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' ( Certified copy ) ' <br /> - IN THE COUNTY CDURT OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> IN THE MATTER OF 'THE ESTATE j <br /> ) <br /> OF a FINAL DECREE <br /> ) <br /> ARSEN H. PIGEQN, Deceased, j <br /> BE IT REMEMBERED: <br /> That thi� matter came on to be heard the lst day of June, 1970, upon <br /> the Petition filed herein by the Executor for hearing upon the said Petition <br /> and the final re�ort filec� herein, and deterxnination of Inheritance Tax, The <br /> court fincis that due and proper tegal notice was given according to lavv to all <br /> � persUns interested in this said matter. The court further finds £rom the re- <br /> cords filed in this court that a deterinination of heirship had previously been <br /> made by the court. From the eviclence the court finds anc3 determines as <br /> fO1ZUW8; <br /> 1. That Arsen H. Pigeon died te�ta.te on �eptember 6, 1'a6y, a reai- <br /> dent of Adams County, Neoraska� and that Lea Pigeon, a/k/a Leo Joseph <br /> Pigeon, wae appointed Executar on the 7th day of October, 196y, and that <br /> the Last Will and Testament of the deceased, a copy of which is attached <br /> hereto, was duly admitted and probate was allowed. That since that date, <br /> the said Executor has been so acting in that capacity. That the Executor has <br /> marshalled all of the assets of the estate, has paid all of the claims duly <br /> filed, and that all claims not filed are hereby barred. <br /> 2. That at the tirne of his death, the deceased was a sin�le man, his <br /> mother and father having prececled him in death, and that his 'arother, Joseph <br /> F. Pigeon, named in his Last Will and Testament, ,also preceded Arsen H. <br /> Pigeon in death. That, therefore, the sister of the deceased, Sister Mary <br /> Giinzacus, a/k/� Mary Ann Pigeon, is entitled to one-half of the estate of <br /> the deceased, and that the children of Juse�h F. Pigeon are entitled ta the <br /> other half of the said estate, share and share alike. That, therefore, the <br /> �^�'�' - <br />