� - � .� ail �8� • , . . s , ,
<br /> . . . . �
<br /> or use for the benefit of my said grandnephetv such sum or sums out
<br /> � of the principal of the trust estate as the trustee may deem necessar�
<br /> in order to provide for his college education. The term "education"
<br /> � shall be construed liberally and shall include education aL any in-
<br /> stitution above the high school level, bui, in no event stiall this
<br /> �trust provide for more than four (?�) years of college education for m
<br /> said grandnepheti��. In making payments for the education of my said
<br /> grandnephet�i the trustee is empoi•rered not only to malce paym�nts to
<br /> cover his tuition, fees, boolcs, materials and other charges usually
<br /> associated �vith the cost of an education, but is also authorized to
<br /> pay .for his mainLenance and support v�hile attendin� college.
<br /> t.-:,:j . "
<br /> . D. The por�er granted by paragraphs B and C of this
<br /> Art�.cle V is: purely discretioriary in the trustee and shall not create
<br /> . any 1e�a1 or equitable righ� or power ��rhatsoever in ariy beneficiary.
<br /> Any sums paici to or used for the benefit of any beneficiary under the
<br /> provisions o�' said para�raphs B and C shall not be deemed to be ad-
<br /> vancements upon any payments of net income or principal to be made .
<br /> E. The trust shall terminate upon the death of the
<br /> last to die of my wife, BETTY K. BUETTNER, and me (re�ardless of
<br /> whether or not my mo�her, DOR�1 BUF,TTNER, and my grandnephew, JADZES
<br /> � CRAIG TOLLEFSEPd, or either of them, should be then living), and the
<br /> trustee shall thereupon distribute all of the proper•ty then constitut
<br /> ing the trust estate as follo�•�s:
<br /> (l) -One half thereof to my niece, DOROTHY FRIINCE�
<br /> TOLLEI�'SEPJ, if she is livin� at the time of the termination of the
<br /> trust, but if she should not be then living then to her issue then li
<br /> ing, per stirpes, but if there should also be no issue of hers then
<br /> living then to my nepheta, DALE FUESTI�LAP1, if he is then li��ing, but if
<br /> he also should not be then living then to his issue then living, per
<br /> stirpes, but if there should also be no issue of his then livin� then
<br /> to fihose persons who, according to the statutes of descent�s and dis-
<br /> tributions of the State of Missouri then in effect and in •the pro-
<br /> portions provided by said laivs, cvould have been entitled tb inherit
<br /> my estate had I died intestate at the time of the termination of the
<br /> trust . '
<br /> � (2) The other one half thereof to my nephei•i,
<br /> DA�E FUESTP�AN, a.f he is livin� at the time of the termination of the
<br /> trus�, but if he should not be then living then to his issue then liv-
<br /> ing, per stirpes, but if there should also be no issue of ,his then
<br /> livino then to my niece, DOROTHY FRI�NCES TOLLEFSEN, if she is then
<br /> living, but if she also should not be then living then to: her issue
<br /> then living, per stirpes, but if there should also be no issue of
<br /> hers then livino then to those persons Vrho, accordin� to the statutes
<br /> of descents and distributions of the State of T•lissour•i then in effect
<br /> and in the proportions provi.ded by said lacas, would have becn en-
<br /> titled to inherit my estate had I died 3ntestate at the tirne of the
<br /> termination of the trust .
<br /> F. The trustee shall have full por�er to sell, assi�n,
<br /> convey, lease (for terms of ninety-nine years or less), exchan�e, im-
<br /> prove, mort�a�e, pled�e, inve�t, reinvest, control and matia�e, all or
<br /> � � �
<br />