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<br /> Home Federa�Sav�ngs&Loan Ass�ciat�on�f Hvm�F�dera�Sa��ngs&L�an Assoc�at�an nf
<br /> �rand Island Gran.d Is�and
<br /> �Z 1 Sou th Lvcu s�Stree� 2Z I South Locust Stre�t
<br /> G�AND I�LAND,NE 658�1 GRAND ISLAND,N�f$8Q�
<br /> �Spa�e Aba�e This L�ne For Recarding Data}
<br /> LDAN�RIG�NAT�R NAME: Lisa May�r
<br /> NMLS�C)MPANY IDENT�F�ER: 44C443
<br /> NMLS�R�GINAT�R��3ENT�F�ER: 4�4��9
<br /> I]�ED �� TRI.TST
<br /> BY '�HIS I]EED �F TRUST) f
<br /> T��S DEED �F TRUST �"Se�ur�ty �nstrurnent") is ma�e vn Ju�y 1, Z0�_4. The grant�rs are JAMES T HULL
<br /> and HEATI3ER A HULL, husband and wife, wh�se address �s 34Z3 �RL�ANS DR, GRAND ISLAND,
<br /> Nebras�a C8$U3 �"Borrovver"�. Bflrrov�er �s not ne�essar��y the same as �he Pers�n ar Pers�ns v�h� sign �he
<br /> H�me Equ�ty L�ne of Cred�t Agreement, dated Ju�� l, �U�.4 t"C�ntra�t"}. The obliga��or�s ��'Borrav�ers �ha
<br /> did not sign the �on�ra�t are expla�ned fu.r�her �.n �he seGti�n �itIe� �ucce�sars and Assigns B�und; Jo�nt and
<br /> Se�era[ Liab�l�ty; Accommodat�an Sxgners. Th.e trustee �s Arend R. Baack, A��orney whose address �s P.�.
<br /> Box 794, �rand Is�and, Nebraska 68$OZ �"Trustee"�. Th� benef ciary �s I�ome Fed�ra� Sa��ngs & Loan
<br /> Assoc�at�on of�rand Is�and,v�hxch is organized and e��s��ng under th��avvs�f the Uri�ted Sta�es of.A.mer�ca and
<br /> v�hose addre�s is 221 S�u�h Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 5S8U1 �"Lender"�. JAMES T HULL and
<br /> HEAT�IER A HULL hav� ent�red inta a Con�:ra�� v�i�h Lender as �f Ju�y 1, ZU14, under the terms of v�hich.
<br /> Barro�er may, fr�m.txme to t�me, obtain ad�ances na�to exceed, a� any �z�ne, a ''�**�VIAXIMUM PRINCI�AL
<br /> AM�UNT tEXCLUDING PR�TECT.IVE ADVAN�ES�**� of Twenty-f��e Th,ou�and and ��I1�U Da�lars
<br /> tU S $25�UflU.flO� �f iGredi�L�m��ti"�. Any pax�y�nteres�ed ixa the de�ai�s rela�ed to Lender's con��nuing abliga�xon to
<br /> make ad�anc�s �o B�rro�ver i.s advised�o consui� dire���y���h Lend�r. �f not pa�d ear��er, the sums awing under
<br /> Borrow�r's Con�ract v���h Lender w�I�be due on Ju�� 15,Z019. Th�s Secur�t�Instrument secures t�Lender: �a}the
<br /> repaymen��f�he deb�under�he�ontrac�,w�th interes�, in��uding future ad�ances,and a��renevva�s,extensiflns and
<br /> m�difcations of the �ontra��; �b)�he paymen.t of a�� ��her sums, Wi�h interes�, ad�an�ed to protec�the s�curi�y of
<br /> this S�cur��y Instrument under the pr�vxsians af�he se�tion���Ied Protect�an�f Lend�er's Rights�n the Proper�y;
<br /> and�c}�he performance of B�rra�ver's co�er�an�s and agreemen�s under this Securi�y.�nstrumen�and�he�on�ract.
<br /> For t�is purpase, Barrower, in cons�dera��on of the debt and the trust herein crea�ed, �rre�ocably grant� and
<br /> c�nveys to Trustee, ita �rust, wi�h pvv�er af sa�e, the fo��ov�ing descr�bed proper�y.�o�ated �n �he CUUNTX flf.
<br /> HALI�, State of Nebraska:
<br /> Address:3�23 URLEANS DR, �RAND ISLANp,Nebraska f 8SU3
<br /> Legai Descript�an: L�T TW� ��}, ��I.�QNIAL ESTATES F[]URTI-� SU�D�VISIUN IN THE CITY
<br /> T4GETHER VL�ITH a�l �he improvements novv or hereafter erec�ed �n the prvperty, and al� easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enan�es, and fi�tures na,w or hereafter a part af�he property. Ail rep�ace�nen�s and add�t�ons shal� a�so be
<br /> �o�ered by th�s Secur�ty Instrument. AI� of �he f�regoYng is ref.erred �a �n this �ecuri�y �n.s�rument as the
<br /> "Property."
<br /> B�RR�WER CaVENANTS �ha�Borr�,wer zs �av�rfully seised nf�he es�at� hereby con�eyed and has�he righ�to
<br /> grant and can�ey the Pr�perty and tha� the Pr�perty �s unencu.mbered, excep� for enGumbrances of re�ord.
<br /> Sarro�er v�arran�s and wi�I def.�nd genera��y �he t�tie �o �he Pr�perty aga�ns� aI� c�ai.ms and �lemands, subject ta
<br /> any encumbrances�f record.
<br /> B�rro�ver and Lender covenan�and agree as fo��avvs:
<br /> Paymen��f Princ�pa�and I�nterest; �ther�harges.Bo�-r�v�er shai�pro�npt�y pay�vhen due the princ�pal of and
<br /> interes�an the d�b�owed under the�ontract and late�harges or any��her fees and�harges due under�he Con�rac�.
<br /> 0 2D04-2413 Carr�p�iance 5ysterr�s,�n�.9F95-�DB7-2D13L2.�.72�
<br /> Cvnsurr�er Real Estate-Security instrument DL2036 Fa�e 1 af S www,cam�liancesystems.cvm
<br />