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1fi8&--Cer#tfirtate of Caunty_Court`#aroceeding�nv�iving Reat €sta�e , <br /> Date- June 3 0, 19h9 <br /> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNZ'Y, NEBRASKA <br /> This is fo certify that ihere is pending in the Counfy Court of Hall Count�, <br /> Nebraska, a proceeding entitted: <br /> � IN THE i�IATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WAYN� CHAFFIN, DECr�ASED <br /> No. 7�9� _Doc. Z9 Page 101 <br /> mhich is a proceeding involving deterrnination of inheritance taX <br /> (probate of will,administrafion of esfate,determination of heirs,determinaf£on <br /> , in mhich proceeding the following described real <br /> of inherilance tax,guurclianship,or conseruatorship <br /> estate is involved,to-mit: <br /> A tract of larid located in the West Half of the yVest Half ef <br /> the Southeast Quarter (W2W2SE4) of Section Thirty-F�ur (3�.) , <br /> Township 'I�v21ve {12) North, Range I�'�.iie (9) , !,�dest of the F:th <br /> P. Ni. , in Hall County, Nebraska , more par,icuiarly descr�bed <br /> as follows: A tract of land beginning at �;he Southwest corner <br /> of the West Hal.f of the West Half of the Southeast i�uartcr; <br /> runnin� tnence i�orth paraliel to the �,'ast l.ire of the South- <br /> east �uarter a distance of Twenty (20) rods; thence ��'ast paral- <br /> lel to the South line of the Southeast �uarter a d?stance of <br /> �i�ht (�) rods; ther.c� South paraliel_ tc the ��'est �inz o�' the <br /> Southeast �uarter a distance cf `I`wenty (1U) reds, ther�c� uv'est <br /> a distance of Light (b) rods to the p�ace of be�;inning; con- <br /> tainin� one acre , ? GX' 1_:ss. <br /> ' _'lu'{J.`"-1.�Q ✓''.:_.>Jhl <br /> � <br /> CoL�n.f;� ,;udge of said county <br /> �; <br /> � ; <br /> - , <br /> ,. , , _ , <br /> �, , ,, , _ , . .. <br /> (:lertc ��/'t,�Ce Counf� Court <br /> "Section 1. In any proceeding in fhe counl�court incotoing (1)the probafe of wills under[he pronisions oj Chapier 30, dr(icle 2, <br /> (2) fhe administration of estafes under fF�e prouisior.s of Chapfer 30, arficle 3, (3) ihe deferminatio�oj'heirs ur�det•the provisions of <br /> Chapter 30, arficle 17, (4) the deferrninatia� of i�-�herifance fax under fhe proaisions oj Chapter 77, article 2/>, (5) quardianships <br /> under fhe provisions of L:hapfer 38, arficle 1,2,3, or 4, or (6) conseroatorships under the pronCsions of Chapter 38, articfe�, mhere <br /> real estate is any part of fhe assets of the es�afe or procee�ling,ihe coun,l�judqe before mhon�the proceeciin,q is pendinq siiall issue a <br /> cerfificate which ska11 be filed with the regis(er of deeds of the County in u�hich fhe rea( estate is located �oitl�in ir_n days after ihe <br /> �lescription of'fhe real esfcde is filed in the prnceedinq."........................................I..13.777-1967 <br /> Returr� t� A J. Luebs <br /> �-i��r> ��: ����7�d Ju1v 1 1 6 ti 11e05 Ao�� �e �<.,����5 29.��,pWillsy_& Decree� <br /> t'd�P< ��..�,...., � � Q�` Qo W�a��:S� ��dil ;�G(i�li�`9 � ,F t5a <br /> _ �!�'c�� <br /> �� ,����� <br />