<br /> L7EE� ��F 1�R�I�T
<br /> .
<br /> L�an Nv: 7���`�74'� � ��7tRr�u� Page 2
<br /> vn, under, abou� or from -�he P�oper'ty by any prior owners �r accupants vf the Property, �r {c} any actual ar
<br /> �hreaten-ed [itigation �r c[aims �f any kind by any person rela�ing �ta such matters, and t3� Except as previously
<br /> disclosed to and acl�nov�r[edged by Lender in�vr�t€ng; �.�} neither Trustor nar any tenant, contrac�or, agen-�or o-�her
<br /> authoriz�d user o��he Property sha�l use, genera�e, ma:nu�acture, s�tore, t�-eat, dispose of or release any Haza�dous
<br /> Substance on, under, about or fr�m the Praper�y; and �b}� any such activi�y sha�� be c�nducted €n compiiance wi�h
<br /> all applicab.le f�de�al; s�ate, and lacal �avvs, regula�ions and ordinances, including vvithout �imi�at�an a[1
<br /> En�ironmenta[ �aws. Trus�ar au�h�rizes Lender and its agents �o en�er upon the Proper�ty to rnake such
<br /> inspecti�ns and tests, a� Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropria�e �a de�erm�ne cor�pi�a�ce o� the
<br /> Property �vith this s�ct�an o�th� IJeed o-F Trus�. Any inspectians or �es�s made by Lender shall be for Lender"s
<br /> purposes onfy and shall not be cons�rued�� c�-eate any responsibility or liah��€ty on the part o�Lender ta T�rus�or or
<br /> ta any other person. The representations and v�arrant�es contained h:erein a�e based on Trus�or's due diligence in
<br /> inves�igating the Property for Ha�ardous Subs�ances. Trustor hereby �'[� re�gases and wai�es any future claims
<br /> against Lend�r f�r indemnity ar contribut�on €n �he erient Trustvr hecomes �iable fvr clean�up or other �osts under
<br /> any such laws; and 4�} �agrees ta indemn'rfy, defend, and hold harm[ess Lender aga�nst any and all claims, losses,
<br /> liabilities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses vvh'rch Lende�may d.€rectfy or indirectly sustain or suffe�r resulting fram
<br /> a breach o�this sectivn of the Deed of Trus� or as a consequence o� any use, generat€vn, manufacture, s�orage,
<br /> disposal, rel�ase or threa�ened release vccurr�ng prio�to Trustor's ownership or inter�:st�n�he Prap�rty, whethe�ar .
<br /> nvt the sa.me v�as or shou�d ha�e been knotirvn to Trustor. The pro�isions o� this se�tion a� the �e�d vf Trus�t,
<br /> including fihe obligat�on�a indemnify and defend,shall sur��ve the payment vf-�he �ndehtedness and fihe sa�isfact�on
<br /> and reconveyanc� �f the�ien o��his Deed o�Trust and shall not��af�e�ted by Lender's acquis€tion��any'rn�terest
<br /> in the Property,whather by foreclosure or ather�nris�.
<br /> iVuisance; 11Vas�e. Trustar sha[� not cause, canduct or permit any nuisance nar comrr�it, permi�, ar sufFer any
<br /> s�trwpping o� or waste �n or to th� Property or any portion ofi the Prvperty. 1Nithout [imi�ing the genera�ity �f the
<br /> fvregoing, Trus�ar�rvi[E na� remo�e, or gran�to any vther party the r�gh��o remo�e, any timber, minerals �in�luding
<br /> o'rl and gas�, coa�, c�ay, scoria,svil, gra�el ar rock products without Lender's prior written c:ons�n�.
<br /> RemoWa�of lmprovements. Trus�o�r sha�.[ nat demolish or rema�e any lmpro�em�nts fram the Reaf Property without
<br /> Lend�r's prior wri�ten consent. As a cvndi�ian to the remova[ of any �mpravemen�s, Lend�r may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangements satisfacto�y �� Lender to �ep�ac� such [mpro�ements v�rith lmpro�ements of a� �eas# equaf
<br /> �afu:e.
<br /> Lencier`s l�iglh��� Enter. Lend�r and Lender`s agen�s and represer�tati�es may enter upon the Reaf Praperty a� all
<br /> reasonable �t�mes t� a�tend to Lend��'s in��rests ar�d �� �r�spec� �he Rea! Proper� �or purpases o� Trusto�'s
<br /> ��€�np[i��c��vi�h t��te�ms and conditsvns���his Deed �f Tr���,
<br /> �oa�p��ance �nr��h �o�►ernrnenta! �equirernen�s. Trusto� sha�`� prorrmptly campiy wi�h all laws, ordinancesr and
<br /> �e�ulat�vns, nv�►r or hereaft�r in ef�ect, of a11 gove�nmen-�a[ authorities applicable �o the use ar ❑ccupancy of the
<br /> Properky. Trus�or may con��st in good �aith any such l.aw, vrdinance, ar regu[atian and withho�.d c�mp[iance during
<br /> any pro�eeding, including appropriate appeals, so Iong �s Trustor has no�ified Lender in writing prior to do�n� so
<br /> and so �ong as, in Lender's so�e opinion, Lender's iRterests En the Property are not jeopardi�ed. Lender m,ay requi�e
<br /> Trustar to pos�ad`equa�e security or a sure�y bond, reas.vnab�y satis�a��ory�o Lender,tv protect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty to Prv�ec�. Trustor ag�ees nei�her �o abandon or �ea�e una�tended the Property. Trus�or shall do a�f other
<br /> a�ts, in addi�ion to those acts se�fiorth above in this sect�on, which from�he character and use of�he Prvperty are
<br /> reasonab�y necess�ry t� protect and pr�serve the P�operty.
<br /> DUE�!�S�4L�-��NSENT �Y LENDEI�. Lender may, at Lende�'s op�ion, dec�are immedia�ely du� an� payable a�f sums
<br /> secured by�h�s �eed ��Trus�upon the s�1e or transfer, �rvi�hou� Lender's p�ivr Uvritten c�nser�tx o�r a�� or an�par�af-�he
<br /> �ea� P�ope��yr ��.��y it��e�est in�he Rea[ Propert�. �► "'sale�r�r�r�sfer�' rnea.ns�he c�nve�rance o�Real Praper�y ar�ny
<br /> righ�, ��tle or in�e�es� in ihe Rea! Prvqerty; �rh�ther �egal, �e�ae�icia� or equi�tab[�; �vhether �ol�n�fiar� �� involuntary;
<br /> �hezher b� au�r�gh� sa�e, �eed� �nsta.l��menfi sa�e cont�act, �an� contra�fi, c�n�ract for �.��d, leaseho9d Enterest with a
<br /> te�rn grea�er than�h�-ee f 3} years, Eease-option contrac�, vr�y saf�, ass�gnment, or t�-ansfer a�r any beneficial in�eres�in
<br /> or to any land trus# holding title�t�the Rea€ Property, or ��r any other.method o€ conveyance v�an interest in the Real
<br /> P�-operty. Howe�er, this op�ian shali no� be exea�c�sed hy Lender if such e�ercise is prohibited by #ederal [avtir or by
<br /> Nebraska lav�r.
<br /> TAX�S Al1iD L�ENS. The foll=av�ring pro�isions re[ating to �he taxes and [iens vn �he Praperty are part of this Deed ��
<br /> T�ust:
<br /> Pay�nen�. Trust��sha11 pay v+rhen due �and in a[� even�s prfor�o delinquency} a�i taxes, speci�l�axes, ass�ssments,
<br /> charges �including water and sewe�3, �ines and �mpos€tions levied against or on acco�nt of�he Pr�per�ty, and shall
<br /> pa�1 w�en due.a�� �laims for �ork done �n or for serW�ces rende�ed or materiaJ �u�nished to�the Proper�y. Yrustor
<br /> aha[I r��intain�he P�opert�fr�e a�all liens ha�ing priori��over or equal�o�he �nterest��Lender u�des�th�is �eed �f
<br /> �rus�; �x�.ep� ��r �he Iien of �axes a�d ass.�ssrr��nfis ��� duE �n� exc�Qt as o�herwise pro�ided dn �h�s i�eed o�F
<br /> Tr�s�.
<br /> ��gh�#� �vn�es�. Trustor may withho[d payment�i any�ax, �ssessment, or�lairr� ir� connection wi�h a good fa�th
<br /> dispute over the obf�ga�ian to pay, so long as L�nd�r`s interest in�the Property is not�eopar�:ized: If a l��n arises or
<br /> �s �i[ed as a resu[t of nonpayment, Trusto� shal[ within �3fke�n ��5} days after the lien arises ar, if a �ien is �i[ed,
<br /> with�n �iftee�n {7�) days after Trusfior has notice ❑f the fifing, secure the discharge af the lien, or if r�quested by
<br /> Lender,depvsi�t�rith Lender cash or a su��icie-nt corporate surety bond or o�her security satisfacto�y t� Lender in an
<br /> amount suf�i��ient fiv discharge the ���n plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, or other charges�that could a�cru� as a
<br /> r�sult of a f�reclosure or sale under the �ien. �n any con�es�,Trustor shall de��nd itself and Lender and shaf�satis�y
<br /> any adverse ludgmen�before enfarCement aga:inst the Proper�y. Trus�or shall name Len.der as an additivnaC ob[igee
<br /> under any surety bpnd�urnished in the cantest proce�dings.
<br /> ���derac� vf Payra�en�. Trus�ar shal[ upon d�mand �urnish to L�nder sa�isfactary e�idence �f�ayment�€�he�axes
<br /> �� assess���a�ks and shall authorize the appr�pr�a�e �ov�rnr�ier��al o��i�iaf �o deliver tv Lender at an�time a wr�i��en
<br /> � s�a�et�er�fi����e�axes an� assessrr.ents agains��he Prog�er��+.
<br /> No�i�e o���ns�ruct�nn. �rus�or shall notify Le.r�der a� �eas��i�een 4"�5} c�ays f�efvre any woric is commenced, any
<br /> serveces are �urnished, vr any ma�erials arE supp�ied to�he Proper�y, if any r�echanic's fien, mater�a�men°s [i�n, vr
<br /> other �ien eou[d b� asser�ed on accoun� o� th� work, ser�ices, or ma�er�als. Trusto� wE�� up�n reques� o� L�nder
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfacto�-y to Lender that Tru.star can and wi�! pay �he cos-� a� such
<br /> imp�ovements.
<br /> PR�PEF�TY DAMAGE INSU�ANCE. The following provis-ions re�ating to insuring�he Praperty are a part of this ❑eed of
<br /> Trusfi.
<br /> 1Viaintenance af �nsura�ce, T�ustor shai� p�-ocure and mainrtain policies af fire insur�nce with standard extended
<br /> �o�erage endnrsements on a replacemen� bas�s for t�ae �u�! insurable �a,[ue c��ering a�� �rriprv�emen�s an ihe Real
<br /> Property in an amvu�� sufficient�v avoi�i a�pp��ca��.on of any coinsUrance cfa�ase; and �vith a standard r�o�gagee
<br /> c�ause ir��avor v�Le�d�r,togeth��with such vi��e��aaza�-� a�e� Isabi�ity insuranc� a�s �.ende�-rr��y re��ar�abl�require.
<br /> �vlicies shalf ne v�ritten in foi-m, amvuntsr �o��rages ane� �asis reas�na��y ac�ep��ble �c� �en��r ant� �ss��d b� a
<br /> �ompan� �r �a�par�ies �easonab�� accepta�[e �� �er�der. ���s�v�-, upor� req�est o� L�s�de�, w�[l de�Ever �a �.e�de�
<br /> -�rora�t�me to z�rr�e th� �o�icies or�er�ifica��s o��ns��-�n�e �� �Forrry satis�a�tory�� �ender, in�l�din� s�ipula��ons�hat
<br />