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<br /> BVA 1li�i{AY, �ts�as�i� ) ,
<br /> -- .r �.,. ...,.: ... � �.. � _ � '�
<br /> N�v �a tT�� 23r� day of August, 196'�, at the ha�� of i0 a t�t? a.m., thf s '
<br /> �
<br /> z�atter ca�ne on to be he�rd on the Fina2 Accaunt� th� Petitian for Final �
<br /> �
<br /> Settlem�nt, the reccsrd �nd the �v,idsn��, and was� subznitted to the �ourt. �
<br /> Rggearing fcr the estats wer� F�nneth McKay. Ex�ecutor, �nd Thc�mas E. B=c>g�n. '
<br /> one �f the attorn�ys for the egt�te and fQr th� �xecutor ther�af. The '
<br /> Court, having exam,�.n�d th� pleadinga aEnc3 th� evidence, findas that all pro- ;
<br /> ce�dings her�tof€�r� had in s�id estat� m�ttt�r &ave be�n regulnz and in
<br /> �
<br /> conformity with the� priar carders of this C�ur�, that I�otice a� Probate,
<br /> Notice ta Credito�s, snd Notice c+f this he€�ring fQr £inal settlement have !
<br /> �
<br /> }a+�en giv�n according to law anc� th� prior c�rcl�rs of this Cc>urts that the �
<br /> affidavit on fil� herein r�flects that c€�pi�s o� th� Nc�tice of Final
<br /> Settlement have been perssc�nally served upon �11 parties intere�ted h�rein
<br /> i:
<br /> by United States mail in the mann�s prc,�vide€i by law, the Cvurt further finds i'
<br /> th�t the Certificates of the County TrEs�suarer and County Assessc�r, both Qf �
<br /> I.,
<br /> �nt�2ope County, as requir�d by Section 30-6a3, Reissue, R�vised Statutes
<br /> of N�bra�ka, far 1943, �� amendad by L. B. 5fl, 1959 Legis3ati.ve S�ssion, ;
<br /> are on fil� h�rein; finds generally for the petitioner and further finds
<br /> �.
<br /> as £allows:
<br /> 1. That Ev� MeKay died testate� csn the lst day t�f October, 1966, leaving !,
<br /> a� her sole and only heirs at l�w, c�evise�s anc� Iegate�s, and persons
<br /> interested in her �s�ate, fihe follawing nam�d: �
<br /> ;
<br /> Kenneth McKay, Elgin, Nebraska, husb�,n.d;
<br /> Char.Zes McK�►y, �lgin, Nebr�ska, son;
<br /> tY►�t bo'kh af sa.id per�ans ar� of Zegal age and are ccunpetent.
<br /> 2. That all debt�, claims and demands �gainst th1� e�tate h�rve been �
<br /> �
<br /> ` paid in full except the costs and exper��es of ac�tnir�istraticsn; that K�nneth �
<br /> ;
<br /> �f
<br /> T�icK�y has in writing waived th� fee� and ctm�ni�sions 8ue h�.m for his
<br /> I
<br /> serviees as �xectzte3rs that Brc>gan and A�n�en, attorneye �s�r sai� estate and j
<br /> � '
<br /> the Ex�cutar therec>f shcsuld be paid the �u�n of $ as the feea �<
<br /> �.
<br /> i:
<br /> �
<br /> G99
<br /> . ._� � . .�. . ..:-,� .T ,. , ._ - - _
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