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<br /> The Court further finds that in addition to the above des-
<br /> cribed real estate, ' the Deceased was at the time of his death
<br /> purchasing under a contract from Bruno F. Lueth the following
<br /> �described real estate, to-wit:
<br /> Lots Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven
<br /> (7), and Eight (8) and the Northwest
<br /> Quarter (NlnT4) of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (SE4j and the South Half (S 2) of the
<br /> Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section �
<br /> Fifteen (15), Township Ten {10), North,
<br /> Range Nine (9), West of the Sixth (6th)
<br /> P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> and finds that the interest of the Deceased in and to such real
<br /> property, under the laws of the State of Nebraska, passed and
<br /> descended one-third (1/3) to Elsie V. Markworth, and one-twelfth
<br /> (1/12) thereof, each, to Robert Markworth, Kenneth D, Markworth,
<br /> Joy Elaine Danner, Jeanette Hearld, Betty Marie Marquis, Joan
<br /> Lorraine Lynch, Carol Jane Hatcher and Melvin Martin Markworth.
<br /> The Court further finds that after claims and allowable
<br /> deductions the net value of the estate passing to the beneficiaries,
<br /> � including the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br /> The North Half of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (N2NW4) of Section 'I�ao (2), Township Twelve
<br /> (12), North, Range Eight (8), West of the
<br /> , Sixth (6th) P.M, , Merrick County, Nebraska,
<br /> which was owned by the Deceased and Elsie V. Mark�oorth as joint
<br /> tenants with the r�_ght of survivorship, was the sum of $30,978.31.
<br />� The Court further finds that the value of the share and interzst
<br /> in this said estate after claims and allowable deductions, but
<br /> including jointly held property, passing to Elsie V. Markworth was
<br /> the sum of $11,051.83 and finds that E1sie V. Markworth, as sur-
<br /> viving spouse, is entitled to an exemption of one-third (1/3) of
<br /> the total amount of the property passing to her by reason of the
<br /> death of the Deceased and is further allowed a deduction of
<br />' $10,000.00,which deductions are in excess of the value of the
<br /> I';
<br /> estate passing to E1sie V. Markworth and fi�nds that there is no
<br /> inheritance tax due on account of the property passing to Elsie
<br />,� V. Markworth.
<br /> The Court further finds that the value of the share and
<br /> interest in this estate passing to the children of the Deceased,
<br /> � is the sum of $2,490.81 and finds that each of such children have
<br /> an ex�mption for inheritance tax purposes in the amount of
<br /> $10,000.00 which sum is in excess of the value of the property
<br /> passing to them and finds that there is no inheritance tax due on
<br /> account of the property passing to the children of the Deceased.
<br /> that the report and account of the AdministY-atrix he.rein be, an�
<br /> thQ same hereby is, approved and allowed as and for her final report.
<br /> Henry C. Mar�c�oorth left surviving as his sole and only heirs at
<br /> latia, the following:
<br /> E1sie ��, Marlcworth, Surviving spouse
<br /> Kenneth D. Mark�vorth, Son �
<br /> Joy Elaine Danner, Daughter
<br /> Jeanette Herald, Daughter
<br /> �-•'`�
<br />