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married and has no children. However, if she ia not living at the <br /> time oP my deatn, then her share in such real estate shall go to <br /> her law�ul descendants if there be any, w�r,o are living at the time <br /> oP my death, per stirpes and not pFr ca�:�ita, and if tr�ere are no <br /> lawPul de.cendar:ts tr�en livin�, tY.en s::are s'r.a�1 F,o to her hus- <br /> ba:i:�, _;:oviaed suci: rius�a::�.'� was larvful�y wcddeu to and 1lving wi�h <br /> rny said dau�i.t�r at t}ie tir�e o� ^�;� ��u�i-.ter' s dea��. ttn�. is living <br /> at time of my deat?�. It is ;�y intention t'r�at t��is remalnder <br /> int� rest, if my hus:��and shail survivE- r:e, sha]_1 ves` as of the <br /> tir..e of r�;; de�,t:i. <br /> 6. I �;�v� , devise ard bEqucat,., absolu�E7_y and in fee <br /> sim� le, all of tr:r rest, resldue anc�. re,n�_indEr of my r,roperty and <br /> esta:.r; , of wi�ich I rnGy die scized or possessed, or over w:�icn I <br /> r�ay havE tne 1,ower of dis�oaition or appoint;.,ent , or to which I <br /> may be entitled, inc�uuin:� :eal , personal an4 r..ixed Prot-ert3�, of <br /> e��ery kind whatGoerE�r and �vi:��r�so�'vE�r sit�aa*rc� , to Eil�ert I{oehler, <br /> my husba�d, of Grand Island, f��;brast:a, prov�cled he is livin�; at <br /> the time of my death. In the event that r.:y �aid husbar:d, Albert <br /> Koehler, i� not livin� at my deat'r,, then t.�is residue of ray estate <br /> s'r�all pass and be distributed to my dau�;rtEr, Jeanette E. Koeriler <br /> oP Grand Island, Nebraska, and to t��.e two �ons of my husband by a <br /> �rior marria��'e, nar�E�y, Jack C . Y:o�=��ler and Paul �. �oehler, which <br /> three persons shall rerea`ter be ccll�ctivE>l�� refe�red to as the <br /> cr�ildren of :<<y hus��nd, share and si.are al.ike , or to ti�e survivors <br /> or survivor of them, wno arE= livin� at �>;y dez�th, and iP none of <br /> said triree childrE:� of my izusbanc'� are tizen livin�, t'r�Fn tilis resi- <br /> C�Uf S�-AZ� `:&SS ,..:1�' �C 4� ?.��T'��:,ii.�. �� �S :.._�OJ'� � i,G-� ._�i.. t.r:G S}".�iT'e <br /> t <br /> of this reaidue, whicn eaci: of said ci_ildrer. oP rny rusband would <br /> have tr�ken n�d all of saic: cliildren oi rr:y husb�znd su.rvived me, <br /> si�all pasg and be diatribute�� to t:�ie lawful descer,�'.ants, per <br /> stirpes and not pFr c�.,,ita, of eac:� sucn crild of my Ylusband, and <br /> if any sucY� child shall die without l�,wful aFscendants, tr,en such <br /> �� r !�/ /� ', /, <br /> Pa�e 3 oY my Last tiyill and ^lestament� � .r-f��.�,/ / �-�_____.-Yi ii . <br /> ri e 1 en F-R3�e�i e r <br /> Initials o� VVitnesses ,���� .�-�9%�"J� +�� <br /> � <br /> .� <br />