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��14�4153 <br /> �C� "L�nd�r" is H�me F��era� Sa�i ngs and Loan Assn �f �rand I sl and <br /> Lender is a 5av�i�gs and Loan <br /> �rganized and exist�ng under�he�aw�of The 5tat� af Nebraska . <br /> L�nder's address �� ���. South La�ust 5t �r�r�� I s1�nd NE �88Q7. <br /> L�nder is�h�ben�f�ciary under�his Se�urity Instrument. <br /> {D} "Trustee" �s Ar�nd R Baa�k, A��orney <br /> 4 E} "N vte" means the promissary nat�signed by Borra�er and dated J u�.y �9, �n 14 . The Note <br /> s�at�s �ha� Borrow�r awes Lender �I FTY S I X T��USAI�D 4NE HU[�DRED E I G��TY AI�D <br /> ao�soo <br /> Dollars �U.S. $5F,18�.D� �p�us interest. Borrow�r has pram.�sed�o pay�his deb� in regular <br /> P�riodic Payments and�a pay�he debt in full not Iater�han Au gu st 1, ��29 . <br /> �F3 "Pr�perty" m�ans �he proper�y�hat �s descr�bed beiow under�h�heading "Transf�r�f R��h�s �n the <br /> Pr�per�y." <br /> 4G� "Loan" m�ans th�debt��idenced by �he N��e, plus interes�, any prepayment charg�s and la�e charges due <br /> und�r�he No�e, and al� sums due und�r th�s SeGurity Instrumen�, plus int�r�st. <br /> 4 H� "R�de�s" means al� Riders to this S�curity �nstrument�hat are execu�ed by Borro�ver. The fa�law�ng R�ders <br /> are to be exe�uted by Borro�ver �check�ox as app��cab��]: <br /> � Adjus�ab�e Rate Rider �] Condominium Rider � Second Home R�der <br /> � Balloon Rid�r 0 P�anned Unit DeUelapment Rider 0 I�4 Family Rider <br /> [�VA Rider [�] Biweekly Paym�nt Rider [.� Dth�r�s} [specif�] <br /> 4�� "App��cable Law" means a�� contralling applicable federal, state and local s�atutes, regulat�ons, ord�nances <br /> and adminis�rative rules and orders �that ha�e the effect of lau�} as well as all applicahle fina�, n�n-appealable <br /> �udic�a��p�n�ons. <br /> 4J� "Cvmmun�ty Assoc�at�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments" n�eans a�l dues, fee�, assessments and�ther <br /> charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Proper�y by a condaminium ass�ciation, hom�own�rs <br /> assoc�ation ar similar arganizatian. <br /> 4K� "Electr�nic Funds T�ansfe�" mean� any transfer of funds, fl�her than a transact��n arig�nated by�hec�, <br /> draft, or s�milar paper�nstrum.en�, which is �n�tia�ed�hraugh an el�c�rfln�c term�nal, teiephoni� instrum�nt, <br /> computer, or magnetic tape�o as to order, instruct, ar authorize a finan�ial ins�i�utian ta debit or�redit an <br /> account, Such term includes, but is n�t Iimited�o, paint-of sa�e transfers, automated tel�er machine <br /> �ransactinns, transfers initiat�d by t�lephnn�, �vire �ransfers, and aut�mated c�earinghouse�ransfers. <br /> �L� "Es�raw items" means thase items tha� are d�scr�b�d in Se��ion 3. <br /> ��VI� "N�iScellaneous Prvc�eds" means any compensation, seftiem�nt, award of damages, or pro��e��paid by <br /> any�hird party �other��aan insurance proc�eds paid under the co�erag�s descr�b�d �n Sect�on 5} for: �i} <br /> damage to, or des�ruction af, the Praperty; �i��c�ndemnation ar ather�aking of aI� ar any par�of the <br /> Prop�rty; ��z�}con�eyan�e�n���u flf condemnat�on; or���} m�srepresen�at�ons of, or om�ss�or�s as ta, �he <br /> �a�ue andlor candi�i�n of�h�Pro ert . <br /> NE6RASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac lJN1F�RM�NSTRUMENT Form 3a�8�101 <br /> VMP(� VMPfi�N�)t�3�2� <br /> Walters Kluwer�inar►cial 5er�ices Page Z nf 17' <br />