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��14�3539 <br /> continue to pay t� L.�nder�he amoun�of�he separatel�r designated payments that were du�when the <br /> �n�urance co�erage ceased�o be in effe�t. Lender w��I accep�, use and retain�hes�paym�nts as a <br /> nonWrefundable Ios� re�erve in�ieu of Mort�a�e�nsurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, <br /> no�withs�anding�he fac��ha��he L�an�s u��i�mate��pa�d zn fu1�, and Lender sha11 no�be required to pay <br /> Bnrrovver any int�rest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender�an no langer requir�ioss reserve paymen�s <br /> if Mor��age�nsurance ca�erage��n the amount and far the period�hat Lender requires} prnvid�d�y an <br /> �nsurer se�ected b� Lender again becomes avai�able, is obtained, and Lender requires separa�e��designated <br /> pa�men�s toward�he prem�ums for Mortga�e�nsurance. �f L�nder requ�red Mortgag��nsuranc�as a <br /> condit�on of making the Loan and Borrawer was required to make�eparately des�gnated payments toward�he <br /> premiums for Mortgage �nsuranc�, Borrower sha�1 pa�the pr�miums required to maintain Mortgage <br /> �nsuran�e in effec�, �r��provide a nonµrefundabie l�ss re�er�ve, until Lender's requirement far Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance ends in accordance vv�th any v�rr�tten agreenr�ent be�ween Borrower and L.ender pro��d�n� for such <br /> terminat�on or untii �ermina�ion is required by Applicable Law. N�thing in�his Section �� affects <br /> Borraw�r's abl�gati�n ta pay in�eres�a�the rate prov�ded in the Note. <br /> Mortgage�nsurance rexmburses L.ender�ar any ent�ty �ha�purchases the No�e� for c�r�a�n lflss�s ��naa� incur <br /> �f Borrower daes no�repa�the L.oan as agreed. Borrower is not a par�y to�he Mortgage�nsurance, <br /> Mor�gage insurers e�a�uate their�otal risk on all such �nsurance�n force from time to�ime, and ma�en�er <br /> into agreemen�s v���h o�her par��es that share�r rnod�fy �heir risk, or�-educe Iosses. These agreements are on <br /> terms and c�nditians�ha�are satisfac�or��o �he mortgage insurer and�he other par�� �ar par�ies} ta �hese <br /> agreements. These agreements may r�quir��he mor�gage insurer�a make pa�ments using arry s�urce of funds <br /> �ha�the mortgage �nsurer may have ava��ab�e�v�rhich ma�include funds o��ained from Mor�gage�nsurance <br /> �rem�uxns}. <br /> As a resuit of these agreem�n�s, Lend�r, an�purchaser of the Nflte, ano�her insurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> entity, ar any af���ate of any of�he f�regoing, ma�receive �direc�l�or ind�rectly} amounts�ha�der��re from <br /> �or m�ghfi be charact�r�zed as} a por�ion�f Borrav�er's pa�men�s for Mortgag�Insurance, in�xchange for <br /> sharing or modif�ing�he mor�gage in5urer's ris�, or r�ducing Ioss�s. If such agre�ment pro�ides�ha�an <br /> aff�liat�af Lender takes a share o�`the�nsur�r's r�sk�n exchange for a share�f�he pr�m�ums pa�d to the <br /> insurer, �he arrangement is nf�en termed "capti�e reinsuran�e." Fur�her: <br /> �a y Any such agreemen�s will not affe�t the amounfs that Borrower has agreed to pa�for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her terms vf�he I.oan. Such agreements�v���not�ncrease�he amount <br /> Bvrrovver vvili owe for IVlortgage Insurance, and they wi�� not en�it�e Borrower�a any refund. <br /> �b 3 Any such agreem�nts wi��not affect the r�ghts Borrower has-�f any -v�ith respect to�he <br /> Mor�gage Insurance under the�Iomeowners Frot�c��on Act of 1998 or any o�her la��v. These r�ghts <br /> may include�he righ�to rece�ve certain dis�losures, to request and ob�ain cance��atian of the <br /> Mar�gage Insurance, �o have the Mor�gage In�urance terminated au�omatica��y� andlar to r�ce��e <br /> a refund of any Mor�gage Insurance premium�s�hat��v�r�unearned at the��me�f such <br /> cancellation or�ermina�ion. <br /> �'1. Assignment af Misce��aneous Praceeds; Forfeiture. A�� M�sce��aneaus Proc�eds are h�re�� ass�gned to <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> If�he Proper�y �s�.amaged, su�h Misce�lane�us Proceeds shai�be app�ied�� restnrat�on�r repair�f the <br /> Propert�r, if the res�oratian or repa�r�s economicall�f�asib�e and L.end�r's security �s no��essen�d. Dur�n� <br /> such repair and r�s�ora�ion per�od, Lend�r shail have�he r�ght to hold such M�sce�lane�us Proceeds un�il <br /> Lender has had an oppor�uni���o inspect such Property�o ensure the v�rork has been�ompleted �o Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3D�8�t�l <br /> VMP� VMPfifN�}��3�2f <br /> Waiters K�uwer Fi€�ancia!5er�ices Page 9❑f 17 <br />