such person or persons or corporation o.r a successor of th��m as my siste�s� r -
<br /> Jeanett�� Leiser and Ada E. Layman, or the survivor of tizem may designate
<br /> �nd .if they: tail to designate, a �rustee or trustees, or a succession of them� ;
<br /> or if such trust�e or trustees so designated and appointed also fail to • '
<br /> qualify or cease to sesve, then I d�signate Wayz�e A�;orris, or if he does no�
<br /> serve, then The Uverland National Bank of Grand Island, idebraska. I re-
<br /> quest that no bond or surety shall be required of my sisters, Jeanette
<br /> Leiser and Aoa E. Layman; I prefer that no bond or surety shall be require�
<br /> of any other trustee but the Court is authorized to fix a bond with or witk►m
<br /> out surety if it deems such acrion ess�ntial for the best interests of thP
<br /> principal beneficiary of this trust.
<br /> (2 ) Any trustee is authorized to resign as such trustee, sub,ject
<br /> to the a�pointment and qualification oT a proper successor trustee, a� here�•
<br /> tofore set forth, or in the event of the failure of them then by the �ourt,
<br /> and subject also to any terms or conditions which may be im�;osed by the
<br /> Court having jurisdiction then over the trust, and after such notice and
<br /> hearfnq, if any, as such Court may direct.
<br /> (3) I expressly grant to each trustee and successor trusteeq howm
<br /> ever designated or appointed, all of the discretions, rights, and authorit�er�
<br /> heretofore granted to my executor in Paragraph 4� hereof, and each trustee
<br /> shall also have all additional authorities that may be authorized by lawo
<br /> ( 4) The trustee shall submit a full report, prior to final distri� ;
<br /> bution of the trust assets, to the Court which then has jurisdiction of tk�e
<br /> trust, for its approval. Each trustee shall be reimbursed for all of his �
<br /> actual ex�enses, wHch are necessarily incurred in connection with this trust., '
<br /> and each such trustee shall, in addition, receive such additional compensa�- ��
<br /> tion as shall be determined to be reasonable and �-oper by the Court having
<br /> jurisdiction thereof. - '�
<br /> ( 5) 1ne trustee shall hold, use, invest and reinvest, administer, {
<br /> m�age, care for, maintain and accun;ulate all of the rest, residue and re-
<br /> mainder of my estate, including both principal and incone thereof, for the
<br /> benefit of my foster son, Raymont�i 13ylinski, who is ai�out 4� years of age,
<br /> and who has lived with me for about 47 years. He has n�ver legally heen
<br /> ado�:ted by me. l3ecause my own son's name is also Raymcnd, my foster son i.s
<br /> usually called Lestez Thomas, although there has been no legal change of namQ,,
<br /> (6 ) The trustee may, in his or its discretion, pay to, or use for�
<br /> the benefit of my foster son, Raymond Bylinski, also known as Lester Thoma�,
<br /> so much of +he income and princi�al of the trust, as the trustee shall from
<br /> time to time determine to be reasonably required, for his comfortable care,,
<br /> support and maintenance, and for his medical ando�ntal expenses and fo� th�
<br /> maintenance of his healtli. The trusteA may completely exhaust the principai, ,
<br /> my concern being prir.tarily for the care, support, maintenance and heal�h o�
<br /> my foster sonLrather than the praservation of principal for distribu:_ion u�;o�
<br /> termination ol the trust. After the death of my said foster son, my txusteeq
<br /> in his discretion, is authorized, but not required, to pay a part cA all a;
<br /> the expenses of his burial, and for a marker and the last illness cf my s�?:�
<br /> foster son on my family cemetery lot if any space is a:vailable at the �ime
<br /> of his death. Thereafter my trustee shall forthwith wind u� the trust anc�
<br /> distribute the principal, as it is then constituted, and any undist�-ibutec'
<br />, income, to my then living lawful des�endants, per stir�;es and not pe: ca.pi ;�.
<br /> (7) If the death of..�a11�la�ifiiT descendants of mine shall �c�ur
<br /> prior to the ti�ne of fina� distribution of my trust estate, then my 'rust��
<br /> shall distribute all remaining trust assets, including any accumula;��� in�
<br /> come, to, or in trust for the benefit of, such Ferson or �ersons, �nr u�on
<br /> such conditions and e�tates, with such powers, in such manner, and`a'� such.
<br /> time or times, as the last living lawful descendant of mine shall apt�cint
<br /> and direct, either by wi?1 ox by other writt�n instrument duly deliL�xed t:�
<br /> the trustee in the lifetime of such person, which will or other inst--�s�aerbt
<br /> Page 4 of my Last Will and Testament_ �,�i� ���' -_ ---_._-- -
<br /> p ecca . o�i mas -
<br /> " Initials of Yitnesses ���',�/.�I" �C � �
<br /> J23
<br />