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-2. <br /> � , <br />�� �is��tds, ��asad, +�d n�eed �f ��tors aif �e�ch Will, ths �rand <br /> . �s�.at�d Trcist �n�'�� t�reac�d �a}.atad, �t].1•�Cintp, �i�bra�ka, aad the <br /> Q�c�nd �s�.and Tturt �pmy svas dttly appcinte�d �s �cocutor antd there- <br /> after d�t�.y �lili�ad aa $uch►. <br /> �t d�a �nd le►ga2 no�i.+�e ha4 be+�n given se prvvided by la� to <br /> �.1 persag�. e�f ths tiro� md p2aeso fi�cad !o� the �i].ing of cl.aims <br /> agaiast s:3.d esta�ee; �hat �he time � fi.�csd haa. fully e�.a�,sed, eacpired, <br /> a�ttl- �11 cleims �ile� �tud a1laa�d a�ains� ��id eae�ats have ha� paid <br /> tnd Cher�af��r', �n the �n..� day oi .Tf�a.r��-s 19bT, aa Ordar �a�s de�1g <br /> �cte�sed h�rei� barring �n�y nd a�11 oths� claima ag�inst thig ssid ee- <br /> �ate. Thre�: �h�ere hs�er be�en lilad by the Sx,ecutor, � f�d�ra]. �sta�� <br /> tax r�t�srn snd �tt there ha�t been paid en ac�ao�nt of ats�h r�turn the , <br /> tot��. �ct�uu of $Il� 5$8.95, scte�h s�m being paid bq �ha de13.v+��rq of � , <br /> ch�ck tc Ci,i� l�irector o€ Intern�l �ev��, t3�nah�a, Nebraska. <br /> The Cou�t fu�ther finda that Ht�m►es Siei�srds �d �aybelle Richards <br /> were posaesaed o� th� #�llc��tescribed real pYop�rtg: <br /> Lot Li�ht (8) in �1ock Fc�ur�een E1�) � Gh,arles Wasa�er'� - <br /> Additian +to th� Citp �� arand Island, ATebra�k,�; <br /> Lo� ��ne (s), a��c�. r��y-z���e �s�>, �rigiAal Tc�en, <br /> now Ci�� of �r�nd Is�and, Hail CQun�y, Ne�brs�lcc�, �ncept <br /> s P�rt vf su�h �t �ig�it (8) desc�ibed �ss Cc�ncin� <br /> st � point an th� North Line cf Lc�t 8, 25 Fe�t Eaat of t�e <br /> North�ea�t �orn�r of Lcat 8, the�ce $a$terly 41 Feet ta t,�x� <br /> l�a�theae� Corner vf Lc�t 8, thsnce Svu�erlp ?.8 Feet, thence <br /> Westerly parallel to the North Line af Lot 8, 41 feet, th�:nce <br /> Ncr�herly parallel �to the l�a�t Iine �f �a� 8, 28 Feet tB <br /> the point of begina�:ing; <br /> whi+�h was held as �oint �enante with t�ie r�.�� c�f survivc�r�hig. <br /> The Caurt further €inds tl�t a s�parate ar�er h�� been en�ersd <br /> herein fir�ding a�d c3e�erminitcg the fii�rita�ce t�x due xhe Cou�ty of <br /> Hali, S�ate of Nebraska, bg resacm of �a� prcag�rty p���ing �o tt�� <br /> benefi�iaries thereof �nd �u�eh �ierita�ce ��c being in �the total �nwa�nt <br /> of �98i.60, h�s beea dulq psid es stcc�wr� by rec�ipt flf th� Coct�.�y Trea�- <br /> urer vf AaII County, N�braska. <br /> The £ourt furth�r finds that the Court casts in th� abc�ve- . <br /> en�i�ie+d e�C�te, County o� �I�lI, Stat� Qi Nebras�a, is $ p <br /> snd thgt ther� still remains to Ue paid .in ��id e�C�te, t�e� xee�ator�s <br /> fees, co�3.,��ion�, �nd expenses, +�s��l th� Arcarn�y's fee�. �� .Cac�rt ; <br /> • furth�r find� th�t th� United 5����� Traasury l?�pa�tment hes �cat �s <br /> qet apprc�ved the �state �a� r��urri a� f i&ed in t.l�ie abc3ve-�n�itlsd ��- <br /> t�te and thst the �xecutcr� be, e�nd he he�reby is ret��ned in of�i�e <br /> unC�.I the furth�r arder of this Court. <br /> The Court further finds that �11 clai� filed in this e�t�te �i�ve <br /> been �aid in fuli �nd that �any cl�im not an Ei�e, �e, a�d �h� ��me :�� <br /> farever barred. - <br /> IT IS THEAE�RE �RDERED, AtaJZTDGEI?, AIat3 DE+CREED BY THE G�TJRT, <br /> tha� �ny a�ad ell claims nc�t on fi1e, be, �nd the �a�ae are ft�reveac <br /> b8rred. <br /> The Gourt further �inds t.��t �h� e��ns�s c�f th� last 3.11nes�, <br /> funeral expensea, couze cos�s, expen��s of the e dminiatz�tion of �the <br /> eatate, including Attorneq'� £e�as, and ��cpr�n�es of th� Executvr, have <br /> been paid in full. <br /> The Court further find8 that Haa�r �tich�rds, alam kno� s$ <br /> `� Hamer T. Richsrds, deceeeed, 8ied t+est�te c�n the 15th day o� �,anuarY, <br /> 1.967. That he wae a citi.��n as�d r�sident c�f Aall. County, N�braslc�, <br /> ahich County and St�t� hsd �urisdiction. That he left a Laet W�.11 snd <br /> /,7 <br />