� � - ��14�3773
<br /> Borro�er owes L�n�er the pr�ncipal sum of�N� HUNI�RED SI�TY=FIVE TH�USAND EIGHT H�CJNDREI�
<br /> NIIVETY NINE AI�D I�l'�I1�4,DoXl�rs��.S.$165;899.00}.This d�bt is e�idenc�d b�Borrt��er's no�e da��d th�sarn�
<br /> date as this S�curi�Ins�tment�"��te"}, vsrhich provides for mon��.i�pa�m�nts,�vzth the fi��l debt, if nat Faid�arlier,
<br /> du�and pa�abl�on Ju�y 1,2Q29.This S�cu�yty It�strum�nt secur�s ta L�nder: �a��he repa�m�n�of the debt evidenc�d
<br /> by the Nvte,wi�h�nterest,a��d all r�n��als,e�tensions and mod�f cati�ns�f t��e�Io�e;{�}the paymer��af all�ther sunls,
<br /> with in�erest,adwan��d utider paragraph 7 ta�rfltec�the secur-ity af this�ecurity Ir�strument;an��c�the�erfa��nance of
<br /> � Borra��r's c�ven�n#s �nd agr�ements under this �ecurity Inst�vment ar��l th� Note. F�r th�� puz-�ose, Bo�rawer
<br /> rrr�vocably grar�t�and cori�e�s ta the Trust��, in trust,tivith p�w��of�ale,the fa�l�uTing described pra�e�-t�lo�ate�in
<br /> Hall�ounty,Nebraska: � .
<br /> is��� .
<br /> �
<br /> Parcel ID N�mber;4U�Q412�3 . .
<br /> � which ha�the ad�ress of: ��`2�Saint Fatri�k�,venue �
<br /> . �rand Island,I�1E�ItASI�68�03,�"Pro��Y-ty�ddr�s�"};
<br /> T��ETHER �ITH a1l th� imprQvements no� o�- hereafter erec�ed �rt �he proper�y, at��. all easemen�s,
<br /> . �ppur�enances and fix�u�es no�r�r h�r�after a part of the propel-�y.Al�rep�aGements and additivns shal]alsa b�covered
<br /> by this Se�urit}r�r�s�rurjnen�.Al1 of the f�re��i�-�g�s refen ed ta���th�s S���zrity Tnstrument as �h�"Propei-�y."Baxro�rer
<br /> ur�derstar�ds arid agr��s that ME�S holds aril�r Iegai ti�le to th� in��rests granted by Barrr�w�r in �his S�curi�.y
<br /> � Tns�rumen�;l�u�, if n�c�ssary to com�1�with lav�r�r custor��,MEI�S, (as nomine�f�r Lender and L��der's successar�
<br /> and assign��,has ��h�righ�: to ex�rcis�an�ar al1 of�hose interests,iriclud�ng,but not limi�ed t�,�h�righ��o f��-�clas�
<br /> �nd s�ll the Prop�rty;and�o�take any ac�ion re��i�r��af L,�nder,ir��luding,�t�t noti�irni��d��,releasir�g ar cariceling th�s
<br /> S�curit�r Inst�-ument. .
<br /> B�RR��ER��VEN�NTS that Bor�awer i� Iawfuliy s�i�ed of the es�at�he��h�con��yed and has�he right�a
<br /> grant�nd conve�the Pr�perty and �h�.t the Fraper�y is uneri�umber�d, �xcept far encum�rances af record. Bor�-o�er .
<br /> ��rrari�s�nd�ri��def�nd�erierally the�it1�tQ the Prop��ag�.inst a1l c�ai�rns�d�iernands,subj�ct to�ny�ncum�ra.nces .
<br /> o f r�cord. � '
<br /> TH��SE�URYTY�1�STI�UMENT�on��bin��ur�ifo�`m�avet�an�s for n��iari�.l use�nd non-u�ifarm ca�enari�s wi�h
<br /> � limi�ed varia�i�r�s by ju�is�Y��i�n to�tin���t�ke���riif�rm securit�r i�stru�r1eri�c�����g real pro�erty
<br /> UN�F�RM��VENANTS.�3orrov�rer and L�n��r�ovena.nt arid agr��as f�l��vvs:
<br /> 1. Payment af Frit���paly Interest and Late Charge.BoYYo�er sha1l pay�h�t�due the prit���pal of,�nd int�rest
<br /> an,the debt evid�n�et�b�th�Note and late cha�-ges due under th�Na�e.
<br /> 2.�I�nthly P�ymen�af Ta�ces,Insurance�nd�th�r�harges.Barrovv�r shal�include in eacl�mo�-��hly p�.�r�n�nt,
<br /> tQg�ther�ith the prin�i�al and inter�s� as s��fo�t-th in the�Tote and any late ��aarges, a sum for�a} �ax�s and sp�c�a1
<br /> � assessm�nts levied ar tQ be Ie�ied a�ains�the Praper�,�b� lease�iald paymen�s flr ground retits on the Prop��-t�,and�c}
<br /> pr emiums for ins�.2ran�e requir��under paragr�p��. In. any y�ar in�Th�ch the Lender must pa�a mor-�gag�insuran�e
<br /> pr�mium ta the S�cre�a.ry af Hausing and�rban L)e�elopmen��"Secreta�y'}}, or in any year in v�hieh s�.���1 premium
<br /> w�uld have���n r�q����d if Lender still h�ld�h���c�u-it��nstrum�r��,each mont�lr�paymen�shail also inelude e��her:
<br /> �i}.a sum fQr��ie annual rn�rtgage insurance pr�miut-n�o be pa�d by Lend�r fo fh� ��cretar�, ar�ii� a rn.on��11y c�lar�e
<br /> instead af a mortgage insuran��pr��nium if th�s Sec�ll-�t,��nst�l�rnen��s l�eXd b��he S��retary,in a reasonabie am�unt to
<br /> �e det�rmined�y t��e Secretary Exce�t for t�ae rnozathly charg�b�the Secr�tar�, tXae�e�tentis are�alled"Es�ro�r Items"
<br /> and�he sums�a��.ta Lender ar�call�d"Escra�v Funds."
<br /> FHA Nebraska D�ed art Trust v�►ith�IERS—4J96 Am�r�d�d?1�4
<br /> P�g��of8 I.
<br /> ios,i�,�. Borr��re�s Initials ��p r``�`��
<br /> � � �W
<br /> ,
<br /> . �[[I M������'N��t��������I��i!i!
<br />