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��14�4�54 <br /> Any app�xcat�on�f paymen�s, insurance proceeds, or Misce�laneous Pro�eeds to princ�pal due under th� No�e <br /> sha11 not extend or postpone�he due date, or change the anzaunt, of the Period�c Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Funds for�scrow Items. B�rrov�rer shall pay to Lender�n�he da}� Periodic Pa�ments are due under�he <br /> Note, untii the No�e ��paid �n fui1, a sum�the "Funds"}�o pro��de for payment of amounts due far: �a} tax�s <br /> and assessm�nts and other items wh��h Gan a�tain priori�y over th�s S�cur�ty �ns�rumen�as a lien�r <br /> encumbrance on the Property; �b} leasehoid pa�ments or�round rents on�he Property, �f any; �c}premiums <br /> far an� and all insurance required�y Lender under Se��i�n 5; and�d} Mortga�e�nsurance pr�miums, if any, <br /> ar any sums pa�able by Borrn�rer�o Lender�n lieu of the paymen�af Mortgage�nsurance premiums in <br /> accordance v�i�h the pro��sions of Section ��. These i�ems are ca��ed "Escr�v� I�ems." A� or�gination or a� <br /> any time during the�erm of th�L.�an, Lender ma�require tha�Cflmamunzt�Ass�ciation Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, �f an}�, he escrowed��Borrov�er, �nd such dues, fees and as�essm�en�s shai�be an Escrow <br /> ��em. Borrower sha��promp�ly fu�rnish ta Lender al� n��ic�s of amounts to b�paid under�h�s Sectian. <br /> Barrower sha�l pa� Lender the Funds for Escrow �tems un�ess L.ender wai�es Borrower's ahl�gat�on to pay <br /> th�Funds for an�or all �scrow�tems. Lender may �vaive Barrower's o��igat�on to pa��o Lender Fund� for <br /> any or all Es�rnw Items at any time. Any such wa�Wer may on��be in v�riting. �n the event�f such vva��er, <br /> Borrovv�r shai� pay d�rectl�, when and where payable, �he amaunts due fnr an� Escrow ��ems for which <br /> payment of Funds has been waived�� Lender and, �f Lender requires, shail furnish�o Lender receip�s <br /> e�v�d�ncing su�h payment�uith�n such time per�od as Lender ma� requir�. Borro�ver's ob��gatian to make <br /> such payments and to provi�.e r�ceipts sha�� for a��purposes be deem�d to�e a co�enant and agreement <br /> cantained in th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, as the phrase "�o��nan�and agreemen�" is used in Sect�on 9. If <br /> Borrower�s obliga�ed to pa�r�scraw �terns directly, pursuant �o a wai�er, and Borrower fails ta pay the <br /> amoun�du�for an Escr�w I�em, Lend�r ma�exercise i�s rights under Sect�an 9 and pay such amount and <br /> B�rrn�ver shai�then b�obligated under Sect�on 9 to repay to Lender any such amoun�. Lender may revoke <br /> the wa��ver as�o an�r or al� Escrow Item�at any �ime b�r a no���e gi�en in acc�rdanc�with Sect��n 15 and, <br /> up�n such r��ocations Borrower shaii pay�o Lend�r aI� Funds, and�n such amounts, tha� are�hen required <br /> under�his Sectian 3, <br /> Lend�r may, at any t�me, coll�c�and hold Funds in an amount �a} suffi�ient�a perm�.t Lender�o app�y the <br /> Funds at�he�ime specifzed under RESPA, and �b} not to exceed th�maximum amaunt a�ender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lend�r shall est�mate�he amount of Funds due on�he�as�s of current da�a and reas�na��e <br /> estimates of expenditures�f fu�ure Escr��r �tems�r o�herwise in accardance w��h Applicable Lav�a. <br /> Th�Funds shal� be he�d�n an institut��n whns�depasits are insured by a federai agenc�, �ns�rumentai�ty, nr <br /> entit� �including Lende�-s if Lender�s an insti�ution whose deposi�s are sa insured} �r in any Federa� �oxne <br /> L�an Bank. Lender shall appl�the Funds to pay the Escrow I�ems no lat�r than�he time sp�cifi�d under <br /> RESPA. L�nder shal�n�t charge Borrower for hn�d�ng and app��ing the Funds, annua�iy ana�yzing�he <br /> escrow account, or��r�fying�he Escrow I�ems, uniess L.�nder pa�s B�rrow�r in�erest on the Funds and <br /> Appiicable Law p�rmi�s Llender�o m�ake such a�harg�. IJnless an agre�ment is made in wri�ing or <br /> Appiicab��La�v requires interest �o�e paid on the Funds, Lender shai�na�b�required to pay Borrower any <br /> �n�erest or earnings on�he Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree�n wri�ing, howe�rer, that �n�erest shall b� <br /> paid on�h� Funds. Lender shal� �i�e�o B�rro�er, wi�haut charge, an annuai accoun�ing of the Funds as <br /> required b� RESPA. <br /> �f there�s a surplus of Funds held in escraw, a� defined under RESPA, L�nder shai� account �o Borrov�rer for <br /> the excess funds in accordance vv��h RESPA, If�here is a shortage�f Funds held in escrow, as de�n�d under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha�I notif� Borrower as requ�red b� RESPA, and Borrower�hai�pa� to Lender the arnaunt <br /> necessar� to make up th� sh�r�ag�in accordance vvi�h RESPA, but in no mare�han ��mon�hly payments. �f <br /> there�s a def�ciency of Funds held in escrow, as de�n�d under RESPA, Lender sha�l no��f� B�rro�v�rer as <br /> N�SRASKA-Single Fami[y-fannie MaelFrecidie Mac UNlFQRM lNSTRUMENT Form 3428 11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMP6iNEy t13��� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inanciaE 5er�ices Page 5 of 17 <br />