<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> � � �
<br /> FINRL DECREE-------------- --------------------------------Page Six ''
<br /> �:
<br /> lvortnwest Quartes- (NWa) except rai.lroad right-
<br /> I'
<br /> of-way and exceptir.y public highway conveyed to.
<br /> h
<br /> � Adams Coanty by deed dated September 29; 1946, I,
<br /> �_�t Sectior Twe;ity-eig:�t (28) , Township Six (6) ,
<br /> Ranye Nine (9) , West cE the 6th P .M. , Adams
<br /> County, vehraska (145 a�res)
<br /> Northwest Quarter. (Nv�ta) of. Sectian Thirteen (13) , ��
<br /> Township Six (6) , Range Eleven (11) , West of I
<br /> the bt}� P.M. , Adams C�ar.ty, . Nebraska (160 acres)
<br /> South Hal{ (S`Z) of the Nc�r-theast Quarter (NE�)
<br /> and t?-�e �i�rtt: Hal f (N1z) cf the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (SE4) of Se.ction T.ziYcYen (13} , Tawnsi�ip Six (6) ,
<br /> Range Nine (9l , West vf tY�e,: 6th P.M. , Adams
<br /> � Co�lnty, �I�hr.aska (160 acres)
<br /> Soiathwest Quarter (SWa) of Sect�ion Sixteen (16) ,
<br /> Township Eight (8) , Range Nine (9) , West of the
<br /> 6tn P .M. , Ararns Cc;unt;�, Nebraska (160 acres)
<br /> South Hal� (S-`z) of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) ;
<br /> and the Southpast Quarter (SE4) of the Southwest
<br /> Quarter. (SWa) ; and the South Half (S z) of the
<br /> Northeast Quartrr (NE4) of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (SE 4) ; and t}:F Northwest Quarter (I3W�) of the
<br /> Northeast Qu-AY'Lr�z- (NE4) ) c,f the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (SEa} ; ar:3 t:�e East 3� feet of the Northwest
<br /> Quarter (?�IW 4) of t:�e Souttlr��st Quarter (SE�)
<br /> excspt �O f.eet riqnt-ot-way for. CB&Q Railroad
<br /> spur tx-ack and except Soutn 230 feet of the ,
<br /> Narth 28Q faet of the West 636 feet of the East -
<br /> 1288 feet of the �Iortheast Quarter (NE4) of the
<br /> Southeast Quarter {SE4) , all in Section Twenty- •
<br /> three (23) , `r���wnship. Seven {7) North, Rang� Ten �'
<br /> (10) , West of tne 6th P .M. , Adams County, Nebraska �
<br /> East Half (E Z} �f the ?�orthwest Quarter (NW�)
<br /> of Secti.on Ni rleteen (19) , Township Eight (8)
<br /> North, Range Si.x {6) , West of the 6th P.M. ,
<br /> Clay Cour�zty, Nebraska (75 acres) '
<br /> South Half {S z) c>>f the Nort:hwes� Quarter (NW�)
<br /> of Sectic�n Ten (10) : Townshir Ei.ght (8) North,
<br /> Range Eight (8) , West c:E the 6th P.M. , Clay
<br /> County, N�'.�raska (�30 acr�,�)
<br /> North Half (N?) of the Northeast Quarter (NE�)
<br /> �f Section Six (6) , . Townshz� .Se•�zn (7). North,
<br /> Range Eight (8� , West c�f tYie, 6th P .M. , C1ay
<br /> County, Nebraska (8d acres)
<br />, G .�'r� ;
<br />