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<br /> �2etu�n 1���lr�ssa
<br /> �q�ita�l� �3a�.k
<br /> P� ��x 1C�
<br /> �ra��. Island., �ITE �S���
<br /> ��JB�'T'I'T'IJTI�I�T �F TY�US`TEE AlITl] I3L��I] ��' �t���1�TEYAlIT��
<br /> 1. Su��titutivn s�f Trustee. Ec�u�tabl� Bank� of P.D. Bo� 1��, Grand Is�and, NE
<br /> ���4�, �s hereby app��nted �uccessor Trustee under the Deed of Trust e�ecuted by I]u�fay �
<br /> �i��ma�gse�, A.�.Unrna�rie�. Perso�, as Trustor, in whz.ch Equitable Bank f�a The Equitable
<br /> BuY�di_rlg � Laar�Ass�ciatxon, FSB, �.s nam�d �s the Ber�.��iciary and Earl D. Ahlsch�urede,
<br /> Attorney, as Trustee, dated Septemb�r��, ��3Q�� and recorded ���te�b�� ��g ����, iri the
<br /> �ffice of the Re�ister of De�ds of Hall �our�ty, Nebras�a as Instrum�nt Na. �0�[�D'��5�
<br /> regardir��the r�al estate describ�d in paragraph 3 be�.�w.
<br /> �. I3�ed. v�Reconve anc�. Th� �n�ebtedness se�ured�y the Deed of T�-ust���cuted
<br /> by I3uffay l�ld I�Cernmi�gsen, A� iTn.mar�ie�. ��:�sor�., as trustor, to Ear1 D. Ah�schw�de,
<br /> Attorne�, as Trustee, for the b�neft of Equitab�e Ba�..k, fk�The Equ�table Bui�d�ng� Loan
<br /> Assa�zatzon, �'�B, as Ben��'ic�ary, dat�d Septer��er��, 2���, a�a.d recorded�n the a��ce of the
<br /> �2�gister of Deeds af�Iall Caunty, Ne�raska as Docum.ent Na. ������'589, has been paid, an�l
<br /> the Benefic�ary has r�quested in.vv�-�t�ng that th�s Deed of Re�onveyan�e be execut�d ancl
<br /> deliv�red as ��rnfirrried by its �ridorsement be�o�cr.
<br /> In corisideration of su�h payment ar�d�.n a�cordance w�th th�request of t�ie B�n�f�ciary,
<br /> th� �ubstitute Trustee r�conveys to the p�rso��. or persons �r�titl�d thereto a��.the right title ar�d
<br /> interest arid cla�m acquired by the Trustee pursuant ta th� Deed of Trust�n.the real �state
<br /> des�ribed �r�. paragrap�i 3 be�ow.
<br /> 3. ��sc�ri�ptivn of�eal,,,�state ap�lica�le tv ��t� �u.t�stitutivn of�`�stee
<br /> a�ad. I��est �f l�econ�r� anceo ... �.� ,_,_.._. ......
<br /> Lat E�:g�.� ���, �1n�k �ne H�andr�d T�ren.ty �ev�r� �1�'��, Uazion Pac�fa� �ail�ra� ��'�
<br /> Se�ond A�.c�ition tv the �ity �f C�raa��i Island, Hall �vu.�ty� 11T��rask�
<br /> and
<br /> 'T'�.i� Sou�th�rl�r Eighty Fo�r �8�� �Ceet nf Lot Teai �1�j, �n �l�ck 1�Tin� �9� i� �il��r�'s
<br /> A��.�ition ta tl�.e city of�rarad Isla�.d., �Ia11 �ou�t�, �Te�v�as�a
<br /> �nd
<br /> T�e �as��rly �ix 45} feet af Lat Five �5� anc� all of Lot ��ur ��-�, Capitc�l Hi�
<br /> �u.�d.ivisiva�. izn the City vf Gra�.d. Is1�,�nci, ]EIIall �vunty, N'�b�aska�
<br /> a�.sl
<br /> Lat 'T�ra ��j, �31v�1� Ninetee� �19� � I�.G. C1ar�'s �iclditi��a. t� t�ie ��ty �f�ra�,�.ci
<br /> Islan�.} �Ia11 �ount�, N��ras�a
<br /> EQUITABL� B.A.NK,
<br /> By � �� � � -
<br /> Thomas E �c��wsl�i, Chief E�ec�t�ve �fficer
<br /> ST�'I`E �F NEB RAS I�A }
<br /> }ss
<br /> C�UNTY �F Hall. }
<br /> The foregoi-r�g Substitut�ar� of Trustee arnd Deed of Recoriv��anc�was ackr�aw�.�c�ged
<br /> befare me this �� Day af- �_ ��,�(�� , ,.,,,.__, ��� , by Thornas E Gdov�rski, �h�.ef
<br /> E.�ecut�ve �ff"ic�r, Equitable Bar�k, ��ri�fi��.ary a�c� Su�str te Trustee.
<br /> . ��F.���A�-5����b�. � �
<br /> ��������"� ' .��� �
<br /> ��o��.�.�p�.�,��� ot��.�.r'y Pu�1�c �'
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