� � .� oll���r • . � • �
<br /> (�) Settle, ��compromise, ad,�ust, liquidate or re-
<br /> � lease claims and debts in favor of or a�ainst the trust; �rant op-
<br /> tions, easet�en�s and oil, gas and mineral rights, in perpetLiity or
<br /> for such times and upon such terms and conditions as the �rustee
<br /> deems advisable; develop and improve any properties containin� oil,
<br /> gas or other minerals and en�age in explorin� for oil, gas and o�her
<br /> , minerals; pay delay r•entals on leases for such periods as .�he trus-
<br /> tee deems advisablea abandon property deemed by the trustee to be
<br /> burdensome or valueless; borro�r mone5� and nake contracts as truUtee
<br /> � �v:Lthout �ndividual ��iability; partition any or all property, real or
<br /> �ersor�al, in which the trustee hol.ds any interest hereunder, and
<br /> CP�l3 Ptz�c�ase af: .an� pa.rt3.tion sales. ,
<br /> � G. `.Phe �:rustee shall not be required to qualify in.
<br /> uvzy co�;r� ar:d sucY� c�ualification shall not be a , condition precedent
<br /> to th� dischar•ge of my executor. The trustee is hereby relieved
<br /> from tlze duty to make any inven�ory or accounting to any court, and
<br /> any ar�d al1 statutory requirements concerning accountings by trustees
<br /> are hereby v�a:ived; provided, hor:ever, that any court oi competent
<br /> �urisdiction may, upon the application of any beneficiar•y or some
<br /> persoz� in his or her heha�f, require a formal accoun�in� by the Lrus-
<br /> t:C'P h
<br /> �i. Under no circumstance shall the trustee purchase
<br /> as an i.nvestn��ent for the trust esL-ate any securities or other :invest-
<br /> m�nt.> frc�m itseli' or :f'rom any bond department, investment coMpany or
<br /> other affiliated or subss_tliary corpor•aLion operat;ed by it for its osan
<br /> profit, but aut;hority is hereby �ranted to deposit �r•ust funds c��ith
<br /> the �an�cin� departrnent of �he trustee and to invest in shares or par-
<br /> �icipat;ions �n any common Lrust fund operated by it . The trustee is
<br /> specifically authorized to invest in shares or par�icipations in in-
<br /> vestment com�anies and investment trusts.
<br /> �. No person de�ling �•rith the trustee or the trust
<br /> estate sha1:1 be bound tio see to or• be liable for the app].ication �of
<br /> any money or o�her cansideration loaned or o�hertaise paid to Lhe
<br /> trusteey or to inquire into the poc�rer or authority of the trustee,
<br /> or into the validity, expediency or propriety of any transaction af-
<br /> �ectin� the trust estate or any part thereof. Any action Laken by
<br /> � the trustee in good faith in the exercise of any of its poc��ers, privi
<br /> leges or discretions sha11 be forever binding upon all persons.
<br /> J. nurin� the entire duration of the trus�, each and
<br /> every beneficiary of the trust shall be u��ithout potiver, voluntarily
<br /> or involuntarily, to sell, mortgage, pledge, hypo�hecate, asszgn,
<br /> alienate, anticipate, transfer or convey any interest in the trust
<br /> estate or the property Constit;utin� the trust estate or the income
<br /> therefrom unt:il the same is actually paid in�;o his or her hands, and
<br /> no interest of any beneficiary in, or claim to, the tru�t esL-ate or
<br /> any part thereof or property conLained therein, shall be subject to
<br /> the claims of creditors of any beneficiary, or to jud�ment, levy,
<br /> execution, sequesi;ration, attachrnent, banl-,ruptcy proceedings or
<br /> other le�al or equif;able proce�s.
<br /> K. If the trust estate should contain any propez�ty
<br /> �o� � �
<br /> _ . _ �,.
<br />