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��14�411� <br /> �n the e�ent of 1oss,Borro�ver sha��giv�Lender immediate notic�by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if <br /> not made pramptly by$orro�ver. Each insuirance company�oncerned is hereby authorized and directed to <br /> mal�e payment for suc��ass duectly ta Lender, instead af to Borrower and to Lender jointly. A��or any part <br /> of the insurance proceeds ri�ay be applied by Lender,at its option, either(a}to the reductian�f the <br /> in�e�btedness under the Note and this 5ecurity I�strument, first to any d�linquent am�unts applied in�he <br /> order in paragraph 3,and then ta prepayment af princ�pal,ar(b}to the restoration or repair of the damaged <br /> Praper�y.Any app�icatian of the proceeds�o the principal sha11 not extend or p�stpone the due date of the <br /> monthly payments�hich are referred tv�n paragraph�,or change the amount of su�h payments.Any excess <br /> insurance proceeds o�er an amaunt required to pay a11 outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this <br /> Security Instrument shall be�a�d to the entity Iegally entitled thereto. <br /> In the event of foreclosure af this Security Instrument or other transfer of titl�to the Property that <br /> extinguishes the indebtedness,all right,title and in�erest of�orrower in and to insurance policies in force <br /> sha�l pass�o�he purchaser. <br /> 5. �ccupancy, PF��ervation, Maintenan�e and Protection of the Property; 8orrower's Loan <br /> App��cat�on;Lea�eholds.Borrower sha��occupy, e�tab�i�h, and us�the Property as Bor�'ower's principal <br /> r�sidence�vi�hin sixty days after�he execution af this Secur�ty Instrument�ar w��hin sixty days�f a later saie <br /> or tran�f�r of the Pr�perty)and sha�l continue to occupy the Property as Bvrrower's principal res�dence for <br /> at least a�.e year after�he date of accupancy,unless Lender determines that requir�ment�vi11 cause undue <br /> hardship for Borrower,or unless extenuating circumsta.nces exist which are beyond Borra�ver's control. <br /> Borr�wer shall natif�Lender af any extenuating circumstanees. Borrower shall not c�mmit waste or destroy, <br /> damage vr substantially c�.ange the Pr�perty or allow the Praper�y to deteriorate,reasonable wear and tear <br /> excepted. Lender may inspect the Prvperty if the Progerty is�racan�or abandaned or the loan is in default. <br /> Lender may�ake reasonab�e action�a prot�ct and preser�e such�acan�or abandon�d Propert�r. Barrower <br /> shali a�so be in default if Barro`uer,du�ring the loan applicatxon pracess,ga�re materially false or�nac�urate <br /> infarmation or statemen�s t�Lender(ar failed to provide Lender with any material information}in <br /> connecti�n tivith the loan evidenced by the Note, in��uding,but not limited to,representations concerning <br /> Borrower'�oc�upanc�of th�Property as a princip�l residence.If this Security Instrument i�on a leasehvld, <br /> Borrawer sha��comp��with the provis�ons of the lease. �f Borro�er acquires fe�����e to the Property,the <br /> leaseho�d and fee�itle sha��not be merged un�ess Lender agrees ta th�merger in writing. <br /> �. Condemnation.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cons�quen��a1, in Gonnection <br /> with any condemnation or o�her taking of any part of the Property, ar far conveyance in p�ace of <br /> condemn.atifln, are hereby assigned and sha11 be pa�d to Lender to the ext�nt of the full amount of the <br /> indebtedness that remains unpaid under the Nate aad this Security Instrument. Lender sha11 apply such <br /> proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and�his Security Instrument, fir�t�o any <br /> de�inquen�t amauats applied in the order prov�ded ir�paragraph 3, and then to prepayment of principal.Any <br /> application of the proceeds�o the principal�ha�t nat�xtend ar postpone the due date af the monthly <br /> payments,which are referred ta in paragraph 2,or change the amount of such payments. An�r excess <br /> groceeds o�er an amount requir�d t�pay a11 outsta.nding in�lebtedness under the Note and�his Secu.r�ty <br /> �nstrum�nt shall b�paid to the entity 1ega11y entitled�hereto. <br /> 7. Char�estv Borrvwerand Prote�t�vnof L+ender's R��hts in the Property.Borrow�r shall pay a11 <br /> governmental or municipal charges, fines and�mpositions that are aot included�n paragraph�. Borro�ver <br /> sha11 pay these obligations�n��me directly ta the entity which is owed the paym�nt, �f Failure�o pay would <br /> adversely affect L�nder's int�rest in the Property, upon Lender's request Borrower sha�l promptly furnish�o <br /> �.ender rec�ipts evidencin�these payments. <br /> If Bonower faits to make these payments a�r the payments required by para�raph�,or fails to perform any <br /> other covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may <br /> FHA Mortgage WITH MERS-NE Re�ised 419fi <br /> VMP� VMP4N(NE)(13�2).� <br /> Wolters Itluwer Fina�cial Servi�es Page 4 af�D <br /> q�3323328�13 ��33 44� �41� <br /> . <br />