<br /> []EE� �F TF�LJS�'
<br /> Loan Na: 'I�'[�7���4 ��v�tin�ed} Page �
<br /> any proceeding or purchase in lieu af candemnation, Lender may at sts�iect�on require tha�all ar any portian of the
<br /> net pro�eeds o� �he award he appli�d to the Indebtedn�ss or the repair ar restoration �f th� Property. The n�t
<br /> proceeds of the award sha�l mean th� award after paymen� of all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys' �ees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connection wi�th the condemnation.
<br /> �MPaS1TI�1V �F T'A�CES, FEES AND CHAR(�ES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTHDR�TIES. The following provisians relatfng
<br /> to governmental taxes, fees and charges are a par�of this Deed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Curr�nt Taxes. Fees and Charges. Upan request by Lender, Trustor shall execute such documents in additi�n t❑
<br /> this D�ed of Trust an� �ake whateWer �ther action is request�d by Lender�o perfect and can�inue L�nder's �ien on
<br /> the R�al Property. Trust�r shall r�imburse Lender far a[I taxes, as described bel�w, t�gether with a[I exp�nses
<br /> incurred in recording, perfecting ar cantinuing this �3s�d vf Trust, includin� w�thau� limitatifln all taxes, fees,
<br /> do�umentary stamps, and o�her charges �or recording ❑r registering#his Deed o�F Trus�e
<br /> Taxes. The follawing shall constitute taxes ta which this s�ction applies: ��} a specific-tax upon this type v�
<br /> Deed afi Trust ar upon a�l or any part �f the Ind�b�t�dness secured by fih�s D�ed vf Trus�; {�� a specific tax �n
<br /> Borrawer �rvhi�h Borrawer is autharized ar r��uired ta deduct from paymen�s �n the Indeb�edness secured by this
<br /> type Qf C7eed o�F Trust; �3� a�ax on tnis type o� Deed of Trust chargeab�e against th� Lend�r or the ho3der of the
<br /> Note; and ��� a specific tax on a!E or any portian of the Indebtedness ar on payments of principa! and interest
<br /> made by Barrower.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. I� any tax �o which this se�tion applies is enacted su�sequ�n� to the date af �his Deed of
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shail have the same effect as an Event n� D��Fault, and Lender may exer�ise any or all vf its
<br /> availa�l� remedies -�vr an E�en� vf De�ault as pr�vided belaw unl�ss Trustor ei�her {1 y pays the �ax before i�
<br /> becomes del�nquent, ar {�} con�tests �he�ax as pro�ided ab�ve in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with
<br /> Lender�ash vr a suffiicient corporate surety band or other s�curity satisfactory�a Lender.
<br /> SECURITY A�REE�f[EIVT; F�NA,N�IN� STATEMENTS. The f�liQVUing pro�isions relating to this Deed ❑f Trust as a
<br /> security agreem�nt are a part�f this Deed of Trusfi:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrument shal� constitut� a Secu�ity Agreement t� the extent any �f the Property
<br /> constitutes �ixturesf and Lender sha11 ha�e all vf the r�ghts �f a secured part� under the LJniform Cnmmercial Cade
<br /> as amended from time tv time.
<br /> Security �nteresto LJpon request by Lender, Trustor shal� fiake whate��r ac�ti�n is ��ques�ed by Lender to perfect
<br /> and continue Lender`s security int�r�st in the Ren�s and Persanal Pr�perty. ln addi�ion to recording this Deed of
<br /> Trust in the real proper�y records, Lender may, at any time and withou� fur�her authorization from Trustar, �ile
<br /> executed counterparts, copEes �r re�r�duG�ions of �his Deed a� Trust as a finar►cing statement. Trustar shai�
<br /> reimburse L�nder for a!I expenses incurred in perfecting or cantinuing this securifiy interest. LJpvn defaul�, Trustor
<br /> sha�l not remave, sever ar d�ta�h the Persanal Praperty from the Property, llpon de�ault, Trustor sha[I assem�le
<br /> any Persana� Prape�ty nfl�t affixed �o the Prvperty in a manner and at a p�ace r�asanably �on�enient to Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make ifi ava�lable tv Lender wi�hin three {3y days affier r�ceip� o� wr�tten demand �ram Lende� to �he
<br /> ex�ent permitted by applica�le law.
<br /> Address�s. The mai�ing addresses af Trustor {dehtar} and Lender {secured partyf �Frorn which informati�n
<br /> cvncerning the security in�erest granted by this Deed of Trust may be ob�ained �each as requir�� by the Unifarm
<br /> Commercial Code} are as stat�d on th�first page vf this Deed of Trust. �
<br /> FU�THER AS�URAIVCES: ►4TT�RIIIEYaIN=�.F�ICT. The followin� pra�isions relating to further� assurances and � -
<br /> attornsy�in-�Fact are a part of this aeed a-f Trust: =�- - : � -
<br /> Further Assurances. A�any time, and �rom �ime to �ime, up�n reques�of Lender, Trustar will make, ex�cut� and
<br /> deliver, ar wEl� cause to b� made, exe�uted or deliWered. tv Lende�-or to Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, caus� to �e filed, recvrded. r�filed, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in su�h vffices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria�te, any and alf such mortgages, dee�s of trust, s�curity deeds, securi�y
<br /> agre�men�s, financing sta�em�nts, can�inuativn statements� ins��uments a� fur�h�r assurance, certificates, and
<br /> �ther documents as may, in�he sole �pininn of Lender, be necessary ar desirable in order to effectua�e, complete,
<br /> perf��t, continue, �r preser�e �1� Sorrvwer's and Trustvr's obligations under �he N��te, this Deed o�Trus�� and
<br /> the Related ❑ocuments, and 42y the liens and se�urity interests cr�a�ted by this Deed ❑f Trust as first and prior
<br /> liens an �he Property, whe�her naw owned or hereaf�er acquired by Trustar. l]nEess prahi�ited �y law �r Lender
<br /> agrees to �he con�trary in wri�ing, Trustvr shal[ r�imburse Lender for all costs and expenses incurred in cannection
<br /> with the matters referred�to in�his paragraph.
<br /> A�torney-in�Fact. If Trustor fa�ls tQ do any vfi the things referred �� in the pre��ding paragraph, Lender may da so
<br /> �far� and in �he name of Trustor and af Trustor's expensee For such purpvses, Trust�r hereby irrevacably appflints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney�in�fact for�th� purpase a�making, executing, de�i�ering, fifing, rec�rding, and d�ing all
<br /> ath�r things as may be necessary or d�sirable, in Lender's sofe opinian, to accomplish the matfe�s referred �a in
<br /> the prec�ding paragraph.
<br /> FU�.L PERFC]RIVl�4NCE, !f Borrower and Trus�ar pay all �he Indebtedness, in�ludin� wi�hout lim�tation afl �u�ure
<br /> ad�ances, when due, and Trus�or otherwise p�r�orms all the �bligatians impvsed upan Trustor under this aeed of Trust,
<br /> Lender shall execu�e and deli�e� to Trustee a request for full r�cQnWeyance and shal� ex��ute and deli�er t4 Trustor
<br /> suitable statements af term�na�ion of any financing statement on file e�iden�in� Lender's securi�y interes� in the Rents
<br />