IL�T TFtB €Ot3�3'�"Sf "�'OURT C�F E�1I.I. Ct3t�+?TY, D?E��'�l�i
<br /> IN TI� MA�R E�' Tl� ffiSTATE }
<br /> }
<br /> QF ) �?,II�AT�DEGR�E
<br /> �
<br /> J4HN I�RQ�6ER, DECEASS�H )
<br /> �h
<br /> Nc�tnT on �his 1'� day of D��ember, i955, this matter eame
<br /> on to be heara on ths final repQrt ar�d p�tition for settl�ment and
<br /> distribution of Henry Kxa�ger, Executor, af the Eatate of John
<br /> I�roeg�sr, Dec�ase�ed, aind other relief, and an the evidence, and was
<br /> subrnitt�d to th� �ourtp on consid�rativn whereof the Gourt finds that
<br /> due and l�gal notic� of �h� time and plac� af h�a,ring on said account
<br /> aad petition for final settlement has }�een given a1i persons inter-
<br /> ested in sa�id estate a� pxovid�d by law= there�pon the court beinc�
<br /> fully a�dvis�d in the pr�mises f�nds as follaws:
<br /> (1) '�h� Ex�cutor has h�d no r�ceipts and hr,�s rnad� no di�-
<br /> burs�ments from estat� fund�a or �roperty. Under provisions of
<br /> th� la�t will and t��stament of deeessed, th� �xecutor w�s requir�d
<br /> to convert all property ta ea�h; the elevator st�ck has been sold
<br /> for $40.t�0, �nd th� 7.and has b�en contracted for sale for $b4,000.�0,
<br /> whieh sum� will b� r�ceiv�d following entry of fix�sl decree; thmt a
<br /> supplementa�Z statsrn�nt of account shawing r�c�ipts of said sums, and
<br /> disbursements, �nd c3ivis�ion to thE ben�ficiaries sh�ll be made by
<br /> the executor, which statement shall be support�d by receipts for
<br /> a11 disbur�ements; tl�at the �xecutor is suthoriz�d and direeted
<br /> to m�k� psyment of the claim �nd advane�rnents�, eommissions, fees
<br /> and ca�ts, 2�bstr�eting e�cpense, monument work, and revenue sta�nps,
<br /> as d�tsiled in his final report, togethez with any addition�l
<br /> exg�nse, and is then flrdered to make divi�ion in acaorclanee with
<br /> the last will arac3 t�stament, being Ane-third to H�nry Kroeger,
<br /> one-thixd to Anna Seck�r, nnd one-�hird to Anna Beck�r and Grancl
<br /> Tsl�nd Tru�st Comnany aas Trustees for Mary Kroeg�r, Rich�rd Kroegex,
<br /> Thoma� Kroeger and J�ck �Cro�g�r, the four minor grandchiZdren of
<br /> c7eceased, in accordance with the trust provisiona st�.ted in th�
<br /> last will and test�ment of the deceas�d.
<br /> (2) Dee��a�ed diea t�st�te on Nov�ambe�C 2�3, 1964, a �e�ident and
<br /> inhabitant of Hall �ounty, l�ebraska; the sol� b���ficiarie� un�er
<br /> his iast wi11. and testament were his heirs, Anna Becker, da�ghter,
<br /> Henry Kroeger, �on, ar�c3 Mary Kracg��, Richard Kroeger, Thome�
<br /> Kroeger and Jack Kza+eger, his minor grandchiZdren.
<br /> (3} Th� time fixed by this court far the filing of clairns+
<br /> ha� �iap��d, and ones c1�im for $14�'�.15 wa+s fi1e�3, and on Jun�
<br /> 4, 1965 an c�rder was entered by this eoust �llowing :aicl claim anc�
<br /> bar�ring a1I ela�izss not �'il�d.
<br /> (4) Th� liability of the beneficiar3.�� under th� last will
<br /> and t�s�ament of the d�c��s+�d, �or N�bra�ka� inh�ritanc� t�x, ha� been
<br /> 2�'>
<br />