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<br /> �e�urn�d.�lress:
<br /> �quitable Ba�a.l�
<br /> P� k3ox l��
<br /> ��r�.�.d Islari c1� lITE 6 S���
<br /> ��J����'����C�II� ��' '�1�ZT���� A�1�TI� �]���1 �� 1�������.�N�� �
<br /> 1, ��:�.bst�t�a.�i�r� �f T�ust��, Equitab�.e �3 an�, a�P.�. �ax ��0, �ra�d �s�and., �T�
<br /> �BS�Z, is here��r a�po�.n.ted �uc�essor Tr�u.stee under the Deecl of'I'rust e��c�.tted by l�.�nald �L
<br /> �agr�.e� �rld I��tty��a��a�.er, I�usbar�d, �n�. T�Tif�, as`Trustor, �.x-�.�rhi�h ��uita�le Banl�, f�a
<br /> Th� Equitab�.e Bu�ldxng'8� Loan As�ociata.on, FSB, xs namec� as the Leneficiax•y a.�.d Ear� I].
<br /> Ahlschvc�ed�, Attorn�y, as'Y'rust�e, dated Jul� l5, 1�9�� arid record�d J�'uly 2�, l��], �n the
<br /> �f�ce of the Regl�ter of'De�ds of Hall �ounyty, Nebraska as Instrument No. �U�9�[]'��I�
<br /> regarding the x-eal estate c�escr�il�ed�n paragra�ah � b�laur. .
<br /> �. D�e� ����coravevaa�.��. fihe ��c�.e 1�t�dn�ss s��ure��v the �ee� af Trust�x�cute�.
<br /> by��nalcl �G�'�,grn�.� a�i.�. ��t��I��Ta����, �x�.s�a�t1 �s�.�.�ife, as t�t�:sto�-, t� �a�-� I]:
<br /> ��i�.s�h�ved�, �ttorx�ey, as'�'ruste�, �or�ze b�rzef�:t �f�qu�.ta�b�e �ar�k, fka'The �q�.�ta��e Builc�.r�:
<br /> �
<br /> 8� Laar�AssocYation, �`�B as Bene�ciary, �Iat�c��'ul� l�� �.��9, and rec�r�:�d�r�. th� affic€: of th�
<br /> R�g�ster of D�ec�s of Hall County, Nebraska as Docul�aera.t No. �����.�'�314? has been�aid,
<br /> and the Fenefi��ar�has r�quest�d in writirzg that tri�s Deed af Recon�veyance �ae execut�d ara.�
<br /> clelivere� as co�firmed by�ts erzc�orsement�e�.o�v, �
<br /> In c�nsid�rat�ori of such payment arz�.xr� accor�.ar�c�w�th the request of the Ber�ef�ici ,
<br /> �
<br /> the S�.tbstltut�Trustee r�cor�vey�s t� the persara. or persor�.s entltl.ed the�eto a�l the r-ight titl.e and
<br /> �n.ter�st �n.d ��a.�.m aec�u��.red by th�Trust�e �urs�.:as�.t tfl the I3�ed of"�rust�n �he real�state
<br /> des�ri�ed i�paragra�h;3 bel�w.
<br /> 3, I�e�cri ti�n �f��al �st�.te a - li����:� ��a b���i �ub�ti�x�ta��ra �f T'ruste�
<br /> arac� I�ee�i o����amve�aazc�.
<br /> � �.et �f�:a�d. �o��r�s�;� ��t €��'�� �������.�aa�r� ��.��} �� ���� ���� �����
<br /> T���ip I�"�� ��� ���r� �ia�e. '�� ���� ��: �� ����� P.�, � ���.�� ����s�a� �a��-e
<br /> pa��ar�� ��s�i�� as: f����� - - �� � ��i�� ���.� fe�� �es� €��' �� ���€ ���-
<br /> �ar�e� c��s�.�� ���� �:��€��. �x� ��r�i �.�a� ��:�� ��:��;�.�n���s�°�� ��� ���. �€�� ��
<br /> � ���� vf ��.3� ��'�:��.� ��a����� ��� � ��. ��� �� �.� �t �s.� �� s�� ���� �
<br /> �. ��.ce �� �.,��� ��� t�en�e �:s��y ��� � �� ���e� � �� ���: �� a����€� I���:��a�
<br /> d�s�� �f���.� ��� �;�� � �� ���� ����; �e�� �€��e,�-�� €�� �� ��. �e �� ����
<br /> ��.�� � �s��� ���?'.�:� ��� ��.c� ��� � �� ��I� � �� ��� �� �� s��
<br /> ��f� a �s��an� a��?5:�.5 f�� ��c� ���a�� a�.��� �. �� p�� �� �e �� �� �����.
<br /> �'�.��a�.s�e����'��f�������a��o� " ' .
<br /> EQUITA.�3I.E �AN�,
<br /> I3EN�FICI�.R�Y a�.�. �UI�ST�'I`UTE rI'I�US'T`EE
<br /> R
<br /> + � -�
<br /> �� � �c�
<br /> � ��
<br /> Tham..as E �do�rski, �hx�f E�ecu�iv-e �ffi�er _
<br /> �'I`ATE �F��I3R�.�� �
<br /> �ss
<br /> ���NTY �F HALL }
<br /> The f�r�goirzg �ubst�tut�on of'�'ruste� axld D�ec� �f Re�onve�ranc�was a�know�.�dged
<br /> before m� th�s �4 th D��r a f June � 2�14 , by'thamas E �dowski, Chief
<br /> ��e�utive �ffieer, Eq�.itable Ban��, I3ernefi��.ar�r ar�d. Su st�tz.�te'I'rustee.
<br /> �����A������b�s��
<br /> ���.�����7��]�� �
<br /> ...t, .._ ������.�.���������� l�ot�ry P�xc
<br />