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<br /> � } 1188—Certificate of Gounty Coart Proceeding Inralvirrg Real Estate
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<br /> This is to cer�fy ihat there is pending in the Gouaty Gourt of �'�a11 Count�,
<br /> ' Nebraska, a proceedtng entitled:
<br /> CLAPic'1 L. jTR�lIT� DECEr�SED _
<br /> No. 7 2 9 4 Doc. 2� . Page 5
<br /> which is a pr•oceeding involving pro'�ate of ��ill
<br /> (probate of will,administration of estafe,defermination of heirs, determination
<br /> , in iohich proceeding the following described real
<br /> of inherifance tax,quardianship,or conseruatorship
<br /> estate ts involved, to-wif:
<br /> Lot Six (�) , in �loc:i S�ver. (7) S in `,'c�i�_l^ .s _-.dd-�wcn. to t'__
<br /> (;�_��T Qf �Y3T1C� �31dY1�j T;.�11 Cot�ntv, i4C—.�r�331id� 3S �11"L'V��'r'�9
<br /> platted and recorded.
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<br /> County .Itidye of s d county
<br /> "Section 1. In any proceeding in fhe county court tnvolving (1) the probate of cail[s under the provisions oJ Chapfer 30, article 2,
<br /> (2)the administration of esfates under the prouisions of Cha/�ter 30, article 3, (3) fhe determination of heirs under the prouisions of
<br /> Chapter 30, ariicle 17, (4)fhe determinafton of inheritance tax under the provisions of Chapfer 77, article 20, (ri) �uardianships
<br /> under the provisions of Chapter 38, arficle 1,�,3,or 4, or (6) conseroaforships under fhe prooisions of Chapfer 38, krticle 9, where
<br /> real estate is any part of ihe assefs of fhe esfufe or proceedinq,the couaty judge before whom the proceeding is pending shall issue a
<br /> certificate which shaLl be filed with the register of deeds of the County ia which the real esfate is located within fen dags after flie
<br /> descripfion of the real estate is filed in the proceetfing."........................................L.P. 777-1967
<br /> Filed for reeord necember 15, 1967 at 1� P. M, iti BOok 28 of tiaills & Decrees 9
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