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��14�4153 <br /> Exhib�t "A" <br /> Part of the North 10 acres of the INest F�alf af the �Vort�west Quart�r of Sect��n Ten �1�},Townsh�� <br /> Ele�en �11� Narth, Range N�ne �9} West of the Sixth P.Ni., l�al(C�unty, N�braska, more particu�arly <br /> descri�ed as: Beginn�ng at a point on the �Iorth line of the North Ten Acres of the West Ha�f of the <br /> N�rthwest C�uarter of sa�d Se�tion Ten �1�}which �oint is 3�5.�feet West of the North�ast c�rner of the <br /> �Varth Ten Acres of the 1Nest half of the Narthwest Quarter of said Se�tion T�n �1D}; running the�ce <br /> S�uth para��el to the Eas� I�ne af the North Ten acr�s of the 1Nest Half of the Northwest C�uarter af�aid <br /> 5�ctian Ten �10} 331.o feet; running thence Vllest para�l��to the North line of th� North Ten Acres�f the <br /> West Half of the Northwest[�uarter of sa�d 5ection Ter� �1U} 132.D feet; running th�n�� North para�lel to <br /> t�� �ast �ine of the North Ten Acres af the W�st Half of the N�rthwest C�uarter of sa�d Secti�n T�n �1�} <br /> 331.�feet to a point an the North line of the Nor�h Ten Acres of the West �a�f af the �orthwest C�uar�er <br /> of said Section Ten �1D}; running thence East a�ong an� upon th� North line of the North Ten acres of the <br /> West Half of the Northwest Quart�r of sai� Sectian Ten �1�} 13�.�feet,ta th�actual po�nt of beginning, <br /> su��ect to �ne Ha�f of the�ounty Road t�the North af said pr�mises, subsequent to August 24, 1953 at <br /> 11;��o'ciock A.M. <br /> 199��hampion Ho�e Bui�ders <br /> 5eria� Nurr�ber-�5�7689146A&B <br /> HUD��rtif�cat�on La�els- NEB�55199 ��85198 <br />