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f <br /> i�T1 T�iE COtTNTY C(3URT OF �IALL COUNTY, NE�RASKA <br /> 1 <br /> IT� �� �,T7.'ER OF THE ESTATE � <br /> �� � AMENDED DECItEE <br /> ,J��II� 3AY �ZELLOGG, DE�EASED. � <br /> �� <br /> �3o�a, on this �ldsy of August, 1h66, �I�is ma�ter ca�ae on �o <br /> �� h�ar� �xpon ��ie Peti.tiorr of ,3o�r► F'. I�dcCartYeyy for a final se�tle�nen� <br /> o� the Estate o� Jml�n J�y Kello;g, deceased, and t�ae final administra- <br /> ��.o� a���u�t of th� Adm�nis��ator With Wa.11 Annexed of said Est�te, �r►d <br /> ��e ev�.denee, a�d was �ubniitte� to the Court, on cansideratio� w�ereof <br /> t��e �o��� find�o <br /> '1'hat �he Last Wi1Z ar�� TestaYnent of said Jol�n Jay Kello��, �3�- <br /> . <br /> eea��cl, was duly probate� amd allowed in the Probate �a�rt oi Kc�o��s�si <br /> Cou�ary, Idaho, tY�at �eing �ehe Court having j+srisdiction of �he �ro���e <br /> o� es��i:es i.n said S�ate of Idaho. �"hat a�a autkaen��cated capy a� said <br /> Last W�.i�. anci o� t�ae pro3�a�e t�iere�f has ��en produced hereix� ��.rl �iled <br /> on tl�e 6t1� day og January, 196b, and t�� John �. NlcCartl�y, qu�l�.�ied <br /> as the Aei�inistrator W�th Will Annexed of said esta�e, a�d �Y�a� J'��ar► <br /> F. M��ax�hy, Aclmi_n�.strat�r o� the E�tate of 3ohn Jay R.e1ZogS, deceav�d, <br /> z�led in �his Cnurt his fin�l ac3minisLrat�.on of accoun� as such Adminis- <br /> trator and a Petition pray�.ng said account be se�tled and allowed, aaad <br /> that said e��ate be di.str�.buted �s required by law9 th�t John F. McCarthy <br /> be d�s�I�arged frora his trust as such Adminis�rator, and tha� for t�iese <br /> p�srposes, a time and place be assigned far hearing said Pe�ition and <br /> examining and set�ling said �ccount, and that siacr, not�ce be given thereof <br /> as the law directs. <br /> That on �he 6th day of January, 1966, an Order o� this Court was <br /> ana�e assigning the 3rd day of February, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock A.NI. , <br /> in the County Court Room of the Court House at �rand Island, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, as the time and place for hesring said Petition and examining <br /> and settling said account and reqniring that notice of said hearing be <br /> �iven to all person� interested by publishing; a notice thereo� in the <br /> Grand Island Independent, a newspaper printed and in general circulation <br /> in said County for three successive weeks prior to ssid date of heaxin�, <br /> that �aid sccount is in all respects true and correct, and that notice <br /> of the hearing hss been duly given as required by the Order of this Court; <br /> that due notice to creditors has been given that all cl.sims allowed <br /> a�ainst said estate�have been fully paid and satisfied and that said es- <br /> tate is fully solvent. That by the terms of the Last Will and Testament <br /> o� said John Jay Kellogg, deceased, he was possessed of the •tollowing- <br /> d�scribed real property in �isll County, Nebraska: <br /> AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF (1/2) INTEREST INs <br /> Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE�) of Section Four (4), <br /> in Township Ten (10), North, R,ange Nine (9), West of the <br /> Sixth (6th) Principal Meridinn, more parti.cularly described <br /> as fcollows: C�manencing at a point 306 Feet South of the <br /> Narth edge of the Southeast Qusrter of the Southeast Quarter <br /> of said Section,Z'hirtyThzee (33) Feet West of the E�st Line of <br /> said Sautheast Quarter of said Section, thence running South <br /> for a distance of 250 Fest, parallel with the East Line of <br /> said Southeast QuarCer, runnin� thence West €or a dist�nce of <br /> 246.4 Feet, running thence North for � diatance of 250 Feet <br /> and running thence Esst 246.4 Feet to the plaee of beginning; <br /> which was bequeathed to his daugl�ter, Jacquelyne J. WQhn. <br /> Thet the decesaed 1�ft i�urviving him as ;his sole and only h�irs <br /> at Iaw, CY►e� fallo�oing-nam�d per�ons: : � <br /> 2D . <br />