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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn + � �� � o <br /> o �z � C �� � � <br /> � Cn <br /> � Z� � Z �Z p — <br /> o G7� � � _� (,� � <br /> : �� rn �� � � <br /> rn� p � r� p � <br /> �� � � C <br /> . W� � � � <br /> �� � .�.� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> �7 Z <br /> � <br /> TH�S�NSTRUMENT�'REPARED BY: AFTER RE��RDING RETURN T`�: <br /> H�m�Federal Sa��n�s&Lvan Assvciat�on af Hflme Federa�Sav�ngs&L�an A�sac�at��n of <br /> � Gr�nd Is�and �rand Isiand <br /> 2Z 1 South Locust��reet �Z 1 South Lv�ust Street <br /> GRAND ISLAND,NE 558�1 GRAND ISLAND,NE f SSU1 <br /> {Space Abo�e This Line Far Recording Da�a} <br /> L�AN�RIG�NAT�R N.AME: �h ris I�ask�e � <br /> NMLS C�MPANY IDENT�FIER: 446443 <br /> NMLS flRIGINA.T�R�DENT�F�ER: 494565 <br /> DE�D ��" TT�.US'T <br /> �PREAUTH�RIZED ��PEN END) CREDIT - FUTURE ADVAN��S ARE SE�URED <br /> BY T�IIS D��I) �F TFtiTST} <br /> THIS DEED 4F TRUST�"Security�:ns�rumen�"} �s made �n Jun�Z�s 2U 14. The gran��r�s ANDREV�P NIAY, <br /> A SINGLE PERS�N, v�hose address is 313� �V 14TH ST I�NIT �, �RANI� ISLAND, Nebraska 688�3-Z454 <br /> �"Borrovver") Borrav�er is no�necessar���the same as�he Person or Pers�ns vvha s�gn�h�Home Equity L�ne af <br /> �red�t Agreement, da�ed June ��, ��14 �"Con�ract"}. The abl�gatiflns af Barrowers v�ho d�d not sign �he <br /> �ontra��are explained fur�her�n�he sec��on tx�led Successors and Assigns B�und; Jo�nt and �e�era�Liabi�ity; <br /> Accvmmadatifln S�gners, The �rus�ee is Arend R. Baack, Attorney whose address �s P.�. Sax 79�, Grand <br /> Is�and, Nebraska 6�8�2 ("Trusteet'�. The benef cxary is Home Federa� Sav�ngs & L�an A.�soczat�on �f�rand <br /> Island, v�rh��h�s organ��ed and ex�s�ing under the �a�vs of the United S�ates Qf America and�vh�se address is 2Z1 <br /> Svuth Locust Street,�rand Is�and,Ne�raska 6$S�1 �"Lender"�.AND�.EV�P MAY has entered in�o a�ontrac� <br /> vv�th Lender as of June Z�,2414,under the terms of wh��h Borrower may,from�ime to time,ob�arn advances not <br /> ta exceed, a� any ti�me, a *x*�VIAXI�VII�M �RINCIPAL AM�UN'T (E�CLUDING PRUTE�TIVE <br /> ADVAN�ES)x�* �f Seventeen Thousand and UUII QU Doi�ars �U.S. $17,UUU.UD� �"�redx� L�nit"}. Any party <br /> interested �n �he de�ai�s rela�ed to Lender's �an�inu�ng obixga��on �a make advan�es to Borrower �s ad��sed �o <br /> �onsu�t di�-ec�ly w��h Lender. If n��pa�d ear�ier, �he sums ov��ng under Barrower's C�ntrac�vv��h Lender v��1� be <br /> due an July 15, ��19. This Security �nstrumen� secures �o Lend�r: �a} the repaym.en� �f�he del�t under �he <br /> �on�rac�, �vith interest, inc�udin�fu�ure ad�ances, and a��ren�vvals, ex�ensxons and m.fld�f cat�ans af th���ntrac�; <br /> �b}�he paymen�gf aX���her sums,v�i�h�n�erest, advanced�o protec��he secur�ty of th�s Se�ur��y�nstrumen�u.nder <br /> �he pro�xsxons af the se��ion�r��ed Pro�ecti�n of Lender's R�ghts �n the Proper��; and �c� the perf�rmance �f <br /> Borra�er's co�enants and agreements under�his Security�ns�ru�ment and the Can�ract.F�r th�s purpose,Barrflvver, <br /> in cans�dera�ion of the debt and the �rust here�n cr�a�ed, �rrev�Gahly grants and canveys �fl Trustee, �n trust, wxth <br /> po�ver of sa�e,�he fo�l�wing descrihed prnperty�o�a�ed�.n the�[]UNTY af HALL, Sta�e of Nebraska: <br /> Address:313U W 14TH�T'UNIT Z,GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska 5SS43-Z464 <br /> Lega� Descrxptifln: SUITE TWD (2� IN THE RAVENUAI�� C[lND��VIINIUM, IN TH� CITY UF <br /> GRA►.ND ISLANI3, HALL C�UNTY, NEBRASKA�, AS SH�WN UN �'HE PI�AT AND P�AN F�R <br /> THE RAVENUAKS �aNDUMINIUIVI AND THE DE�LARATI�N- THEItE�F, AND ANY <br /> AMENDMENTS TI-�ERETa,AND SUSJECT T�THE DE�LARATI�N,GRANTS,��VENANTS, <br /> EASEMENTS, ��NDITI�NS, AND RESTRI�TI�NS �STABLISHING A PLAN F(]R <br /> ��NDUMINIUM U�NERSHIP �F THE RAVEN�AKS CC]ND�MINIUM, A� S�T F�RTII <br /> THEREIN AND UF REC�RD AS INST�LTMENT N�. 95-105717, AN�3 �ANY AMENDMENTS) <br /> THERETf],ALL AS�t]NTAINEI3 IN THE REC�RDS UF T�IE REGIST�R�F DEEDS�F HALL <br /> C�UNTY,NE�3RASKA <br /> T�GETHER �VV�TH a�� �he �i.m.pra�emen�s n��r �r hereafter ere��ed on �he pr�per�y, and al� easemen�s, <br /> appur�enances, and fi��ures nav� �r her�af�er a part�f�he pra�er�y. All rep�acemE.en�s and add�t�ans sha�l also be <br /> co�er�d by th�s Secur�ty �ristrumen�. A�I �f �he foregoing is referred,�� �n �hxs Securi�y Ins�rument as �he <br /> "Praperty.t' � <br /> B�RR��ER��VENA�TS �ha�Barrawer �s �awfuily se�sed af�he es�ate �.ereby conveyed and has the r�ght�� <br /> grant and �anvey the Praperty and tha� �he Prnpe�-�y �s unencumbered, ex�ept for encum�bran�es of record. <br /> C�3 2�04-2013 Cvmpliar�ce Systems,In�.9F96-6A27-2013L2,d.72� <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrumer�t I3L2435 Page 1 af 5 www.�omplian� <br />