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<br /> ICNQW ALL M�N BY THESE PR�SENTS: That I, Eva McKay, a legal re5ident of Antelope
<br /> County, Nebraslca, do hereby make, publish, and declare this instrument my Last
<br /> rnli.11 and 'I'estarnent in manner and form following:
<br /> I i
<br /> I h�r�:�l:�y :rev�l<e �ny and �l.:l tormer Wills Liy me made�
<br /> II
<br /> I direct that the expenses of my last illness and burial be paid out of my estate �'
<br /> as soon as may bc; after rny death, -,
<br /> � . III `�„...._ _--_,i,
<br /> I give, devise and Uequeath a11 of the property of which I may die seized and
<br /> possessc�d, or to which I may be entitled, to my husband, Kenneth McKay.
<br /> IV
<br /> Tam not unmindit.il of my son, Cl�arles NlcKay, but am intentionally omitting him
<br /> Lrom t_hc: rirovis:i.�ns �L` Chis Wil.l.m
<br /> V
<br />� I nornir�ai:e ancl appoi.nt my husl�and, Kenneth McKay, Executor of this Wi11, Znd i.n
<br /> che evrnt= he shoul.d be unabl.e to act, I nominate and appoint my son, Charles Mcl<ay,
<br />; �
<br /> l:xectitor of this 4�iLI,
<br /> IN �;(7:TNliSS WEICR}�OF I have si.gned, sealed, publzshed, and declared this instrurcient
<br /> i
<br /> as my L�zst (di17. and ':CesC:ament at. Neli�h, Nebraska, this � day of .7u1y,
<br /> ,j ` ,
<br /> :� ,-
<br /> �
<br /> ' ,'� �: 1 l t ._ -..._ and
<br /> ; 19u:>, in tt�e presenr_e of _ �; �i. - ------- —
<br /> , � '�l
<br /> ; , ' :
<br /> � ;- - �,Thom I have requested to
<br /> 1 ,�:_ ._ �_ . ..� �
<br /> --------,----- ----. _._._ Harold Rice
<br />'; act as <<tte.sl.i.ng w:i.tnesses hereto.
<br /> � Stephen I'. F'inn
<br />';
<br /> � , _ —_ --___--- _
<br /> We, whose namr�s ar.e h�reCv afiixed, do hereby attesL that on the date above set out,
<br /> � the ;orc�f�c�in� instrumenL- was si_gned, sealed, put>tished, anu declareu by F_va McKay
<br /> ; as and Lor her La�t Will and r1.'estr;iment in our presence and in the pr.esence of each
<br /> ! oL- us, and we, at the same time, in her presence and in the Presence of each other,
<br /> � Iierei�nt_o a�°:[i.x our names as attest:ing witnesses theretoe
<br /> ;;
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