fi.ridi�a� th�t the life esi;ate interest of the said Albert I�oehle-r r_e�:er
<br /> c�r�� int� b�in� k�ecause oi his grior de4tn on J�:pril �, 19 :3e
<br /> 7,� 3�� vi�°tue o�� the terms of the I,�st riill and �'estu�e�.t •;;�
<br /> t�� said ii�len T� Kc��:�lerp aece���d, all of the x°egt, residue and r�—
<br /> �.aandsr t�f th�'�rnper��r and es�tate of '�Y�e said deceased9 t�ras Given, de—
<br /> �vis�d ar�d ��::1�.���thed ta her husband, i-lbert �oehler, provided t�izat h�
<br /> 5ur�;itr�d ner, uut he din not surviv� her �nd therefore said property �:rr;�
<br /> -�o go tc� her d�ugh-ter, Jeanet-te :�. Koehler, �nd her t•,�o etep—e�ons, Jack
<br /> � > �ia�s�ler and y�ui �, �oehler share and shsre aYike Howe-�ar there
<br /> 9
<br /> 1 9
<br /> a� n� s�ach ��ogert� re�,�ining in this estate �nd there is no dis�ri};u—
<br /> �io� t� be r��d�o
<br /> 8> Ir ��.� ::i1.I oi sc-�id decea�ed, Aman.da Do Sehmidt., her
<br /> 4:�S�eT'p�n.;r.��s'_r,�me:i �i��t �;o s�rve as e�:acut�i.�o but she decl�.r.eci -to
<br /> {ecept suc�� :�p�,ointnent �nd iiled her declinatior� herein, ��nd th� r�x°—
<br /> �o.A ai;:�iec� r:es�.�s n�nta.ol� rJ, koehlere iler �rother—in—l��.y, .�.�.e ap�;��l.t;��
<br /> tc se�v� �.� t..e ��:�cuto-r n�re�n.
<br /> �a 1'rsi:� es�ute is n�+: subject to thcf��yment cf any Ir��eri—
<br /> �t«t;c� ��1:su ^ri� t�ex�e is :i� Iriner:��tar:ce ^�<:.: due the :�tate o�' ,:"e�r;=,�ii:� ,
<br /> �'���e�r� ina.v es��:t� e,r i'rom th� bena.f'ici:�ries tn�reof, �.nd ther^ is }.r,
<br /> �, �, , , �
<br /> t L'.'C1F.'�`"v� .i:`�'�"ici��� =d�: t�L2E v'T1E? �.1713.4C�.:i il tC v@`i-�' s
<br /> :L{�s `�aur e�.�cutar is desirous oi' having r set tlement cf fii�
<br /> i��;.�:1 �cc�u:�� ner�i-�i, and � uecree oi iir:al sett:.�:.ent er.tareu re:°c�rl,
<br /> a�i�d ;;ii� ass;:�,s c,f s�?c �st��te �istributed ��ccordina to l�:s-,�, ��,Zc; ynur
<br /> __ _ :;'_dl,ri' (�1u'i:i1�,�"o�C� Of' i218 ti22d9�:y d[1C1 3S1#�i f:.�*�E'CiIuOT' �?71:1 �iIE? S:dT.9f,�` J:Ci
<br /> ."a.1=; - Z?1.�:L��1 uJY:d Y'@1.�aS�Ci e
<br /> I�' It: '�'Ii��?�:r•OR� �FtD�P.iD, AD�]�L�D�i:L A3uL �i:Ci;E�:L' 3Y 'i'F.�:; �'Jl;�:�`?�
<br /> �;h�z v t'r�.e �itz�i �ccc�txzit �aeia iinai report filed hsrein by tne sa�cl ! rn:"i�-1u
<br /> G. l��eh:��x•, �xecutor �� the �state o:� Helen I. Koshlsr, decaa:��d, be
<br /> ana th� �;:�me hereo�= is i.i a��1 res�oecte approved, se�ct:.ed, canfirmed �::au
<br /> �lio�a�d as anci for t�.� final �ccount of said execu-t�r.
<br /> Ii IS FUI�tTH:��s. C}KDE�D� A17JUDGEi� �iNi� 1�ECiiI:.:D BY iHL „OiJr;`i tiZu+
<br /> �n� e��im haa i�es:� fil�� agaiust said �st�t�, whicY� r��s been d�uly al—
<br /> 2�eveci and, by vi�.�ue of a setoff, h�s been paid in iu11; t:hat ali ex—
<br /> pen�e� for �h� last illn��e and funarai of the �air deceased have been
<br /> p�i� an full; -�hat th�r� should be pa:.d to id���rd :��xon, �I:��l �oun�ty
<br /> Judg�, Arnhc�ld �, �oehler, Executdr o� said estate, ar�d r�ine �, Pairae,
<br /> attornays for said est��e, fees and expenees, whieh ehould be all��ed
<br /> snd paid a-� t�.ie timeg th�� an order was ent�red by this Court on Jul.y
<br /> 2, 1964, forevcr ba�°ring any elaimg against said e�tate9 ather than �h�
<br /> threc clnims, two flf which were dieallowed for the r�aaon th��t they
<br /> w�sr� p�+id in fu21 by J�an�tte Ea Koehl�r, personally, after the elaims
<br /> v�er� filed¢%fil+ec� wit�in the tim� allowed by law; and, that all pers�ns
<br /> havin� cl.aims against said estate not filed wi�hin the time fixed by th�
<br /> �:o�rt, if any �h�re be, are her�by forever barred, excluded �nd �njoin—
<br /> ed from setting up ox as��rting any claima wh�t�osver against said est�ate.
<br /> He1en Im Koehlex pas��d awsy te�tat� in Grand I�lan.d, H�11 County, Nebr—
<br /> ask�, �n �h� 29�' day t�f January, 1964. b�1ng at that tim� 59 years of
<br /> a�e, havi.�� been bvrn on the 18� day af Augu�t, i904; thst et the time
<br />. . /2- �3� .
<br />