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<br /> K��1J�d A�L M�� �Y Tl���E PRESE�T�:
<br /> THAT V!VHEREAS, in an act�on fvun� at �as� N�, �I �3-435 in th� D�strict
<br /> �ourt of Hall �ounty, Nebraska, wherein Natianstar Martgag� LLG, is the �a�ntiff
<br /> p �
<br /> and Be�er�y H�ss, Persvnal Repres�nta�i�e of th� Estate of Wend�l� W. Zwink, the
<br /> Esta�e of W�nidel� W. Zwink, Deceased, The Heirs, Legatees, Devisees Persvnal
<br /> ,
<br /> Representa#�v s, and Alf �#her Pers�ns Interested in the Estate of Wend�ll W.
<br /> Zwink, Dec�asied, reaf names unknown, John Doe an� Jane Doe, rea� names and
<br /> marita! status �nkno►n►n, ar� #he defendants, Nationstar Mortgage LLC, did obtain a
<br /> ❑ecree findrng;that th�re is du� the p�aintiff th� sum of Ei h -Two Thausan
<br /> � ty d �ne
<br /> Hundre� Seve�ty-�ne Dollars and �ixty-Two C�nts �$8�,�7�.��}, an� c�sts of suit�
<br /> and '
<br /> WHER�AS, it was further ordered in sa�d C�e�ree that in defauft of the
<br /> paym�nt of th� sum sa faun� due by the defendants, that #he a o�nted Master
<br /> pl�
<br /> �ommissioner shou�d cause #he [ands and t�nemen#s hereinaf#er �es�ribed to be
<br /> advertised and;sald according �o !aw to pay the same; and
<br /> �
<br /> VIIHER�AS, default in payment ha►►ing been mad� there�n, John B. M�Dermott,
<br /> Mast�r �omm��s�on�r un�er and by ��rtue of�he said De�ree and th� �rder of Sale ta
<br /> him du�y directed, d�d on May 6, 2��4, inside the front doar of the Hal1 �vun�
<br /> v
<br /> �vurtf�ouse, in �h� �ity oT �rand fs�and, �iaii �aur��y, �Jebra�l�a, hav�n� fir�t gir��n du�
<br /> and fegal na�ic� of the tim� and place af said sa�e by publication once in each week for
<br /> four consecutiv�� weeks in a n�wspaper pr�nted and �n eneral cir�uiativn in said
<br /> ■ � r + �
<br /> C�unty of Hall, �ell sa�d premises a# public auctr�n to Nat�vnstar Mortgage LL�, for the
<br /> sum �f Eighty-Four Th�usand S�ven Hundred Tw�nty Dvllars and E� h -Thre� Cents
<br /> �$84,72�.83}; amd
<br /> 9 tY
<br /> WHERE�AS, Nat��n�tar Mortgage LL�, has assi ned a!I af its ri ht title
<br /> � g , , and
<br /> interes# �n and t�v Such bid a# said sale and �� the real esta�e describ�d in th� �rder of
<br /> Sale issued in �he afvrement�vned �awsuit, to Federal National Mvrtgage As��ciat��n,
<br /> its succ�ss�rs a�nd assigns; and
<br /> WHERE;AS such Master �ommissianer's sale was afterwar� confrmed on
<br /> ��.,' ���4, and th� said J�hn B. Mc�ermot#, Ma�t�r �ommiss�vner was
<br /> ordered �o �onivey said premise� in fe� simple title t� Federa! National Mort a �
<br /> . . . . 9 g
<br /> Ass���atian, rts�u�cessor� and assEgns.
<br />