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�(�� I�cs�e may, at �{�� �ption of the fiduciary, be distru�uted <br /> �or� frequentty than annuaily, such distribut�on �a be to <br /> th� beneficiari�s desig�ated in S�bparagraph (a) of thi� <br /> paragraph First iiving at the time of such d�str,i'bUt�on, <br /> and upon any s�c� interi� di�tribution the fiducia�y shali <br /> �e aischar��d fr�n �ny furth�r acc�untirr �ith �e�psct �a <br /> tl1� a�o�nt so dis�r9�uteda <br /> SECON�: Wh�n u��er th� ter�ns her�of any prop�rty w�u3d <br /> vest i� abso�ute �r�ershi� to any p�rs�n priar to his ar lier att��n- <br /> i�g th� a�� o� 2i y�ars, �y 7rus�ees �Qy, in their diseretion, eon- <br /> t��c�z� C� hotci s�c�� c�roperty i�i trust fvr suc;► }��rson un�ii h� �r she <br /> sha1 � ���ve attair�ed �uch age. My 3'rust�e5 may, 3n thei� discret��r�a <br /> ac�ue�u 1a te the y r�corr�e for th� benef i t c�f such m3 nc�r or i�i s �r �2s- <br /> est�te, �r �ay pay t� or appiy ai � or any p�rt of suct� i�icon�e �nd <br /> principai to t�� benefit of such �i�or, either �y direct payrr�nt t� <br /> s��h �ainor ar �o a pare�t cr reiative e�r gu�rdian f�r I�i� �r h�r <br /> ben�fit, The auth�r�ty her�in conferred upon �ny Trustees shait be <br /> cor�strued as � �a�r cmiy and shall not c�p�rate to suspend the ��- <br /> soT�ate �wnership in such property i�y such minor or t� pr�vent the <br /> absotute vest�nr� tnereof in suci�� r�incr. In t��e aaini�istrati�r+ of <br /> suei�a trust, �y Truste�s sha11 be author3zed to exerc�se al � powers <br /> c�ntair�ed in th�s will appropriate f�r such Trustses, <br /> T1iIRD: I authorize and e�n�r�we� �r�y Executor, Substit+a#e <br /> Executors, Trustee, Substitute Trustees, and the�r successor or " <br /> �aacc�ssars ir; trus�, wi�hout �rior autharization or approval of any <br /> eourt to sio everyti�9ng they deesn advisable, thc�ugh nat autfnor�zed <br /> or appropriate for fiduc9�ries but for this pow�r under any statute <br /> or 3aa�, �ncluding in this grant without impairing its ptenary nature <br /> pc�aer ta: <br /> {a) Conti�►ue opera�ion af any �us�n�ss in which I may �n an <br /> �nter�st at c�eath, or which may fihereaf ter be acquired by <br /> then�, tor suth per i ad of t i me:, and i n the farm of ei ther a <br /> prapr�etorship, generai or limited partnershi�, corporatiorr, <br /> association or otherwise, as such fiduciaries may determine, <br /> +��thout liabiiity for any tosses incurred in c�rrying on <br /> � such business or for ar,y dapreciation in the aalue af the <br /> asse�s thereof, with fu11 power to emptoy a manager for any <br /> sc�ch busir�ess, to ent�r intQ any partnersh�p agreem�nt <br /> whether generai or special, or to organize any corporation <br /> or ather association as may be required to futf� ll this <br /> authority. Such f�dwciaries shall have the power 3n their:� <br /> discretion ta sub�ect the genera� assets of �y estate ear <br /> the principal of any trust to which any s�sch business, or <br /> partnership interest, or capital stock is a part; as the <br /> cas� may be, to th� clebt� or liabiliti�s of such busir�ess, <br /> partn�rship, corporation or association. I furtt��:r aesthor- <br /> 9ze �ny fiduci�ries to participate directly in th� c�onc�uct <br /> or +�s�ag�nt of any suth business, whether it be op�rated <br /> as a proprietorship, partnership or corporation, and to <br /> receiv� reasonabl� coinpensation �or such services. <br /> S� <br /> , .w.x , _ <br /> � _s � - . ;;, <br /> . � ,; <br /> . _ .. <br /> . �:. �- . <br /> . � .�<.. . . . <br /> . .,� ,r... ,.: .-.5 e�,� � ,., .;- ,r. <br /> 'T` tetni �a.�. � . k <br />