� . .,. ,, . . ;: ,,n,.�:�. - , .. �,. _
<br /> �n the Matter o�'.
<br /> R�BECC�� H. THOMI�S,
<br /> Deceased . )
<br /> Now on this 2g� day of Oetaber, Z965, this cau�c� earee on
<br /> for hear�ag upon tY�c� ff.nal aacount and petition far deeree o�' dis-
<br /> tribution sltd dit�eharg� of Raymond E�ri Thor��.e, th� du3y appo3.nted,
<br /> qu�lified and avting executor of tbe e.:�tate of R�beoca H- �'hom�.�,
<br /> deceaeed, az4d tbe r�ourt having examined the r�eord�, pleadin��� pra-
<br /> eeedin,g� and proof on f31� herein, and having hear� th� evid�nce in
<br /> pupport thepeof, and bein� flall,y advi�Ld in the pr�mi-:�.., find,7 that:
<br /> 1. Dus and le�al natice of the time and place �f thi�.:
<br /> hearing ha� bEen given to a31 per,�ons intexe�tPd in :��.id e�t«-ce u�r
<br /> publication tn Th� Grand Isl�:�nd Daily Znd�:pender3.t for thrpe nuec��.�::-
<br /> ive weeks, and additional natice in th� m�,nner requir�d by I�,w, �znd
<br /> no ob�ections h€�.ve bQ�n filed to said account, c�r to ^�.id peta.tion.
<br /> 2. The fina�. account i� tru�, cc�rreet �nd eonpl�>t�? in ,3�_�.
<br /> r�npects� i� �hould b� approved and ailowed ss �h� €���cutor' ti F'ii���.
<br /> acoount: all of hig aet� and deeds as ex�cutor �`rio�ald ��� r�.�r�rQv�=� I
<br /> th� �gtat� ahould be settled and alo::ed- �.ndo upon t'ra� fii�ing ��' t�i.:=
<br /> €in�7. reaeipt:� herein as �xerutor, the ��-aid. execu�eor ::hould :�� di��-
<br /> ch€�rged �nd th� �.itzbiiity of ;�aid executar an hi-: bond �:houid ���; t�r�
<br /> mina�e8 ar�d hitt bt�nd re�.e�.�ed.
<br /> 3• i?ue notiae wa� given to a1.1 creditox�r and a:Ls. per�;�r��
<br /> h�ving elaim� a�ai��t �sid egtate of the time and p:.ace in which to
<br /> fi3.e their alaims and of a hear3.ng �h�r�an, by publie�tion in iY;e
<br /> Grand Ialand Dailg Indep�udent fvr �hr�e suece��iv� we�k�l, �.:; pr�-
<br /> �ricier� by 2a�t, �nd �ueh time Y��� f�i1y ��pir��, and �.n card�=r f�r�v�r
<br /> bar��.n� �nd ��cludin� ��.I t�laims agains� s�ie� cgtat�, not nreviou��ly
<br /> �i1ed witbin th� time �12t�w�d by ��.w, ws.� du�.y �nt�r�d herai,n on
<br /> - �Tu2y �9: �.g6�. and a.n a��nd�l ard�r, corr�eting o�.e �1ai r�, wa� f�.l�d
<br /> c�n Augu�t 2� 1965. Elev�an c�1�i�s were �'iled, on� o� whicl� wa<:, di;�^
<br /> mies�d bea�.use cafi d,up�.ic��iQn, artd. the re�ainirr�; 10 aZaims were aI-
<br /> 1r�wed and paid in P�11. Tt�ere �r� nvw due and owi.n� l�y the �:s�atp
<br /> c�r�a�.n �.dminis�rstive ea��ts, fee� and expense�, which �hs��3d b� al-
<br /> lt��resl and p+�id at thie �ime. 2tae ex�e��ts��, Ra�st�nd Ezr1 �horna.�, w�..ive�
<br /> � � �11 fee� �nd expen+ae� �� exec��c�r.
<br /> 4. Re'�e��� �I• �ht��� die�d t�s���e t�n F�ba�uax�r 27. 196�, be-
<br /> i�� �� 9c�i�t tim� 'fi� ye�r� ��` a�e, h�v�.� be�� bc�rn an J�uae 1�, 1�€38, .
<br /> p � ��: .�'� �he ti�e ��' b+�� d����r_a t��.t�.�en �nd ,� r�sid�nt �� Grand
<br /> ���.�� �,�:t ���ty� ������;� ��g* ��� ��������a �,������� �.n ����.
<br /> Ct+vx���*� ��-����r� +�he: 1��`t, �u��r�.��: h�a�, �� h�ar �ole s�d �a���r b#�ir�s-
<br /> a��-3.�r ��.���i"i.s��.��.+��, th� �`ol�.s�wi�* ��el.�:
<br /> _ ���
<br /> � �t ,C �'
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