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��14�4�9� <br /> C]EE�3 �F �"F�LJST <br /> . <br /> f�ar�t�r�ue � �a�� �. <br /> may be�he naminal pa�-ty�n such proceeding, hu�Lender�ha[l be en�itled to pa�t�Cipa�e in�he p�o�eeding and�ta be <br /> represented in the praceeding by counsel of i�s awn choice, and Trustor w��� defi�er or �ause to be deli�ered �v <br /> L�nder such instrumen�ts and documenta�ian as may be requested by Lender from �i�ne ta time tv permit such <br /> parti��patian. <br /> App['rcat�on of Net P�a�e�d�. �f all or any part o�fhe Praperty is condemned by erninent domain proceedings or by <br /> any prace�d�ng or purchase in lieu af candemnat�on, L�nder may at�ts e�ec�ion require fhat all or any porti�n o��he <br /> net praceeds of the award be applied t� the lndeb-�edness or �he repair ar res�ora��or� of�he Proper�ty. The net <br /> praceeds o��he award shall mean the avtira�d aft�r payment of a1! reasonabfe Gosts, �xpenses, and attorneys' fe�s <br /> incurred by T�ustee or Lender in eonneGtion with the candernnat€on. <br /> CMPQ5ITlDN �F TA�ES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GDVER�V[li[ENT�IL AUTH�RIT�ES. The fa[Iowing pra�isions relat�ng <br /> �o go�e�nmenta[taxes,fe�s and charges are a part��this D�ed of Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, F�es and Gh�rges. Upan reques� by Lender, Trustar shalf execute such dacuments in addition to <br /> this D�ed Q�Trus�and�ake whate�er�ther actian is reques�ed by Lender fiv per�ect and �antinue Lender's lien on <br /> �he Rea� Property. Trus�or shall reimburse Lender �or all taxes, as described below, �oge�her w�th afl expenses <br /> incu�red in re�ording, perfec�ing ar con�tinuing fhis peed ❑� Trus�, inc�uding vtiri�hou� limi-�a�i�n ai� �axes, fees, <br /> documentary stamps, and ather charges f�r�ecording or regisfiering�h€s [Jeed of Trusfi. <br /> Taxes. The fo�[ovving sf�all cons�itute taxes to whi�h �his section appfies: {'�� a specifiG tax upon this type o� <br /> Deed o�Trust o� up�n a[f or any part of the �ndehtedness se�ur�d by�his Deed of T�ust; ��� a specific tax on <br /> Trus�or whi�h Trustor is authori�ed or required tv deduct frvm payments�n the lndebt�dness secured by�his fype <br /> of❑eed o�F Trust; �3} a �ax on this�ype of I]eed o#Trusfi chargeable against the Lender or the hald��o�the Note; <br /> and �4� a speci�ie�ax an a[I vr any por�ian Q��he �ndeb�edness a�-on paymen�s of principaf and interest made by <br /> Trus�or: <br /> Subsequent Taxes. �� any �ax t❑ vvhich this section app{ies is enacted subsequen� �to the da�e o� �h�s ❑eed o� <br /> Trus�, this e�ent shall have �he same ef��c� as an E�ent �f Defaul�, and Lender may exerc�se any or all of its <br /> available remedies for an Event of Defaul� as pro�ided be[ov+r unless Trustar �ither ��� pays the �ta� befare it <br /> becvmes definquen�, or {�} contests�he tax as pro��ded ab�ve �n the Taxes and Liens se�t�on and deposi�s vtiri�h <br /> Lender cash or a sufficienf Gorparate sur�ty band ❑r other security sa�is�factory to Lender. <br /> SECURiTY AGREEi�ENTi F[NANCiNG STATE�ENTS. The �o��owing pra�isions re�atfng �� �his Deed of T�ust as a <br /> secu�-�ty ag�eement are a par�of this ❑eed of Trust; <br /> 5ecur�ty Agreement: This ins�rument sha�� constitu�e a 5ecuri�ty �gr��menfi ta the ex�ent any of the Proper�y <br /> constitutes #ixtu�-es, and Lender shall ha�e a�€ of the righ-�s af a secured party under the Uniform Commercia� �ade <br /> as amended�rom time to�ime. � <br /> 5ecurity lnterest. Upon request by Lender, Trustor sha11 �ake vvhateirer ac�ion is reques�ed by Lender ta perfec� <br /> and cantinue Lender's securi�y in�eres� �n �he Ren�ts and Persona� P�aperty. �n addit�on �a re�o�ding �his D�ed of <br /> Trust in the rea! property records, Lender may, a� any �ime and w�thou� �urther authoriza�ion �ram Trustor, file <br /> executed counterparts, cqpies ar reproduct�ons flf this �eed v# Trus�t a-s a €inanc�ng sta�em�nt. Trus�vr shal[ <br /> reimhurse Lender for afl expenses incur�red in perfec�ing or can��nuing this securit� int��est. Upon default, Trustor <br /> shall not rernove, sever or detach �h� Pe�-sonal Property from the Property. Upon defau[t, Trust�r shafl assemble <br /> any Pe�-sona� Property no�affixed to the P�-aperty in a manne�and a�a pf aGe reasana�[y con�enient�o Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�aifable to Lende�r uvithin �hree �3� days afk�r receip� af wri�ten demand f�om Lend�r to the <br /> extent per-mitt�d by applic�ble law. <br /> AC�C�C�55�5. The maifing addresses o� Trustor �deb�or} and Lender {secured party� fram �hich in�ormation <br /> concern�ng �he security interest granted by this Deed of Trus� may be �b�ained {each as required by the Uni�vrm <br /> Commerc�a� Code} are as s�ated on�he���st page of-�his Deed❑�Trust. <br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ►4TT�RNEY-lN-FACT. The �Fol�ow�ng provisians re�at;ng �� fiurth�r assurances and <br /> attarney-in-fac�are a part o�this D�ed at Trus�: <br /> Furt�er Assuranc�s. A�any t�m�, and �rom time to ��me, upvn reques�of Lender, Trusto�wiff make, e�ecute and <br /> deliver, or will cause to be made, executed or d�li�ered,to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when r�ques�ed by <br /> Lender, cause to be �Fii�d, recorded, �efiled, or r�r�corde�, as fhe case may be, a� such ��mes and �n suGh afifices <br /> and plaGes as Lender may deem appropriate, ariy and a�� such mar�gages, deeds af trust, security deeds, secur��y <br /> agreements, financing statem�nts, continuation statements, ins�rumen�s o# furkher assu�ance, eertificates, and <br /> other dacuments as may, in the so[e vpinion of Lender, be nec�ssary ar des�rab�e in order to e��ec�ua�e, �ompl�te, <br /> per�ec-�, can�inue, or preserve ��y Trus-�or`s abligations under �h� Nofie, th:�s D�ed af T�ust, and the R�la�ed <br /> �]ocumen�s, and �2} the �iens and se�uri�y in�erests cr�:ated by this Deed a�Trust as first and prior li�ns on the <br /> Prop�rty, whether naw owned ar hereafter aGquired by T�-us�kar. Unless prohih�ted hy law a� Lender agree� �o the <br /> contrary in writing, Trus�o� sha�� reimburse Lender far a�� �osts and ��penses incurred in connec�ion vvith the <br /> matters referred�v in this paragraph. <br /> At�arney-in-Fact. �f Trustor fails to da any of the things r�#erred �o in the preced�ng paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> f�r and in th� narne of Trustor and at Trus�or's expense. F�r su�h purposes, Trustvr hereby �rrevacabfy appoints <br /> Lender as TrustvrTs at�orney-in-�act fa��he purpase of making, executingr delivering, �fi[ang, re�arding, and do�ng afl <br /> oth�r th�ngs as may be necessary ar des��-ah�e, in Lender's so�e opsnion, to accompl�sh the matte�s referred to in <br /> �he prec�d'€ng paragraph. <br /> FULL PE��DRMANCE. [f Trus�or pays a11 the Indebtedness, inGluding w�thout[imi�a�ion ai� �uture ad�ances, when due, <br /> and otherwise per�orms af I �he ahligations imposed upon Trustar under this Deed of Trust, Lender sha�� execute and <br /> de[€ve�' to Trustee a request for fu�� r�conveyance and sha11 execute and deli�er to Trustar suitable statements o� <br /> �ermination of any financing statement an file e�idencing Lend�r's securi-�y in�eres� �n the Ren�s and the Persvnal <br /> Proper-�y. Any recon�eyance-Fee t-equired by la�shall be paid by Trustar, if permit�ed by appf i�able faw. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAR.ILT. Each o�the follotinring, at Lender's vption, shafl const�tute an E�ent o� De�auf�t unde�'�his Deed <br /> o�T�ust: <br /> Payrnent Defaul�. Trus�tor fails to make any payment when due under�he lnd�b�edness. <br /> [7ther De#au�ts. Trustor -�ai�s to comply wi�f� or tp p�r�orm any o�her term, vh��gationr ca�enant ar cvnd�tivn <br /> contained in this Deed of Trust or in any o� the Reia�ted Dacum�n�s ar to campfy with or �o Perfarm any term, <br /> obliga�ionr ca�enant or candi�ion containe� in any other agreemen�be�v�reen Lend�r and Trustar. <br /> Cornpiiance Defaul�. Faifure to comply with any other term, ok�ligat�on, co�enan� or condifion contained in �his <br /> Deed v�Trus�,the Note or in any��the Re�ated Da�uments. <br /> Defaul�vn�ther Paymen�ts. Fai�ure v�Trus�or wi�hin the time required by this Deed v�Trust to make any paym�nt <br /> �or�axes o.r insurance,or any other paymen�ne�essary fio p�e�en�t fifing ofi or to�f��ct c�ischarge��any Iien. <br /> De€au�t'rn Favor of Third Parties. Shvuld Granto�-defau[t under any fvan, extension of �redit, securi�y agreemen�, <br /> pur�hase �r sa[es agreer�en�, or any other agreem�nt, in �avor of�ny ather �redi�or or person that may materially <br /> af-Fe�t any af Grantor7s prvperty ar �rantor`s a�ili�� to repay the lndebtedness or �rantor°s abilFty to per�orm <br /> Granto�'s vb�iga�ions r�ncier tf�is Deed of Trust vr any o�the Refa�ed �ocurr�ents. <br />