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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn , � �� � o <br /> o �z � C �� � � <br /> � Cn <br /> W Z� � Z �Z p — <br /> � G�� � � _� W � <br /> �� rn �� � � <br /> rn� p � r� � � <br /> �� � � C <br /> �� � � <br /> �� � .�.� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> , <br /> E�ic H.��indquist,P.C.,L.L.D. <br /> 8712 West DQdge��ad,5uite 260 <br /> Dm�ha,NE �8l I4�3419 <br /> N�TI���F SUIT <br /> �` , <br /> N�T�C� IS HEF�EB� �IVEN that on the day of June, ��14, ��erBank, as the pla�n�iff, <br /> fi�ed its �vmp�aint i� th� Distri�t ��urt of Hall Gounty, N'ebraska, against A,ndr�w �.... Ak�n, I�eidi L. <br /> Aken, Fred �, Gul���u, Spous�nf Fred 'W. �'rul�ow, real name unknown, Spvuse of�arol�n K. �'rulzaw, <br /> r�aX name unkr�awn, Sp�use af Andrew I�, Aken, and �tate of Nebra�ka,as the def�ndants�the�bject arid <br /> prayer af such ��mplaint t� ab#ain an �]rd�r declaring �hat the d�f�ndant�, Fred W. �ul�ow, Spouse of <br /> Fr�d 'VV. Gul�ow, rea� nam� unknown, Spvuse vf�arolyn I�. �utzvw, r�al name unkn�wn� and Spouse of <br /> A�drevv�,. Ak�n, h�.�� n� right, t�t�e, interest c�r lien in the r�al �state des�ribed belovv;that ownershxp in <br /> the r�al es�at� be dec]ar�d quiet�d and cleared in the nam� of I-�eidi L. Aken; ta abtain an a�counting, to <br /> fore�lase a deed c�f trust gi�en by said Andrew L. Aken a.r�d Heidi L. Aken, husba.nd and wife as jo�nt <br /> tenants, to Jeff�ourtney, Attc�rney at Law, as Truste�, for the benefit of ll�ortga�e �lectranic Regis�ration <br /> System5, Inc., act�ng sal��y as nominee for Equitahle Mor�gage �orporation� Ben�f ciary, to �uiet title and <br /> forec�ose any inter�st in �r�i�r� upon the real estaxe hereinafter�escrib�d of th� abo��-named defendants, <br /> ta abtain an order far the sa�e of the rea� es�ate hereinafter described far the satisfa�tion vf �he <br /> indebtedn�ss secured by such deed of trust and to �bt.ain other equita.b�e reli�f; that the �uit��aim I�eed <br /> r�cord�d �n February 4,�U�4 as �nstrument N�. ��14��643 in th��ff ce of the Re�ist�r�f De�ds of Hall <br /> �ounty, N�braska be reformed to the legal c�escription described �elow; that suCh d�ed of trust �s dated <br /> S�pte�mber 27, 24�4, and was r�cord�ed on��t��er l,���4 as Instrur�ent No. Q24�4�971 S, in the �ffic�of <br /> the Register of L�]e�ds of Hall �aunty, Nebr�ska, and conveyed t� su�h ben�ficiary the fa�lawing <br /> descri�d real e�tate situa��d in Ha�I�our►ty,Nebraska,to-wit: <br /> A tra�t of land e.�mprisir�� � p� of the 5outh �Ialf c�f �h� Sauthw�s� �uar�er af �he <br /> Southwest Qu.arter �511Z SW�14SW 114) of S��tion Twenty Se�en ����, �"ov�mship El��en <br /> �11) N�rth, Ran�e Nine {�� '�'Vest of the 6�` P,M., Hall �vunty, Nebraska, and more <br /> particularly described as follaws: <br /> Beginnin� at a pa�n� �n the east l�n� af said South Half�f the 5authw�st �uar��r of th� <br /> S�authwest�uarter�5�I��W 11�SW ll��, said pc�in�being Si�ty S�ven�57.��f�et nvrth of the <br /> sautheast corn�r c�f said South Half of th,e Southwest �uarter af the Southw�st �uart�r <br /> (S 112SW�14SW ll4), a,nd �ein� a point on th� nvrtherly ri�ht of way line of U.S. Hi�hwa� <br /> N�. 34 & 2; th�n�running north�rly, a�on�and upon the east�ine of said Sauth �alf of the <br /> Southw�st Quart�r �f th� Southw�st �uar�er �S II�SW I14SW 114�, a distance of Three <br /> Hundred �ighty Eigh# and Nine Tenths �3�8.��) f�et to a poi�t, said poizat b�ir�g Two <br /> Hundred and Three Tenths��U�.3�}feet s�uth of the Northea�t carner vf sa�d S�u�h �-Ialf vf <br /> the Svuthwest �uar�er af the Southw�st �uarter (S l l2 S�V 114S�V'�14}; th�nce runn�ng <br /> westerly, paarallel with the south line of said So�uth �alf of the SQuthwest �uarter �f the <br /> Southwest Quarter�S 11�SVWII4SW 114},a di�tance of C]ne Hundred Six�1�G.�}feet;thence <br /> running southerly, paratlet with the east line of said South Ha�f o�the Southvrrest C�uarter vf <br /> the Sauthwest C�uarter�S�125'V�114SW 114�, a dis�ance �f Thr�e Hundred Eighty and Nine <br /> Tenths�38U.9�}fee�t� a p�in�on said hi�hway rnght of way line, said point being Se�enty <br /> Fi�e �75.�} feet nvrth of the sauth line of said south Half vf the SQuthw�st �ua�rrer o�the <br /> 5outhwest �uart�r �S 11�5'�V 1145 W 1�4�; then�e running easterly, along and upon said <br /> north�rly highway right �f way line, a d��nc� af �ne Hundred Si� and Three T�nths <br /> �1 Df,�4}feet to the paint af heginnin�; <br /> and that such deed of trust v�as s�ld, transferr�d, and assign�d ta the plaintiff b� writt�n assignment <br /> rec�rded o�May 7,2�12 as instrument I��.��I�(]35�1. <br />