<br /> ....,,� . . _._.. �,_.
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<br /> �,r�
<br /> ��;�[�� � ,
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<br /> � �. The �aid Sadie �:. Bresl�y died .sei�ed ana possessed of
<br />�-, an undivided in.tereat in and t� the f:�llou.�ing de$crib�d r�al eatr�te,
<br /> x
<br /> �ituat�d i� Hall uounty, �tate of Nebra�ka, which has beer�old at
<br /> t}�is- �ime, to-vri.t: �.¢
<br />' = L�t Fo�r:°{4) in Bloc� T�;�ei.ve in �chimmer's .�ddi�tion
<br /> to the City of Grend Island, Idebra$k� .
<br /> 6 e There i� due and ov��ing by the es�at� certairL ac�mini�i�r�-
<br /> �ive e�;�enses r:hxch �hould be paid at this time; d�stributicn of i�hi5
<br /> estste should be made according to �he �rovisions of tha Last '<i?11 an«
<br /> Testament of the cieceaseda ihi� estste is no� aubject to Ptebraska
<br /> �state Taxes or �ederal Fstate T�axes, and there are no F�ebraska Inheri-
<br /> tanee. T�xes due from any of the beneficiariE�.
<br /> I�' TS 2'�iERe,�'��E, OR�ER�D, �,DJUDGED AND D�CPy.ED BY ��KL ('GLRT
<br /> that the fina_� accaunt m� the final repart filed herein by t�h.e executcr
<br /> Harley G. Candish, of' the est�ate of Sadie �`. Br�sley, deceasedi be and
<br /> the �r�m� hereby is in all re�pects a��proved, settled, cor_firmed and �1-
<br /> la.;°�d as and for ��e final report �nd final aceount of the said exee�tor.
<br /> IT IS FUTZTHER Cf�'tDE�D, �'L.3U:DGEL .f�T�I1:i D�CREED BY 1'fi� L'OURT
<br /> that e�vEn claims �nrere filed against the e�tAteg all of �hich h.�ve be�n
<br /> allow�d arld paid in full as $hown in the order filed on �ctober 18, 1965 ;
<br /> that all ex�ensE� in c.,nnection with the last illness an� funer<1 of
<br /> the deeeased have been paid in full,• thet the e�tete still h�s due and
<br /> o�r3ng Ed�;ard Dixon, Hsl1 County Juage, as probate eoats hereins incl.uda
<br />`` ing publieation fees, P$ine & �'aine, Attorneys, as at�torneys fees , anu
<br /> Harl�y G. Candish, as executor's fees , �um� �which �hould be paid G�t this
<br /> time; �nd, that all ;persons havin� clair�g against said est�te not fil�d
<br /> within the time f��edt� �he court, if ar�y there be, are hereby forever
<br /> barred, exelud�d �nd �njoin�d from $e-Gtin.� up or a.s�erti�.g any cl�ims
<br /> what�a�ver against s�id �state.
<br /> F;'.?,; . � .
<br /> IT Ia FURTHEI� t�hllEfiE�, .ADJUDG:�D AN� DECitZED BY ��i�: CGC;I�.?' that
<br /> r � Saciie E. B�e�ley �ua� at �he tim� of her dea��., a citizex� �nd a resid�nt
<br /> of (�r�nd I�2�nd, Hall: Cc���ty, �1e'b�a�k�a, and �he left �urviving her �s
<br /> r,:
<br /> h�r �ol� a�;d t�nly h�ir�-at--law sr�d benef'iciari�s, th� fo11o=•;ing, all o�
<br />' ` 1�g�1 ���, to�-�i.t:
<br /> v�r�.o� �dw��d Bre�ley, � �o�, of ;� Gl.�n Br�sley,
<br />�' �r�i�er �i��, Cou��i1 Bl�'�'�, Ia�ra;
<br />��; �lex� Hre�ley, � ��n, of Trailer t�ity, Cauncsil
<br />��- Bl.�tff s, I a��;
<br />� 'r fur�her, thet �be �a�.d €�et����td w�� nc�t �urviv�ed by �aay/���'��ren, or bY ��ty
<br />���
<br />�,� child�ret� a� a d��t��sr� c��ild. �he d�c�eaeed, �adi� E. Brveley, was marriee�
<br />�.
<br /> 5 to �1b�t�� I�e�� �re��ey, �YZt� d�ed c�� or �bQu� �pril �, 19�1, and ehe did
<br />� �a.ot r�m��ry there�f�ts�. �I+�n Bre�l�►y� is ref�rred to in the said Last
<br />� �1i1�. �nd �e������� e�f ��d�.� �. B���a�y, s+� �l�r�n �3r�sl�y, and is c�ne and
<br /> th� �a��� per���, na'��r�.�et�nc3�g t.h� c�e€��ri��n.cy �.n name�.
<br />�`� I� Z� ���.'L'�R dR�ER��, ��dUI�E� A.�� �E�R�T3 BY' 3.'H� C�?�TR� th�t
<br />,.
<br />. th� �+aid d�a�����k d�.�d ��i��d �nd ������sed a�` �n unc�iv*id+�d 3.nt�r��� in
<br /> ,�
<br /> �nd tc� �he f�r3:la�r��; de��tz�d.��r� �e+�l �e���s, ���u�ted in, H��.1 ��iunty.
<br /> ���t� o.f �'������, ���.c�h ��� �►aa�► �Qld at th5.� �3.��, ��a��r�t:
<br /> ��t ��tz� (4� �n �tg�k �r�+��.ve �:� �ahi�+��°'� A�+��.t3.on
<br /> �o t�� t3���r +�f t��n� �,��.��, ��e���i;��r�.
<br /> "`�"' .
<br /> ' .�
<br /> _ . .
<br /> _ -J� 3
<br />