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<br /> Th� Court��uxther finds that ox�'the l st day of Febx�a�*, :���7, �;,
<br /> y Q�der of .this Court�was made alTowing creditors until the l�� .da� �x �
<br /> June, 1967 within which to file claims, and allowing said executAr on�
<br /> year within which to settle said estate, and further ordering that
<br /> notice to creditors be published as by law required, and that a hearing ��
<br /> on claims filed against said estate be held at the office of the County
<br /> Judge of Hall County, Nebraska on the 2na day of June, 1967 at 9:00 �
<br /> � o'clock a.m., and it appears by proof, on file that such notice was
<br /> published as ordered by this Court.
<br /> The Court further finds that the executor filed herein his inven-
<br /> tory of the assets of this estate, together with a copy thereof for
<br /> the County Assessor of Hall County, •Nebraska, and that according to
<br /> said inventory said deceased died seized and possessed of the follow-
<br /> ing describad real estate:
<br /> , The SoutherZy one-half (S 1/2), except the Northerly six
<br /> feet (N6') thereof, of Lot Five (5), in Block Ten (10),
<br /> ' , in Schimmer's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> Items of persona.l property specifically described in the
<br /> inventory.
<br /> The Court further finds that on the ^znd day of June, 1967, an order
<br /> of this court was ma.de barring claims which migh� be filed against this
<br /> estate, and the court finds that no claims were filed against the estate.
<br /> The Court further finds that all ex�enses of administration, including
<br /> , court costsf attorneys' fees and ex�cutor fess have been paid.
<br /> The Court £inds that pursuant to the provisions of the last will
<br /> and testament of said deceased, the net assets of this estate passed
<br /> one-third each to the three children of said deceased, Elmer Becker,
<br /> Carolyn Fienen and Mary Lou Owen.
<br /> The: Court further finds that there is no Nebraska inheritance tax
<br /> due or owing herein, and that there is no Federal nor State estate taxes
<br /> owing by this estate.
<br /> ; The Court finds that copies of all published legal notices have been
<br /> sent to all interested parties during the administration of this estate
<br /> ; . as by law required, and that affidavits pertaining thereto are on file
<br /> herein; that certificates pertaining to personal taxes have been filed
<br />, herein by the County. Assessor and County Treasurer of Hall County,
<br /> ! Nebraska.
<br /> the final report of Elmer Becker, executor herein, be and the same is
<br /> hereby approved and allowed as suchT that no claims were filed against
<br /> . this estate and that all expenses of administration have been paid;
<br /> that there is no Nebraska inheritance tax due or owing hereinj that said
<br /> deceased was an unmaxried widower at the time of his death and left him
<br /> surviving as his sole and only heirs-at-law his three children, Elmer
<br /> Becker, Carolyn Fienen and Mary Lou Owenp that pursuant to the provisions
<br /> of t'he last will and testament of said deceased the net assets of this
<br /> estate, passed in equal shares to the said Elmer Becker, Carolyn Fienen and
<br /> Mary Lou Owen, in fee simple absoluteT that upon the filing of receipts
<br /> by the three said beneficiaries receipting for distribution to tizem of their
<br /> one-third share each in the net a.ssets of this estate, that this estate
<br /> is f ully administered and settled and that the executor will then be
<br /> discharged and released from his bond. '
<br /> IN WITNESS RWFiEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of tlie
<br /> County Gourt �of.�iall County, Nebraska this 30th day of June, 1967.
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