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��14�4153 <br /> �3. Recvnveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by�h�s Securi�y ins�rument, Lender shall reques� <br /> Trustee�� recan�rey the Praperty and shali surrender t�is Secur��y Ins�rumen�and a�1 na�es ev�dencing deb� <br /> secur�d by�his Security Instrument to Truste�. Truste�shall reconve��he Propert�wi�hou��rarranty to�he <br /> person or persons �ega�iy entitled to it. Such person or persons shail pa� an� recorda�ian costs. Lender ma� <br /> char�e such person or persons a fee far re��n�eying�he Proper�y, bu�only if the fe�is�aid to a th�rd par�� <br /> �such as the Trus�ee} for services rendered and th�char�ing of�he f�e is perm�t�ed under Applica�le Law. <br /> �4. Suhstitute Trustee. L�nd�r, at�ts op�ion, may from t�me�o time remove Trustee and appaint a successflr <br /> trustee to an�Trus�ee appointed hereunder by an zn�trumen�r�corded in�he�oun�y �n which this Securi�y <br /> Instrument is recard�d. '�Vithout can�eyance of�he Praperty, th�success�r�rustee shall succeed�o al�the <br /> �it1e, power and du�ies�anferred upon Trustee herein and by Appiicab�e Law. <br /> 25. Request fo� �Vvtices. Borro�er reques�s�hat�opies of the n���ce of defau�t and sale he sen�ta B�rrower's <br /> addr�ss urh�ch is�he Proper�y Address. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�ar-r�iiy-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUMENT �orrn 3�2$1 J0� <br /> VMP� VMP6fNES L'�3�2} <br /> Wviters KI�€wer�inancial Ser�ices Page 15 af'[7 <br />