<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> ,
<br /> The property is located in Ha].J. I''
<br /> .........................ECounry}.......................... aE ..................................... I
<br /> „510„S„Alexandria,St....,..,.,. Cairo ,,,,,,,,,,,,, �lebraska 68824 '�
<br /> ......... .............................. .....................
<br /> (Address) (City) (Z[P Code)
<br /> Together with all rights, easernents, appurtenances, raya�ties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water aud �'i
<br /> riparian rights, ditches, and watez stock and all existing and future zmprovements, structures, �xtures, and
<br /> replacements that may now, or at any time in the future,be part o�the rea�estate described above{aIl refened i
<br /> to as "Property��) �
<br /> 3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The tocal principa� amo�nt secured by this Security Znstrument at any �
<br /> 50 000 OD '
<br /> one time shall not exceed $ ....,.. . This liznitacion of amount does nvt `
<br /> ....r.......................................
<br /> include interest and otI�er fees and charges valicEly made purs�atat to this Security Insttvment. Also, this �,
<br /> limitation does not apply ta advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to procect
<br /> Beneficiary's securiry aud to perform any of the covenants contazx►ed in this Security Instrumez�c. ''
<br /> ,�
<br /> 4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTUR�ADVANC�S.The term "Secured Debt" is defined as follows: ;
<br /> A.Debt incurzed under the terms of all promissory note(s), con�ract(s), guaranty(ies) or other evidence of �
<br /> debt descxibed below and all their exEensions, renewals, �x�.odifications ar substitutians. {You must �
<br /> specifically identify the debt(s)secured and you should include the fir�al maturity date of such debt(s).) ':.
<br /> Note Dated June 20, 2014 In The Amount Of $50,000.00 '
<br /> Acc�iz�.g At A Variable Rate With A Maturity Da�e Of June 25, 2019
<br /> Said Loan Tn 'The Name(s) Of Marvin G Swansoz�
<br /> And I�oxene K Cu�.ler
<br /> B.Ali futare advances from Beneficiary to Trusto:r or other future obligations of Tz'ustor to Be:neficiary ,
<br /> under any promissory note, cantract, guaranty, or othe:r evidence of debt executed by �'rustor in favor �
<br /> af Beneficiary after this Secvrity Instrument w�►ether or not this Secuzity Instrutnent is specifically '
<br /> referenced. If more than one person signs this Security �nstzuznent, each Trustor agxees that this
<br /> Security Instz'unaent wiil secvre all future advances and future obligations that are given to oc incurred '
<br /> by at�y on.e or rnore Trustor, or a►xy one or more Trustor and others. AII fuEure advances and other
<br /> future obligations are secut'ed by �is Securi#y Instrument even though aIl or part may not yet be
<br /> advanced. AII �ture advances ao.d other future ohligations aze secured as if rnade on the date of this
<br /> Security Fnstrument. Nothing in this Security Inst�ruzb.ent sf�all constitute a commit�ient to maice
<br /> additional ar future loans or advances in any amount. Any such comrriitmen.t z3aust be agzeed to in a
<br /> separate wrztiz�g.
<br /> C.All other vbligatio:ns Trustor owes ko Beneficiary, which may later arise, to the extent not prohibited by ;
<br /> law, inc�uding, buE not limited to, liabilities for o�erdrafcs relating to any depnsit account agreement
<br /> beEween Tz'ustox and Bene�ciary.
<br /> D.All additional suzns advanced attd expenses incurred by Be�efciary for insuring, preserving or ;
<br /> otherwise pratecting the Property and its value azzd any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by
<br /> Beneficiary undex the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> In the event that Beneficiary fails to provide any required not�ce of the right af rescission, Bene�ciary waives
<br /> any subsequent s�curfty it�terest in the Trustor's principal dwelling that is created by this Security Instrument. I
<br /> 5. DE�D OF TRUST COVEN.ANTS. Trustoz'agrees that the covenants in this section are material obligations ',
<br /> under the Secured Debt and this Security Instrumen,t. If Tzustor breaches any covenant in this section, ,
<br /> Bene�'iciary nn.ay refuse to make additional extensions of credit an.d reduce the credit licnit. By nvt exercising '
<br /> either remedy on Trustor's breach,Bene�ciary does not waive Beneficiary's right to later consic�er the event a
<br /> breach if it happens again.
<br /> Payments. Trustor agrees that �il paytnents under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance ;
<br /> wich the temas of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. ;
<br /> Frivr Security �n�terests. With regard to any othex zn.oxTgage, deed of trust, security agreement or otk�er lien j
<br /> docuznent that createci a priar secuxity i�terest or encumbranca on the Property, 'I'rustor agrees to make all 4
<br /> payments when due and to perform or comply witkF all covenants. Trustor also agrees not to allow any �
<br /> modification or extension of, nor to request any future advances under any note or agreemen.t secured by the '
<br /> lien docurnent without Beneficiary's pzioz written appxo�al. '
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> Ciaims Against Title. Trustor wiIl pay atE taxes (includiztg at�y tax. assessed to this Deed of Ttvst), �,
<br /> assessments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments, gz'o�d z'ents, utilitzes, and otk�er charges relating to the I
<br /> Prope�ty when due. Bene�ciary may require Trustor to provide to Beneficiary copies of all noEices �hat svch
<br /> amounts are due and the rece'ipts evidencing Trustor's payment. Trustor wiil defend title to the Property
<br /> against any claims that would irnpaiz ttie lien of this Security Instrument. T�rustoc agzees to assign to �
<br /> Beneficiary, as z'equested by Bene£'iciary, any rights, claims or defenses Tz'ustor may have against parties who �
<br /> supply Labor ox materials to maintain or improve the Property. j
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> j
<br /> 5ecurity Insirument-Open-@nd-Consumer-NE OCP-REDT-NE 712/2Q11
<br /> VMP�Banlcers Sy5iem5TM VMP-C4651NEI {11071.00
<br /> µ'oEters Kluwer Finanoial Services 0l9$4,201 i Page 2 ot 6 �
<br /> i
<br /> ,II
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