<br /> �EE� �F TR�J�T
<br /> .
<br /> ����lt�n�l� Page �
<br /> an, under, about or �ram �he Property by any prior owners o� a�eupants of �he Property, or 4c} any actua� ar
<br /> �h�-eatened Iiti�ati�n or cfaims of any kind by any person relating to such ma��ers; and �3} Except as previously
<br /> disclosed to and aGknow�edged by Lender�n writing, 4a} neifihgr T�-ustor nor any�enant, con�ractor, agent or o�her
<br /> au�hQri�ed user a�the Proper�y shall use, gene�-ate� manufactur�, stare,treat, dispose o�or release any Ha�ardaus
<br /> Substan�e an, unde�, abaut vr�rom the Properry; and �b� any suGh acti�ity shail be condu�ted �n campliance v►rith
<br /> all app��cah�e feder-a[, sta�e, and focal la�s, regula�ions and ordinan�es, inc�ud�ng withaut limita�ian a[f
<br /> En��ronmenta� Law�. Trus-�or authori�es Lender and i�s agents �o en�er upan �he Proper�y �o make such
<br /> inspections and tests, a� Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriafie to de�ermine �ompliance ❑f the
<br /> Prop�r�y wi�h this section of the D��d vf Trus�. Any ins�ections or tes�s rnade by Lender shai[ b� �or L�nder's
<br /> purpases nnly and shali nat be construed to crea�e any �esponsibili�y or liabili�y on the par�a�Lender ta Trus�ar or
<br /> �o any o-�her person. The representations and warrant�es can�ained herein a�e based on Trustor's due d��igence in
<br /> �n�estiga�ing �the Prop�rty for Hazardous 5ubstances. Trustor hereby {1} r��eases and rfvai�es any fu�ure claims
<br /> agains� Lender for indemnity or confiribu�ion in �he even�t Trus�ar becomes liable �or c➢eanup or other costs under
<br /> any such laws; and 4�} agrees to indemni�y, de�end, and hold ha�m�ess Lender against any and a;l c[aims, IOS5�5r
<br /> �iabili�ies, damages, pena[ties, and expenses vvhich Lender may direct�y�r indirectly sus�ain or suffer�esul�ing���m
<br /> a breach o�this se�ti�.n af the Deed of Trust or as a consequence o€ any use, g�neration, manu�acture, sto�-age,
<br /> disposa�, release or threatened release oc�u�-r�ng pri�r�o Trustor's o�rnership or int�rest in the Properfy, whe�her or
<br /> not the same was or should haWe been known to Trustor. The pro�isions of �his sec�rion �f the Deed of Trusfi,.
<br /> in�luding the oh��gativn t� indemnify and de-�end;shal[sur�i�e�he paym�nt of�he [ndebtedness and the satisfacti�n
<br /> and reconv�yance o�the lien vf this Deed a�Trust and shall no�k he af�ec�ed by Len�er`s acquisition of any interest
<br /> in�he Prope�r�y, wheth�r by foreclasure❑r oth�rwise.
<br /> Nuisance, VIlas�e. Trus�ar shall not cause, conduct ar perm�t any nuisance nflr co�rtmit, permit, or su��e�- any
<br /> s�ripp�ng ❑f or vvaste on or �o �he Property a� any por�ion a�F�h� Proper�y. 11Vithaut fimi�ing the g�nerality a�the
<br /> �aregoing, Trustor�i[[ not remo�e, or grant�o any other party the rEght to remoWe, anw timber, minerafs 4�ncluding
<br /> oil and gas}, coair clay, s��ria, sail, gra�e�❑r�o�k produc�s without Lender's prior wr�tCen cansen�.
<br /> Remvva�v�Improvemen�s. Trus�ar shall not demo�ish or remo�e any Improvements fram the Real Praperty v`rithvut
<br /> Lend�r's prior w�itten consent. As a Condition�o�he remQ�al o�any �mpro�emen�s, Lender may require Trustar tv
<br /> make arrangemsnts sat�s�ac�ory to Lender ta rep�ace such IrnproWeme:nts wi�h lmpr�vements o� at leasfi equa[
<br /> Walue.
<br /> Lender's Right tn En�er. L�nder and Lender's agents and represen�atives may enter upon the Rea� Prap�rty at all
<br /> reasonable times to att�nd �o Lender's inte�-ests and �o inspect the Real �Prop�rty �or purposes ❑�r Trust�r's
<br /> cvmpiia:nce with the terms and conditions o�this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Comp�ian�e with Gv�ernmental Requ�remen�s. Trus�or sha11 pr�mp�ly comply �vith afl laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regula�ions, naw ❑r hereafter in e�fectr o� a�� gov�rnm�ntal author�ties applica�le �o �he use or occupancy of the
<br /> P�-aper�y, inc�ud'€ng with�u� limi�at�on. the Americans 1lUith Disah���ties Ac�. Trustor may contest in good �aith any
<br /> such faw, ordinance, or regulation and withho[d campliance du�ing any proceeding, incfuding appropriate appeafs,
<br /> so �vng as Trus�or has no�ified Lende��n writing pri�r�o doing sa and s❑Iong as, �n Lender's sa�e apinion, Lender's
<br /> interes�s in the Prap�rty are no�jeopa�dized. Lend�r may r�qu�r� Trus�ar to past adequa�e securi�y or a surety
<br /> bond, reasonably satisfacto�y to Lender,�o prote�t Lenderrs�n�eres�.
<br /> Duty �v Pro�ect. Trustar agr�es neither to abandan or lea�e una��ended �he Property. Trustor shall da af I ❑the�-
<br /> acts, in addition to th�se acts se��or�h aba�e in this se�tion, �hi�h from the chara��er and use❑f the Pr�perty are
<br /> reasonably necessary ta pratect and preserv��he Proper�ty.
<br /> ❑UE DN SALE-��NSENT BY LENDER. Lender rrtay, at Lender's ❑ption, d�c�are immediat�€y due and payable a�� sums
<br /> secured by this Deed o�Trus-t upon the sale or��ans�er, wi�hout Lende�'s prior writ�en cons�n�, o�r a11 ��-any par�v�the
<br /> Real Prape�ty, or any int�rest in the Real Property. A "safe or t�ans��r" means�he con�eyance of Reaf Froper�y or an�r
<br /> right, t���e or interest in the Real Prop�rty; whether legal; bene�iciaf or equitabler whether �vluntary or in�v�untary;
<br /> �nrhe�her by ou�right safe, deed, insta��ment safe can�ract, land cantra��, contract for deed, [easehold �nterest wi�h a
<br /> term greater than three {3} yea�'s, lease;option can�ract, or by sale, assignmen�, o�-�ransfer vf any beneficial interes'� in
<br /> or�a any land �rus� holding tit�e to �he F�eal Proper�y, ar by any a�her method v� can�eyance a�an interes� in �he Rea�
<br /> Proper�y. If any Trus�flr is a carporation, partnership or Iimi�ed liabili�y c�mp�ny, fransfer a�so includes any change in
<br /> awnership o�F mvr�th�n��rventy-five percen� ��5°/�� o��ne voting stock, partnership in�erests or limi�ed liabi[i�ty company
<br /> in�erests, as �he �ase may be, �f such Trustor. H�weUer, this �ptian sha[I na�be e�cercised by L�nde�i�such exercise
<br /> 6s prah�bited by federa[ lavv or by hleb�aska Iaw.
<br /> TA�ES AND LiENS. The following pro�ris�ons relating to the taxes and liens on the Pr�perty are part of�his Deed of
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Paynnenf. Trustar shaii pay when due {and in all e�ents prior ta del3nquency� a[f�axes, spe�ial faxesf assessment�,
<br /> charges �inGluding �rvat�r and sewer}, �ines and imp�s�tions �eWied aga�nst or on accaunt v�the Property, and sha��
<br /> pay v�hen due all c�a�ms for v�ork done on or�o�serv�ces r�ndered o� materia[ furnished to the Prope�-ty. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain�he Property free of all [iens ha�ing p�iori-ty over❑r equa��a tf�e interest❑fi Lender under this Deed o�
<br /> Trus�, except �or the �ien af �axes and assessments not due and e�c�pt as othertirvise pro�ided in th�s Deed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Ri�ht#o Gan�esfi. T�ust�r may wi�hhold payment a�any taxr assessm�nt, or c[aim in connection with a gvod faith
<br /> dispu�e o�er�he ❑b�igat�on�o pay�so [ong as Lender's in�eres�in th� P�-aperty is no�jeapardized. [�F a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a resu�t a� nonpaymen-�, Trus�vr sha�l vtrithin ff�een ��5� days after �he [ien arises or, i� a �ien �s f��ed,
<br /> within fifteen {15j days airter Trustor has not�ce afi the filin�, secur-e the discharge o�the lien, o�- �� requested �y
<br /> Lend��, deposit v►�ith Lencier cash or a su�f€cEent corporate surety��nd or ather securi�y sa�is-�actor�to �ender in an
<br /> amount sufficien�ta discharge the Esen p�us any costs and �ttorneys' fees, or ofhe�charges tha�cauld acc�-ue as a
<br /> resul��of a foreclasure o�-sa�e under�he ��en. �r�any contest,Trustar shall defend itsel�and ��nder and sha��satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse�udgment b��ore enforcement agains�fih� Froper�y. Trustor shal� name Ler�de�as an addit�onaf obligee
<br /> �nder any surety band furnished in the contest proceedings.
<br /> Erriden�e of Payment. Trustor sha!€ upon demand �urnish �v L�nder satisfae�ory e�ider�ce of paymen�af the tax�s
<br /> or assessments and sha�! authori��the appropria�e �overnrnenta[ vfficial �v de���er tv Lender at any time a wri��en
<br /> s�atemen�of the taxes and assessmen�s against the Pr�per�y:
<br /> �Va��ce of Gonstruction. Trustar shall nQti-Fy Lender at feast fifteen (1 5� days hefare any work is commenced, any
<br /> services ar� �urnished, �r any materia�s are suppfied #o the P�op�rt�r, if any mechan�c's lien, ma�e�iaimen`s fien, or
<br /> other I�en could be asserted an accQunt of the work, services, or ma�erials. Trustor wilf upan ��quest o� Lender
<br /> furnish �o Lender advance assur�nces sa�is#ac�ory to Lender that Trustor �an and will pay the cost �f such
<br /> innprovements.
<br /> PRDPERT�f De4�AGE �NSUF�AIVCE. Th� fof[awing prauisions re€at�ng tv insurin��he Prape€�ty are a �art o�F�his Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance of �nsuranc�. �rustor sha1� p�-ocure ancf main�ain �olicies v� fire insurance with s�andard �xtended
<br /> �v�erage endorsemen�s on a replacemen� basis far the �u�� insurable �aiue coWering a�I Empra�ements on the Reaf
<br /> Proper�y in an amount su-�-�ic�ent ta a�oic� appfi�ation a� any cainsurance clause, and vvith a standard martgagee
<br /> c�ause in fa�or o�Lend�r. Trusfior sha�l also pro�ure and main�ain comprehensive generaI f�ah�li�ty insuranc� in such
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