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<br />�. It! 3HE CA�l�'tY Ct?U�CT i��' f�Alt� COt1�TY', N�BRA�KA
<br />�
<br />€ I� �h�� �la���er of the �s�ate FI��f. tiECREE
<br />� . - � .
<br /> �b�' �t���PH �. 4��Tl��RILfi, �}��e�s�d� Ns�. 8686
<br /> i�f3�[ oa �fi1s �th day of Octt�bsr, 19�fi, th�fs matte� came on
<br />� - 4'+ar �h�.�t3r�g wp�t�n the F'ina7 Report .aed i�at��ion fgr F`inat Sstt'fe�e�t
<br />; �r�d .��Fter .�x��i�atio� �f �he �itss and reeords, the �ot�rt fir�d�- as
<br />; : ���`'�t�ws z
<br />�
<br />'€. 1. T�rat �utice of �he t�a►e ar�d place o# hea�ring on sald '
<br />� Rep�rt and Pstl�ta� h�s. been given t� ali fnterest�d persan� , as
<br />; p�cr�rided b� taw, end �h�t sa1d, �inal Rept�r� and Petition ft►r �inal
<br />�, �e�tt��ent are tr�e, corr�c�t a�r�d aho�ld 6� ailvwed,
<br />� 2. Tht�t the decedent d1#�d fntes�ate ttn �tt� 28th day of
<br />� �#ay� 1465 a r�sident of Fia11 Covnty., ��braska, and ief� survfvi�g
<br /> r
<br /> a� hi� so�e and anly heirs��t-taw, t,eota R. Weth�rflt, his w1.+��w;
<br />€ �o lea Weth�r�lt.. dau�hter; t�ary. I. Wetheriit , daught�r; David J.
<br /> i�eth'eritt� st��. �nd Todd 3. i��tf�erilt,. son.
<br />, 3� '�ha� th� d�cedent owned- r�d reaT property but �r�s the
<br /> o�ner o1' ttie psrsonal pra��rt�+ set fvrth on the tnventar ; that �11
<br />� of s�td prc�p�rty has been sald as per Order vf this Court and after
<br /> 4 the pay�ent of tiens, ror�rtgages, �id+�w's ailowanc� and cas� of
<br />� ada�i�istration, there r�malns r�� prap�r.ty nn hand La b� distributed;
<br />� that l,eot� P» W�therilt has advane�d frvm ��'osvn prap�rty a sum
<br />° su#'�icient ' to p$y said �xpenditure� and has waf v�d re9►nbur�ement of
<br />� th� s�me as w�1`t as any adn�ini�tp��rix f�e.
<br />` 4. 7h�t a1'f cla9ms , d�bts , w#daw's atic�w�nc� and co�ts af
<br />� a�dm9'n'3�s�ratt�� hdve bee» �aid 3n �u11 and re�$�pts fil��! with tF��
<br /> . Court ; thet sa�d �atate. is sub,�ect �4 no Ne6raska inher#tanee tax� ,�
<br /> s' ' c�r E���te tax and that on the filin� ofi' said receipts and exQ�nditur�s , `"
<br />� said 1�dn�i�lstratrix should b� discharg�d.
<br /> E
<br />; ' S. "fhat Lh� de+cedent and L�ata P. �te�heritt were the �oint
<br /> c�w��rs� with right _of survivarsh�p, of Lgt One {1 ) . Bt�ck 'fwcnty-#our
<br /> E �"4j,4 �1C�t1�'1"'S l�dd�t'�flli '�0 tt�e City vf Graad Isiand, Hebraska, oF the
<br /> F vel�� t��' �'t�4,�f��.flp, �ub�ect to a mortgage 1n favar af the said � .
<br />� �ed�t��,'�;` Saving� end L��n Assoc�atiQr� a�d tha�� the net valu� o� said
<br /> r pr�pe�y �s 1.ess th&n the ataoun� o�P sai� survlving �o�nt tenant's
<br />� eX@Rlp 10!'18;
<br />�
<br />� � � ,` � IT I� TH�REFORE. ��tl3Ei�Ea. AaJU�3�E0 ANd �ECREEQ BY TNE G4URT
<br /> as 1�0�i•p�s :
<br />� . , ,�
<br />_ �;�;, .
<br /> 1. Thafi �he da�ed�ent died intes�a�e, � resid�nt of Nall
<br />� ����itt�" ,. ��e�r��ka, vn the 2�th de,y •44 i�ay, 19€'s5, �nd 1�ft survivfng
<br />� ` ��s h'� �t��� t��d 4nly helrs-a�law fi�h� abov� n��ned p�rsc�ns ; that sa�d
<br /> At�tlt'�� ��511"a�M"�?t �}�S ��C4tiC1'C£CI $�T' 8}� L!'� 'C�fB dSS�'�S 0� S8'�d �SCBtB 8Rd
<br />� ,t�a� � r+�m�tn� an har►d �ti �raperty t� he distribut�d.
<br /> ,,� . :, � .
<br /> � 2. �'t�a� ai'�� clair�s , �bt�, Ca�es an:d costs of administration
<br /> �+���� :b+��� �afd an�! s�fd ��t�,te 1� st�b e�� to �� Neb�raska 1r�heritance
<br /> �'+�fr ��ta�e �ax; �hat �h� d��edenL ��d �i� v�1dt��t wer� the �oint or�n�rs.
<br /> -�r#'�ta� r#ght c�f �urv1`var�htp,, c# �he abt�ve descrlbed weat pr�perty,
<br /> �r�1ch;�-pa�se� y�.i�,s#4�. �er�ded .tt�r 1.s�fl:�m P. �teCher�lt� as surv4ving ,�oiAt
<br /> � t�r
<br /> �!�t1 it��. ,��.� ' ` � `
<br /> ,7 , , :
<br /> ,�� � 'fhe�� ����r'e are �n €11e re�eip�s �or a11 expendi�tur�� ;
<br /> �h�t a�i .��'. '�h+d a►b��r� ;�#�d9�gs �re. �ereb�r deet�e�d as abc�ve #our�d and
<br />� said Adm�` ���ratr�� '��'t��eved fram her trust.
<br /> . �� .. , � � !�' ._� Y ^ . . . '
<br />� .. . .. �2 � �Y ... .
<br />� - � � - Ca�n�ty u g ,
<br />� ... . ' � � . . . � . . � � �. � . � ',k:
<br />�' � � � . � . �. . � � .. � , . ' � . . . . . . . L',,
<br /> i
<br /> : ...�:�: ;, , , . �..�, -�...� � �.. ..-- .� �..,t... _-.,�a�:�: u- -:i �a�,='�" �1✓���9' ss:�r�,-�,...y�;�...� rJ �- �z+
<br /> 3f4�'t ;s�x ,rd ?`4:1�r�`� �ar ti�� ,. `�. k,.
<br />