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��14�3539 <br /> Ai� insurance po�xc�es requ�red by Lender and renewal s of such pol�cres shall be subj ec��o L,ender'� righ�ta <br /> disapprove su�h pa�ici�s, sha�l include a standard mar�gage c�aus�, and shal�name Lender as mortga�ee <br /> andlor as an additional loss pay�e. Lender sha��ha���he ri�h�to ha�d the policies and renewal cer�i�cates. If <br /> Lender requ�res, Barrower sha�I prompt�y g��e to Lender aI1 receipts of pa�d premiums and renewal noti�es. <br /> �f Borro��r ob�ains an�form of insurance coverage, nn�o�herwise required b� Lender, for damage to, or <br /> destruc��on a#`, �he Prop�rty, such policy shal� ine�ude a standard mortgage clause and sha�l name Lend�r as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an additiana� I�ss paye�. <br /> �n�he e��n�of�oss, Borra�er sha�� giWe prompt na�ice to�he�nsurance carr�er and Lender. Lender ma�r <br /> make pronf nf�oss �f nat made promptl��y Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> v�ri��ng, any insurance proce�ds, whether or nat the underlyin� insurance was required by L.�nder, shall be <br /> appl�ed to res�ora��on or repa�r of�he Pr�per�y, if the restnrat�on ar repa�r is�con�mi�all�r feasibl�and <br /> Lender's s�curit� is na�Iessened. Dur�ng such repair and restoration period, Lender sha�I ha�e th�right to <br /> ho�d such insurance proceeds until Lend�r has had an opportuni�y�n inspec� such Praper�y to ensur�the <br /> work has be�n comp��ted t� Lender'� �a�xsfacti�n, pro�rid�d tha�such�nspec��on shai� be under�aken <br /> pr�mptly. L�nder may d�s�urse proceeds for�he repa�rs and res�ora�ian in a s�ng�e paymen�or in a series flf <br /> progress pa�men�s as the v�rnrk is comple�ed. Unless an agreement�s mad�in�ri�ing or Appl�cab�e Lav�r <br /> requires int�rest to�e pa�d�n such insuranc�pr�ceeds, Lender sha�� no�be required t�pay Borrower an� <br /> in�erest or earnings on such pr�ceeds. Fe�s for publ�c adjusters, or other th�rd par�ies, re�ained b}� Borrower <br /> shal� not be paid�u��f the insuranc�proceeds and sha��b�the sol��bligation of Borrow�r. If the rest�ration <br /> or repa�r is not econamical�y feas�ble or L�nder's securi�y v�ould b�iessened, the�nsurance proceeds shali be <br /> appl�ed t� the sums se�ured by th�s Securit}� �nstrument, whe�her or not then due, w�th the exc�ss, if any, <br /> paid to Borrouler. Such �nsurance proce�ds shall be app�xed �n the order pro�ided for in S�c��nn�. <br /> �f B�rrnwer abandons the Property, Lender may file, negatia�e and se�tle any a�a�lab�� insurance claim and <br /> related ma�ters. �f Borrou��r does no�respond wzth�n 3�da�s �o a not�ce fr�m Lend�r�ha�the insuranc� <br /> carr�er has�ffered�o settle a c1a�m, �h�n L�nder ma�nego�iate and settle�he cla�m. The 3D-day periad vv�il <br /> begin vvhen the notice is given. In e��her e�ren�, or if Lender acquires the Property under 5ec�ion 22 or <br /> o�he�rvvise, Borrovver hereby ass�gns to Lender�a} Barraw�r's righ�s t� any insurance proceeds �n an amoun� <br /> not�fl��ceed�he amaun�s unpaid under the No�e or th�s S�cur�t��ns�rument, and�b} any other of <br /> Barrawer's r�ghts to�her than th�r�ght to any refund of unearned premiums pa�d b�r Borrower� under all <br /> insurance pol�cies co�er�ng the Proper�y, �nsafar as such rights are appiicable�o the�o�erage of the <br /> Proper��. Lender may use the insurance proce�ds e�ther to repair or restore the Proper�y or to pa�amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Security �nstrum�n�, whe�her or n�t then due. <br /> �. t�ccupancy. Borrower shall oG�upy, establ�sh, and us��he Proper�y as Borrower's principal residence <br /> wi�hin 6�da�s after the execut�on of�h�s Securi�y �n�trument and shall con��nu�to occupy�h�Proper��as <br /> Borrower's principal residence for at least on�year af�er�he date of occupanc�, un�ess Lender other�ise <br /> agrees in�ri�ing, wh��h�onsent sha�� no�be unreasonab��withhe�d, ar unless ex��nua�ing cir�umstances <br /> exis�which are be�ond Borrov�er's�antrol. <br /> 7. PreserWat�on, Maintenance and Protection of th� Property; Inspect�ons. Borrower sha�� n�t destra�, <br /> damage or impair��e Praper��, a�iaw th�Property tn de�eriorate or cam�mit�ras��on�he Property. �Vhether <br /> or not Borrower�s r�s�ding in�he Proper��, Barro�er sha1� maintain th�Prap�r�y in order�o pre�rent�he <br /> Property from de�er�orating or decreasing �n�valu�due�o ��s candi�ian, Z]niess �� is de�erm.i.ned pursuant�o <br /> ��c�ion 5 tha�repair ar r�s�aration�s nfl�economica��y feasible, Borro�rer shall promp���repa�r�he Proper�y <br /> �f damaged to avaid further deteriorat�on ar damage. �f�nsurance or condemnation proc�eds are pa�d in <br /> co�nec��fln with dama�e��, or�he taking af, th�Pr�pert�, Borrourer sha�l be resp�nsible fnr r�pair�ng or <br /> restoring the Proper�y onl� if Lender has re�eased proceeds for�uch purpases. Lender ma�dis�urs�proceeds <br /> N�gRASKA-Sin�fe Fami�y-�annie Mael�reddie Mac IJNi��RM INSTR�M�NT �arm 3�28 11q1 <br /> VMP C VMP6�N�)��3��� <br /> Wolters Kfuwer�inancial Ser�ices Pag�7 v#17 <br />
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