<br />;v . , .:, . _. .:: , e.;.., .u,z�_'X �m,,G,r; �-�=., .i:.t+; +�-,r�G 2 ,� +�E«�"..'Ftr�.�?'��'`,'�,.:#�:� „ . .....' .,°£�'�.;�.�-k . . .4��.�i tiLk ,��',„ �' � �k a,"''���� ,.
<br /> ��.'�.� ,:.
<br /> .
<br /> dep�sited in the estate account �h� sum of $lt?�.�}0 bein Ch� pra-
<br /> ceeds of the sale of a joix�tly held 17�clge automvbi�.e, r��fn� a
<br /> toCal svm lvened and advanc�d and deposited in th� estate accQu�C
<br /> by Ma.rgaret �. McGowan of $12,iO3.S8.
<br /> ' , The Court further finds Chat Bernard t�. McGowan deposited in
<br /> th� estate aecourzC eheck fros� the �en�y AicGow� Trust payable ro him
<br /> being hie distributive share of the Henry t�icGowan 'Tz�ast, such check
<br /> bein� in the s�wunt of $1,584.64, all as �hm�n �y the �ina� �'�part
<br /> filed h�r�;tn. �
<br /> The Court fureher finda that �uch sum of $lZ,lp3.58 loaned
<br /> ta and deposited in the estate ban�c account by A�ar$�.ret C. Me�owan
<br /> and the sum of $1,5�4.G4 loaned to anr� depositr�d in Che e�tat� ac- .
<br /> eount b� Bemard �i. �icGow�n have not been r¢turne� to the�n, ancl
<br /> that the estate owes for mon�y advanced and deposited ir► the eatat+�
<br /> accoun� such sum�.
<br /> The Court further finds �rom �Che final repart that A'largar�C C.
<br /> McGQwan paid �ron h�r oc� funds gnd from he� own checkin� acctnYnt
<br /> egt�te bills in the �.ot�.l amaunt of �4,555.89, and that Bern�rd 1�.
<br /> tfcGowan paid frorn his owm fur�ds �etate obli�;ations in the tatal
<br /> amount of $I,588.90, bein� a tota2 �aaid from funds o ther th�.n esta�e
<br /> funds of �6,14�i.79, which �ums were no�C d�ducted from the estate
<br /> accounC as no rei�nburser�ent therefor had been mad�, �nd �inds
<br /> that in additlan to the balance cf $4,032.82 as $hown by the fin�l
<br /> r�:part, C�er� actuslly was in the es�Gate account th� sum o�
<br /> $10,177.61, such sucr� repr�sentix�� th� balance an h�nd and ��he svmffi
<br /> paid p�rsonail.y by �errsarc� M. McGrnwan and M�r�aret C. ��icGr�r�an,
<br /> which sums had not be�n re�aayed by th�: est�te.
<br /> 'The Court £uxther finds that subsequent to the filin� of tihe ,
<br /> � f inal report, Che E�cecutors rec�ived and deposited in Ghe �.atatie
<br /> ac�ount the fo2lowi.n� sur�s and amount�:
<br /> 12-6-68 P.yan house renC � 1��•40
<br /> i2-9-68 Corn �old �g�•l�+
<br /> 12-25-�i8 Henry 2�icGc�wan Trus�
<br /> �iaburs�ment 3,za87.97
<br /> Tatal $ 3,78$.11
<br /> The Court i��urth�r :Einds that when the above sum of �3,78b.11
<br /> is added to th� estate bal.�nee, a bsl�nce of e�tate fund� i.n the
<br /> amaunt of $7,818.93 and the additionel am+oun� in the ch�ckin� ac-
<br /> count af $�,,1.�+4.79, r�presenti.ng b311s gaid by Mar��ret C. �icCca�van
<br />�' and Be�rnard McGowan for which reimbur�em+�nt f�c�n �atate �und� had
<br /> not b�en made, result� in a�n estat� accounC b8�.ance of �13�963.96.
<br /> 2he �aurt €u�ther finds Chat a1Z o� Cht sp�cific c�ah 't�qu��Ca�
<br /> which were made under the Le,s� Will and T+�stam�e�C of the Dec��ed
<br /> ha�� b��n fully paici �nd �atisfied.
<br />� Th� Gc�uurt £urth�r �imds that aft�r the paymsnt a� the C+r�Yt
<br />�
<br />�% coats herelaz i� the emcrunt of $231.91, �he� f��es az�d �xpe�n�e�s �f ,
<br /> Mary NI, Mc�ow�n in �h+� a�c�unt of $1.,463.81, the f+�ea ar�d gxp�n�e�
<br />:' of Be�ard A4. 1�IcGawan i� th,� a�ur�t ai� �7.,13 S.Ufl, a��ox���►� ��+�;s
<br />,��
<br /> ' in tk�e amou�t o� �6,54t1.Q0, are+� addi.tienal p�rsenul �c+�s ��; ��e
<br /> : ��,t o� $1�I.��., �ha� tt��ers �i.1.1 r+a�aain c�rn �sl �.� �k�� +t�t���
<br /> ch+�+eicir�g aa��nt � s� cf $4,5�.1f�3, v�ri�h �h�t eat�at� ��i�.I b+�i�
<br /> ���
<br /> �
<br /> � � � � `� � . �`�
<br /> c �"a;�'� ''� _ �„£_.�rsr t. _ -�.'�`'�"'x�•a�-;�s-+— .�,� j'y _,w'.�'a-F.`�. „r ;;� TMt
<br />