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r .' <br /> :�, <br /> The court furthsr fin�s that said deceased died tt�2 owner• of certa�n rea? <br /> and personai pro�ert}� as set forth in the inve�t�ry £ile� herein, saic� rea3 estate <br /> being describec� as� <br /> Lct �ix, 31ock Five, :�indolrh's �d:�ition t� the �ity� <br /> �f Grand Island, ::all Caunty, i�ebraska <br /> Tha� thereafter due notice s�as given to all c�ersons interes�e:�, and the c��urt <br /> foe�n� and determined that th�re ��as no inheritance tax r.?ue from sai� estate� �r <br /> fru:� the �evisees nar�ed ur��er said Last ttill and Testament 3na tr,e court furt.L�er <br /> �etermined t�at there vaas n� estate tax due the Unitec' �tates of America fror:� sa�� <br /> estate; <br /> That due and legal notice has pPen c;iven ta all persons of the ti�ne an�� ;•la:� <br /> ;ixed f�r hearir�g ar� sai� finai re�iort by publicatian for thres succzssive �,�eeks in <br /> the �rand Islan� Daily inde�enden�, a legai ne�rrspaper, pu�lished in JSc�^d Isiand,� a- <br /> braska, and �y maiiing a copy of said publ.ication t� all the heirs, d�visezs, ?e�a- <br /> tees and ai� o�her inieres�ed p�rs�ns v�aitrin five days after the nublication •�f ih� <br /> �irst issu� of said �oticey as by law provi�ed, ar,d na onp aroearing to object to <br /> t'�e fi7a2 zeport, and the court havin� exa�ined the same, together erith the rGc�:�:� s <br /> and -�vc�uchers on fiie therein, finds that said report is tru� an� c�rrFct zn a.1 <br /> thin�,s a<�� that the same should be allorrec: an� aF�oroved as and f•�r said �x��cut.r.ix°s <br /> fina�. re���x�t. <br /> The cou.rt finds �hat all ��f the �roperty of the deceased, both real an��i �mrsf�nai, <br /> di�' �ass an� descend under and by virtue of the terms �f the Last "�ill �nd T�s�a,nertt <br /> �f '�aill;.am i��. perr ta: �3ess Auh1, Alene �?�binson, �largariA �-aF>ier, Francc�s '�sehrp�s, <br /> an� Dorothy Martin, daughters; that one af t�e listed �a U�r�thy "�artir., ar�� <br /> also referred to a� Dortheyt+4artens and Dorthey tetarten are cane ane� the same aers�n <br /> ancl that said heir an�l devisee's real ar,d true name is f�orth�y �4artens. <br /> IT IS TF3E:2EFORC 0�?llEREI3, Ai}JUDGFD �'�;D �ECRSEI3 BY THE �C�UrtT that all nQrs�ns <br /> havina claims against said estate not Fil�d and a11Qc�ed vrithin the time fixed �y the <br /> court, i.f any such there be, are f�rever barried, excluded and snjoined settinr <br /> un or asserting any sUch c2aims a��inst said estate; that the final report �f Alene <br /> R�binson, �xecutrix, be, and the same hereby is in aIl things ap�r�ved ancl aliowed <br />°;. as asad fas said Executrix's final report, and that said estate is hereby settled and <br /> ,, <br /> clo�e� and said Executri.x as►d her official b�ntiman ftally discharged from any further <br /> liability in said matter. <br /> '� <br />;�, <br /> ,,� <br /> 2 � � <br />