<br /> I�EE[3 �F TF�U�T
<br /> Lo�n N�: �7'������� ����`���7u�d� F�age �
<br /> a�fice o�the recorder o� HALL County, S�ate of Nebraska, The instrument sha�! contain, in additian to all o�her
<br /> matters requir�d by state [aw, th� names of the origina� Lender, Trus�e�, and Trus�or, tf�e boak and page �or
<br /> compu�er system referen�e} where this ❑eed o� Trust is recorded, and �he name and address of �he successor
<br /> trus�ee, and the instrumen�sha[I be exe�u�ed and acknowled�ed by all�he beneficiaries under th�s Deed a�Yrust or
<br /> their successors in interest. The successo��rus�ee, �rv.ithou� c�n�eyance of the Prvperty, shall suc�eed fia al1 �he
<br /> �itle, power, and dut�es canfierr�d rapon the Trus��e in this Deed o�Trus�and by applicable law. Th3s procedu�e far
<br /> substitution v�Trustee shall go�ern rt�the e�c�usion o�al�Qther p�ovisions�or suhstitut'ron.
<br /> 1V�T1�E5. Any no�i�e required �o be gi�en under this De�d �f Tru�t, incfuding without limitation �ny nn�ice of de�au[t
<br /> and any n��ice of sa[e shai! be �iven �n wri�ing, and shal'1 be effectEve when ac�ualfy delivered. v►rhen ac�ually recei�ed
<br /> by telefacs�mi[e �un�ess otherv�rise required by[aw�, when depvsited vtirith a na��onally recognized o��rnight courier; or, i�f
<br /> mailed, when deposited in�he Uni�ed 5�a�es mail, as fiirst class, certified or regist�red mai� postage prepaid, direc�ed�o
<br /> �he addresses shown n�ar t�e beginning of this De�d o�Trus�. A[[ copies a�F natices o�forec�osur� from the ho�der of
<br /> any iien which has priority over -�his Deed fl��Trust shal;� be sen-�tv Lender's address, as shown near th� beginn�ng of
<br /> this Deed of Trust. IAny person may change h�s or her addrsss for no�ices under th�s �eed of Trust by gi�ing formal
<br /> writt�n nat�ce to the o�her pe�rson or persons, specifying �hat the purp�se �f th� notice is to change the person's
<br /> address. For notice purposes., Trusto�-agr�es to keep Lender inf�rmed at all times a�Trustor`s curren�address. Un[ess
<br /> o-�herwise pro�ided or required by law, i��here is m�re than one Trustor, any notiCe gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is
<br /> deemed to be n�tice given to a[l Trustors. [t will be TruStor's respons�bility to�eli th�athers o`f tf�e not�ce�rom Lender.
<br /> �V115GELL�4NEQUS PR�VIS��NS. The�o��ow�ng misce��aneous prouisions are a part of this Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Ar�end�nen�s. 11Uhat is writ�en in this Deed o�Trust and in the Re[ated Documen�s is Trustor's enfiire agreemen�
<br /> vvi�h Lender concerning the m�t�ers co�ered by th�s Deed o�Trus�. To he e��ec�ive, a.ny change or amendme:nt�o
<br /> �his Deed o�Trus� mus�be in wrEt�,n.g and must be signed by whve�er wi[[ be bound or obligated by�he change ar
<br /> amendmen�.
<br /> �apti��► H�adings. �ap�kivn h��dings in thfs Deed o� Trus� are for con�enri.ence purposes vn[y an� a�re not �o be
<br /> used�o in�erpret or define the pro�isions o�this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> N[erg�er. There sha[[ be no merger o��he in�eres�or estate created by this Deed of Trus�k with any other interest o�-
<br /> estate in�he Praperty at any time held by vr for the benefit af Lender in any capaci�y, vvi�hou��he wr�tten cvnsent
<br /> o�Lender.
<br /> Gv�erning Law. Th�s Deed ��T�us� wi�� be gvWerned by fed�ral �aw ap�[ica�le to Lender ar�d., to the ex�en� nv�
<br /> pr�errYpt�d hy fed�ra��:aw,�h�laws €�f fhe State o#Nebrask�withaut regard tv i�s �on�I�c�s of.�aw prvWisions. Th�s
<br /> Deed o�Trus�has been a�cepted lby Lender in the S�ate�#Nebraska.
<br /> �haice v�F Venue. lfi there is a lawsui�, Trustor agrees upvn Lender's request to submit fio the jurisdict�on of the
<br /> courts o�Fla�f County, S�a�e of Nebraska.
<br /> Jc�in� �a�ad Severa� LiabaCity. A�1 obligat�-ons of Trustor under this Deed of Trus� shall be joint and se�eral, and all
<br /> re�erences to Trustor shafl mean each and e�ery T�-ustor. This means �hat each Trus�or s�gning belovv �s
<br /> responsible for all obligations �n th�s Deed a€Trust.
<br /> Na 1f1�aiWer by Lsnder. Trustor und�rstands Lender v�rill na�g�ve up any of Lender's rights under this Deed of Trus�
<br /> unless Lender does sa in vtirri��ng. The fact that Lender de[ays or omits to exercise any right wi[l no�k mean �hat
<br /> Lender has gi�en up tha� �ight. if L�nder does agree in writing to gi�e up one afi Lender's rights, that dves no�
<br /> rnean Trus�vr wi[[ not ha�e to comp�y wi�h the other pro��sions of�his Deed of Trus�. Trustor alsv understands
<br /> that if Lend�r d�es cvns�n� to a request, that does not mean that Trust�r will :n�t ha�e to ge� Lender`s ��nsen�
<br /> again if t1�e situation happen�s again. Trus�tor�ur�her understands that just because Lender cvnsents�o one o.r more
<br /> o�Trustor's r�qu�sts, tha�do�s no� rr�ean L�nd�r wi11 be req�ired �to consen� �o any of-frustor°s �uture requests.
<br /> Trustor wai�es presentrnent, d�mand�or paymenrt, prfl�test� and notice o�dishon�r.
<br /> Se�er�baiity. [# a court finds that any pro�ision o� this Deed of Trust �s nat �a�id �r-shflu�d not be enforced, �hat
<br /> fac� by ifisel�v�€:�I not mean that the rest of this Deed ��Trust wi[[ not be �alid or enforced. Therefore, a court wi�I
<br /> �enforce the res�of the pr�visic�ns o�th�s Deed of Trus�e�en i�a pro�ision of this I�eed o�Trust may he found�o be
<br /> in�alid v�un.en�vrceable.
<br /> Success��s and Assi�ns. Subject to any limitations sta�ed in this Deed vf Trust on tran.sfer o�Trus�or's interes�,
<br /> this Deed o�T�ust s.ha.l[ be binding upon and inure to the benefit vf rthe parties, their successors and assigns. �f
<br /> ownership of the Praperty becomes �ested in a person other than Trustor, L�nder,�without notice �o Trustor, may
<br /> dea[ wi�h Trustor's successors viri�h reference to�h�s Deed o�Trust and�he Indebtedness by way o�forbearance or
<br /> ex�ension withoufi�e�easing Trustor�rom the ob[igat�ons of�h�s Deed�f Trust or liability unde€�the lndeb�edness,
<br /> T`arne is nf�he Essen�e. Time is of the essenc�in�he performance a�this �eed �f Trust.
<br /> 1Nai►re Jury. A�� pa���es tv�h�s �eedl vf Trus�hereby rn►ai�e the righ�to any�ury�ri�f �n any a��Eon, �roce�ding, o�
<br /> counter��aA�br�ught by any pa�y against an}�ofhe.r par�y.
<br /> 1�aeWer of Homestead Exempt�vn. Trustor hereby releases and w�i��s a�� �-ights and �enef€fis o� �he homes�ead
<br /> exemption lavtirs o�the State of Nebraska as to a11 Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFlNITi�NS, The following vuords sha�! ha�e the�ol�ov�ring meanin�s when used �n this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �en��iciary. The word "B�n��iciar-y" mea:ns Equita�le Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> �3vrrvwer. The word "Bo�ro�rver" means Char[�s M Svrahan and 5usanne K Sorahan and includes a€C c�-signers and
<br /> cv-makers signing the Gredit Agr��ment and a[[the�r success�rs and assigns.
<br /> �redi�Ac�reer�ent. The words '�C�edit Agreemen�" mean-�h� credit agreemen�dated �u[y �. �a�4, 'V►Pith CC�C$[$
<br /> �[�7[$ �f ���,���.�� from Trustor �o Lender, together wi-�h a�l renewals o�, extensfons vf, m€�difica�ions o�,
<br /> refinancings af, consalida�ior�s of, a:nc€ subs�Ituti�ns fvr the promissary no�e or agreement. The rr�atu��ty date o�
<br /> this �eed �f�rus� is Ju�y 2, 2d�9. iVOT�CE TD TI�US�'�R: TF1E �F�EDIT AGREE�ENT C�iV-fA��IIS A V�F��A�LE
<br /> I1V�EREST F�AYE:
<br /> Dee� vf Trus�. The words "Deed o� Trusfi" mean this Deed vf T�-usfi amang Trus�ar, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> inc�udes wi�hou� limitation a�� assignment and security interest pro�isions re[a�ing �o the Personal Pr�per�y and
<br /> R�nts.
<br /> EnW�rvnme�tai Laws. Th� v�rords "EnWiranmenta� �avirs" mean any and aI[ sfiate, federal and local s�a�u�es,
<br /> regu[a�ions and ordinances rela�ing �o the pro�ection of human heal�h or the en�ironment, incEuding withaut
<br /> Cimita�ion the Comprehensi�e En�irvnmen�al Responser Compensa�ion, and Liabilifiy Ac� o� '[95�, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Secti�n 960�, et seq. �"GE�CLA"}, �he �uper��nd Amendmen�s and Reautho�-':zation Act of �986; Pub. L.
<br /> N.o. 99-4-99 {"51ARA"�,th� Ha�ardous M:aterials Trans�or�ation Act, 49 IJ.S.C. Sectian �$0�, et seq.,the Resou:rce
<br /> Cvnser�a�ion anci Reco�ery Act, 4Z U.S.�, Sectian �9��, e� seq., or athe� appl3cab�e st�te �r federai iaws, rulesr
<br /> or regula�kians adopted pursuan�there�a.
<br /> Everaf o�De�au��. �he words n Event o�Defaul�°' mean any o��he e�ents af de�au�t se�farth �n�his Deed of Trust in
<br /> �he e�ents o�default seciivn o�this Deed �f Trus�.
<br /> Exas�i�g �ndeh�edness. The wvrds '�Exist�ng [ndeb�edness'° mean �the indeb�edness desc�ibed ir�the Exist�ng Liens
<br />