
<br /> C��►�t�ry, 3n. �e��it�n 2�, �ownshi� 12 i�]c�rth, Rang� 1�, in r��Il
<br /> �ountj: �ebr�skaf
<br /> .�ra uzsdivid�d a�e Y�alf inter�st �.n t�a.e �d�s� �3�J.f of the �ast
<br /> I�a1� af t�e �rsuth�as� ;:3uarter (�-d��) and the Ea�� �al�E of
<br /> �I�� t-Test �3a1� of �1�� �auth�sst ��r�tt�r tE��tzs:�;} , in ��:t�.on
<br /> 2.7, Tc�w.����� 12 I�?orth, .�tanr��: 12, H�:3.1 Countg�, fi3�bras�.as
<br /> d� t�azc��.vid€�c� �n�:hal� �nter�st i� t�ie +�sst �Ialf o£ �'x�� Sauth..
<br /> e�,s� ;��z��r �fi����3:��) �� �ecti�n 31� Tc��r;,'hs� 12;P�orth, �,�.��P
<br /> 1� in Hall wc.�u�t�, P�ebz`as�s.�;
<br /> ;��n uzzdiv�c��d c�a�.-h�.l� i��t�rest i� tl:� '�Qe�W ��alf of t:�e �;�r�rth-
<br /> ��� s� :�usrt�7r ��-3?����) r�f .5e�r�_tzon 3�, `����si-�i� 12 a:�srt�:, ?�.�.a��,:ae
<br /> �Gt .L� �iC�.�.i_ V63�7`�.t�.�� i3�]J�e�s��"L�j ..
<br /> .�.�. u�sc�i;*id�d �n�-hal� ir�t��s� i�? v?�e �3art� ��alf (�,��t r�f ��y-.
<br /> ? �cie�� 2�, T+��shi� 3.2 h:torth, ��r�� �.� i�. �3�,zffal� ��u���r, ?:��'.�s�c=
<br /> . .�.:� us�da.v�.d�d �n,e-3za2� i�°a��re�t �.�s i�ts l, �, .i�. �1�,^i: �, ��i�.t��.'s
<br /> � �e�c��ad �dditior t� Rav�nn.�, �3u��a3.o �au!�+t�r, �Te�ra��a;
<br /> �a u�,�.c�.v�.ded c��,e«-3�a1� in��r�s� in �h� �as� �Aa7.f of �.he a�u�t�°i-
<br /> ta�st �luarter (E�a�) Qf ��ctior 36, �.b��rnsi�i� 1�, �?orth, Rs,nr;�
<br /> 12, in �award Gounty, ?�T��r�.ska;
<br /> �th�r it�ras csf �,�sr�n�.]. ��rc���t� �,s sst fQrth in th� i�v�ntory,
<br /> Th� �aur� �urth�r finds tha�t �n the 7th �� ca� ���ril, I�66, s.n
<br /> t3,�tier of t'�is Cflur� wra,s r:�ad� '#�,rrin� �:Za.i�:s ��i���� �i���t � ��.1,e�. ��ains�
<br /> t�.�is :�st��� �c� �i:sd�.ra� tI-��.t �� ciai:?�s 'ha�. �e��� file�. 'ah� i;�ur�
<br /> furth�r ��.�ds t��at �th �st �aid €:3.ai�:�s h�v� ���n �.�d a�-�c� �I�aa�. al�. ��-
<br /> ra��se� c��' a�ini stra��on, in�l�adi�r �r��r�t cost�, �Zav� �aee� �aic', e�r
<br /> ^wa�.�red.
<br /> T'I�e Cv�trt �ur�'h�r fi.nd.s -�'.�t there �.4 Pt��ras?c�. i��.er�.ta�c� �a.�� c'�u�
<br /> �
<br /> and otai� her�in by th� ��ll�wi�s� �ersa�.s c�nl�rs La�r��^� �•�e�er, �t*ar.�,�
<br /> Ja��son, �ver�t� Z,. P��gr�r �nd .�1v3.�z .���?�r, $�5.J�' �acit, for a �ota1 �£
<br /> $34f�.s�Cr, t�hiv�h i� �a���7.� a� �Qllcwsx :��unta �r��surer df Eu�fa�.�
<br /> Cc�unt��, N�bra�3ta -- $193.�t3; Caunt� ar�a:�:r�r ��i F�a11 C�unt�, �.�e:�ra��.a •.
<br /> $Z25.£3C?, and Co�a.,�?ty Tr��.sur�r vf E>csw�rd Coe��t�, ?I�braska - $ZJ,��
<br /> �:xe CQu�t �urtl�er �'i:�c'{g �ha� it a��ear� t:aa� t::�r� i� F��.�.r�;l
<br /> ��t�t� '�a_x d�e m**€� o�r�.Ya.cs in ��i� cacxs�. ,
<br /> �e C�urt firc�,s t�aat ^ox��.�s csf aT�, �,ubli�h�d ].er��Z no�ti^�s ��.v� 3���
<br /> setat t� a3.1 irtt��€att�d �arti�� dur�.�g ic�� �c3.m�.n�.s�rat�.c�� Qi: �i3i� c�tat�
<br /> �s �r I�,� ��uirec�p �nd �hat a��id�,vits p�a�tais�i.� �heretQ �rA ��. file
<br /> �:��'��.�; th�t c�srt�.f�Lcate� �rtain��� tc� ,�r�a�al ���s �a�,re �e�~� �il�d
<br /> h�sein 7�1 the :csunt�r �r��,su�:� and Count�r �,s�essor a� �uE �ala �c�u�t�r,
<br /> �d�b��s3�a, ana t�.�.t �ell �rsfl��I ta�es, i�clu�s�� �i�� 1�66 nersr����.1 t��s
<br /> �.n �hi� ��t�t�, have ��� �aaic�..
<br />