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, _ _,.... .._.:. _ <br /> 1188f,C�r#rfica�e of Caanty �ourt Praceedfng Invo(�ring Real Estate • <br /> Date ' July 1$, 19�9 <br /> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF_ HA .T COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> This is fo cerfify that there is pendinq in the County Court of_ Ha l l Counfy <br /> Nebraska, a proceeding entitled: <br /> IN TFiE I�IATTER OF THE ESTA�E OF HOLLIS B. I�iAHON��Y, D�CEASED <br /> No. ��3 3 Doc.---'�� Page h3 <br /> zvhich is a proceeding involvinq probate_ of wi.ll <br /> (probate oJ iaill,adminislra[ion of es[ute,deferntfnation of heirs, determination <br /> —, in which proceeding the fo�'Iotving described real <br /> of inheri(ance taz,guardianship,or conseruatorship <br /> estate is inuolved, to-wit: <br /> (a) Lot Eight ($) Fractional Lots Nine (9) and Ten (lU) , in Fractional <br /> Block Fourteen ( 11a.� , Ashton Place , an Additi or. to the City o.t Gr.and Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, and Fractional Lot Six (h) in Fractional Block <br /> Fourteen (14) , in Asriton Place , an additicn ta tne City of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska, and all that portion of Fractional Block 'I'wenty-Gne (�1) in <br /> Baker's Additi.on to the City of Gr�nd Island, laying w�st of a line <br /> drawn parallel wir}� the east line of said Fractional Block �1, �'wo Hund- <br /> red Fifty-Ei�ht (25F�) feet west of said east biock line , which la�t <br /> described pro.p�rty in Fractional Block �l of �aker's }�ddi.ti�n taken with <br /> Fractional Lot 6 ir: Fractional Block 1�. of �shton Place , rnakes a rect- <br /> angular tract of ground havin� a irontage of F�„ty-one ( j�) feet on �ec- <br /> ond Street , and extendin� in a southeasterly direction One Hundred Fortv <br /> (140) feet; Aiso Lo* Seven ('J) in Fracti.onal �locx Fou.rteen �l�y) , in <br /> Ashton Place , an �lddition tc the City of Grand Islard, ��ebraska. <br /> (b) A tract of land cor�prisin� a �art of�31c�;,k T��;�l V� (1_� } , 'u�'indalph's <br /> Addition; and a part of Lot Four (4) , :31ock �r�_�r�y-Nin;, (3°3 , Charles <br /> '+�asrner'� ;�ddi.ticn, ail in the City of Grand I:;land, Nel�rask� , more part- <br /> icul.arly described as foliows : <br /> Beginning a� a NGl?�t az� the i'dortner�y line o�' s�id B�cc k `i'ive�ve (1� } , <br /> 'vJindol�h's Addition, said point �,�eing une Hundred :>ix (I1OF..U) ��'��v '�jiest,- � <br /> erly f'7'O:!1 t�'lC? NOit�"A�c'�St; COY'T1�T' Oi S31C1 �.�,.vCk ���,dE'1✓2 � 1�d ; �1"iE�"1C8 V�E'..�',�GF�Z'iy <br /> along the Northerl.y line of said �31ock i��elve ( l� ) , ar.d the `a�r;sterly ' <br /> prolongat,ion of said North 1ine , a distance oi' ��i�:���y-Tiao ' � <br /> �, (��.u1 1eet; <br /> thenee �outher�y paral.��;1 ' c� the �asteri� li:�e oi' saici i31::cfc `CGve�ve> (12) , ' <br /> a distance oi' Une Huncire� r�'o�t�T (l�U.G) �eet ; =hen�e Las�erly parail�l <br /> to the Northerly line of said B1_ock Twe lve (i� � , a d:.stance c�7 Fiity- ' <br /> Two (52.0) Feet ; tner�ce PUort;herlyp para11e=1 tc �,re .�:�s:;e-r1v 1;ne c?' said <br /> Block Twelve {12 ) , a distance of une i�undA�ed NorT�r ( i4�;.U) Fee� to the I <br /> place of begi.nning. ' <br /> (c ) A trac� of land coznpri_si��� a pa��t of Biock �we�v� (i.�) , i�Jir_r_=oi�>h's <br /> riCiC�1t]_Gil� ct21Ci pc7Y't 01 �i.^}, T�'O7_II^ ��L/ s �`J.00� i''P.lI`�tir�iuiSiE' C� (•', 1:'S <br /> '�Iasmer's Addi',i� i h , - y`, ,- t3. ) , �rja��_. <br /> n, al _ in t�_e Cit;� .�_' Gra � � It, �d N{, , •� <br /> . _�a�_ , .�i asr;a, .��or� part- <br /> :�':�e•r�»:a _�� xoTi <br /> (Cozltintied next p��;e ) Countz� Judge aj'said counfr� <br /> ;`� �/ <br /> � %' % � <br /> �� � <br /> / ��/�, i <br /> � �_ <br /> By r, C%_%GC',;-�j/-/' �—,,.1� �'��.f`�'���'-� <br /> Clerlr of the Cvur�f' Gourt ` <br /> "Section l. In aag proceeding in fhe counfy courf inuoluing (1) the probate of wills under fhe prouisiorts of Chapfer 30, drticle 2, <br /> (2)the administrafion of estates under the prouisions of Cf:apter 30, ariicle 3, (3) ti�e determination of heirs trnder the provisions oJ <br /> Ghapfer 30, article 17, (4) fhe defermination of inheritance tax under fhe prouisioas of C/tapfer 77, artic(e 20, (5) ,quardianships <br /> under ihe;provfsions of Chapter 38, arficle 1,2,3,or 4, or (6) conserva[orskips under/he provisions of Chapfer 38,articfe 9, where <br /> real estafe is any pari of the assefs of the esfafe or proceeding,the coun.t�jud�e before whom fhe proceediny is pending shall issue a <br /> certificafe which shal( be filed utffh.fhe reqister oJ deeds of the Count� in �vhich the real estafe is loca!ed wilhia fen da�s afier the <br /> description of the real estafe is filed in fhe proceedinq."........................................Sec.3�-.iG? <br /> Return to Kenrieth� H, �lson <br /> i.,a' <br /> � � <br />