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<br /> �n �onsideratio�� of the mutual promises and agreemen�s exchanged, �he parties hereto agr�e as failows
<br /> �notwithstanding anything tn the contrary contain�d in the Note or Securit}r Instrumen�}:
<br /> 1. B�rrower agrees that �ertain amaunts owed will not be eapitalized, wai�ed, or addressed as part of tl�is
<br /> Agreement, and wili rernain awed until paid. These amounts owed are referenced it� the Gn�er Letter to
<br /> this A�reement,whic��is incorporated herein,ar�d are to be paid vv�th the re�urn of this executed Agre�ment.
<br /> If thes�amounts owed are n�t paid with the re�urn of this executed Agreement,then Lender may deem t�lis
<br /> Agreemen��oid.
<br /> 2. As�f, MAY l,z414 the anlout�t payable under the Note a��d the 5ecurity Itastrument��l�e"Unpaid Principal
<br /> Balance"} is U.S. $1S6,7S3,7U, consisting of the amount�s} laan�d to Barrower by Lend�r,plus capitalized
<br /> interest in the amount of U.S. $fl.UQ and ather amounts capitalized, which is limited to escraws and any
<br /> legal f�es and related fareclosure costs that may have be�tl accrued for �nrk completed. This Unpaitl
<br /> Principal Balance has been reduced by th� cantemporaneous HUD Partial Claim amount of
<br /> �33,272.96. This agreement is conditioned on the proper execution and recarding of this.HV.D Par�ial
<br /> �laim,
<br /> 3. Borrower promises �o pay the Unpaid PrinCipal Balance, plus interest, �o the flrder af Lender Interesti�vi11
<br /> be charged on the Unpaid Principal Ba�ance at the yearly ra�e of 4.5QOU%, from MAY 1, 2U14. The
<br /> Borr��ver promises to make monthly payments of principal and interest af U.S. �794.4U, beg�nning an the
<br /> 1 ST day of JUNE, 2U14, and cont�nuing t��ereafter on the same day of each succeeding mnnth ut�til
<br /> principal and interest are paid in full. �f on MAY l, ZU44 �the "Maturity Da�e"�, the .Borro�ver still owes
<br /> amounts under the Note and the S�curity instz�ument, as amended by this Agreeme��t, Barr�wer wi�l pay
<br /> these a�nounts in full on the Maturifiy Date.
<br /> 4. If all or any part of the Property or aY�y in�eres� in it is sold or transferred �or if a bene.ficial interest �n the
<br /> Borrower i s so�d or transferred an�the Borrower i s no�a natural person}witho ut the Lender's prior written
<br /> consen�,the Lender may require imm�diate payment in full af all sums�ec��red by this Security Ins�rument.
<br /> If the Lender exercises this �ptian, the Lex�d�r shall giv� the Borrower notice of acceleration. Tl�e no�ice
<br /> sha11 pra�ide a period af not less than 3� days frnm the date the natice is deli�ered or maiied within which
<br /> the Borrawer must pay all sums secured by�his 5ecurity Instrument.If the B�rrower faiis to pay these s«ms
<br /> priar to �he expiration of this periad, the Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by this Security
<br /> Instrument without further natice or dernand an�he Borrower.
<br /> 5. Tlie Borro�rer agrees to mal�e and e�ecute such o�her da�uments or papers as may be necessary or�-equired
<br /> tfl effectuate the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
<br /> f. The Borrower also will �amply with all other co�e��an�s, agreements, and requirements of the Security
<br /> Instrumen�, includi��g wit��aut limitation,the Borrnwer's co�enants and agreements ta make a�l payrnents of
<br /> taxes, insurance premiums, assessments,�scrow ite�ns, ii-npounds,and all other payments tha��he Borrower
<br /> is obligated#a make under the Security Instrumen�;howeW�r,the f�llawing terms and pro�isions are fore�er
<br /> cancelled,null and�oid,as of the dat�specified in Paragraph No. 1 above:
<br /> �a� all terms and pro�isions of the Nate and Security ���strumen��if any}prov�ding for, implementing,or
<br /> relating to,any change or adj ustment in�he rate of interes�payable under the Not�;and
<br /> �b} all terms and pro�isivns of any adjustable rat� rider,or other instrumer�t ar document that is affixed
<br /> to, wholly or partially incorporated into, or is part of, �.he ��te or Securiry Ins�rum�nt and t��at
<br /> Gontains any such terms and pro�isions as those referred t�in�a}aho�e.
<br /> 1� r a 7 a � � �ryI�m� IIIII
<br /> Vl�t,lls Fargn CListom �-�UI7-�iAMF Loan Moc�i#tcati�n Agrt�.mt,nt 93G I�I�ill�lll��l����llll���llll��
<br /> [)3132��14 258
<br /> First Arneric�n Mortgag�5�rvic;�s Page 2
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