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# , ���, .�:. ;� -.. ✓Ru 1::.. _ _ , .. ., , . .. ._ <br /> ..��� .; . v. ._ , ,..� r.- .. . .. . <br /> .,_, _. <br /> 1, . ,_.,.. . ,.._.., . . . <br /> z .-... .. . .,... <br /> �.4 ,+, .. ,�1� , _,�.. , . . . ` . . . _ <br /> � j ' <br /> T�� �� <br /> � �i�s. . � <br /> Tte� eo�rt fieds �s to the matter ni� attarstey �Qea r.hut there st�uld <br /> ie �ti2c�ad to rhe l�r fi� oi' �lollmafa b A�Carthy� at�orsuepe, the fair and <br /> �ssaos�abi� a�tter�y ��,e fox thefx sexviccs ip coinneaticn with t�e� ab�v+e e�tate <br /> aud tiutt a fair and re�►saz�ab2� attorruep fee t'oz such servttee is the se� of <br /> $1,891.45; a�ad tha� ia additi.oa khsrito ttu raid �ollmsa � McCezthy, attorneys, <br />� have advar�ced �t�d paid a�t for pWbiication fee� aad �ie�cellan�oua itaems of e�» <br /> s, pe�ts��es advarieed by t�r+ Che fc�rther �� of $34.b�, so that thare is due a tatal <br />� <br /> i <br /> to s�id ti�raa of Hollza�n & McG�rth� �or the�ir aervicea atnd for expeaeoes p��d s►u� <br /> r <br /> by t�e� � �c�t�I sc�a af �y3,926.�.E}; tFt�t it has b���, �e�eseary tc� e�np3o� the firm <br /> a� �ta�sae & P'uran�i.�, accountant� to caak+e out #iducisar�J r�tuxns for �gfc� sx��c�- <br /> tri.� �n�d Feder�l �$�s��e t�uc re�nzas whic.h ehey have prepared qnd that a r�eaeo�- <br /> abte �ee therefor 3� �he �ws af $�50.Ot3; e�d �h��, �,here is da�e th�� ccaurt caurt <br /> h� <br /> sueee, �etirem�nt fuad, x�cordir;g fees eu�l certificaz�s, tb� sum of $133.x�;�ad <br /> ���t there should be p�id �o the Ccunty Tr�a�ur�r of IiaYl Couaty, N�brAslr�, ss <br /> i�h�xiea�ee taxe� duu� that couaty th� su� of �7.91; a�d thaC th�x� is dne �at�t <br /> shouZd b�s p�.id to �h� Cc�utxCy �r�a�axer of Liqec►ln County, Atebra�?�a, i.nheri��aca <br /> ta�sea �tom said �otat� in the �utt� Qf $242.09. �h� court fic�d� that aafd �s�ca� <br /> triac sh�ald pay ou� ali of thes�e �imve meatio�+�cl �uma to th� respective persot�s <br /> tc► whcn�a due and to tha Cc�ty T��asaYers of the �sp�ct�ve +�o�tf�ffi �s �h�ve s�� <br /> �'orth asad �hou�,d obtei�t rs�seipte �herafar aAe! !?il�s �he sae�e ie� the filea of th�.� <br /> K'.�X�'r e <br /> Tha caurt turCh�r find• thst ther� i� btiag prep�r�d aad will be fil�d <br /> s�9.t�i the �psr�pt of Istezeu�l ltsasnwe, Divisioa of Ea�ate Texes, vf the Uni.ted <br /> Stata• of A�erfca, a r�t�ra, but that said matter �►as not yet be�ru cc�►leted�/�, <br /> •n�t that upan a detezmi�tio�t o3' the a�auat of tax dne th�rean, if any, to the <br /> Zwternai B�vectw� ��rtAea�, Sst�rte Truc I?ivitioa, that ssid e�cecutrfx �houid peg <br />' �� s�e to said tax d�psst�a� aaui sho�ld �rCatia fsau said dapartme�t � rec,eipt <br />�' cherefor a�d shadld also file with tl�ir� eou�t a fiasl el�sraaee letter trom said <br /> d:par�r�rt. <br /> �� �t �asth�r tiads t�wt �ua� s� =i� pro�rty �e�aiaiqg ia sa�id ss- <br /> tat�, both real �ot�te aud psxi�pal psoperty of �htcl� tb� dre�sasd dlad aan�r, <br /> dssa�Med �ader th� �rtll ot aotd d+�a� �a hi� �rit� a� vi,d�r aad aote devi�ee, <br /> �itb �11 itndaQa, �ad t�t ��ae it 6srsby �ariga�d to � aaid 1�ditb Bel� Hndsan, <br />; sa8 tht s�catria� ta a��o�is� sad r��,ra�d to taict saah actioa as ��r b� ae�es- <br />�� <br />� �+rsp t� ts�aa#�Mr saii 5��� �o t� a�id Rditb �ell �t�son, atd upot� the co�►is- <br />� <br />� �.�`�.- <br /> � ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />