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��14�3�9� <br /> L�AN#:3DD'!'�4D59492 <br /> Security Instrumen�and thQ Note, shall be deemed conclus�ve prvaf of such ineligibility, <br /> Notwi#hstar�din� the foregoing, #h�s op#ian may not be exercised by Lender when the <br /> unavaiia�ility of insurance is svlefy due#o Lender's failur�ta remit a mor��age insuranee <br /> premium to the Secretary. <br /> 1D. Reinstatement. Borrov�er has a �ight to be reinstated i� Lender has requi�ed imm�diate <br /> payment in full because of Borrower's fa�lure to pay an amount due under the Note or this Security <br /> Instrument. This right applies even after fvreclvsure praceed�ngs are instituted. Tv reinstate the <br /> Security lnstrument, Borro►rver shall tend�r in a lump sum al!amaunts required tv bring Bvrrower's <br /> account current including,to#he extent they ace vbligations oi Borrower under this Security 1 nstrument, <br /> fvreclasure costs and reasanabie and�us�omary attorneys'fees and expenses prvperly assvciated <br /> with the foreclvsure praceeding. Upvn reinstatem�nt by Borrower,th�s Se�ur�t}�Instrument and the <br /> abliga#ivns that it secures shall remain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate Qaymen#in <br /> full.Hor�ve�er,Lender is not required to permit reinstatement if:�i}Lender has ac�epted reinstatemen# <br /> after the cammencement vf fvreclvsure prv�eedings within two years immedia�ely preceding the <br /> cvmmencement of a current forec�osur�proc�eding, �i�}r�Enstatement will preclude f��eclvsur�on <br /> different grounds in the future,o��iii}reinstatement will adversely affect the�riority of the lien created <br /> by this�ecurity Instrument. <br /> 79. Borrower Not Releas�d; Fflrbearance By Lender Not a�Illai�e�: Extension of the time of <br /> payment or modification of amortization af the sums secu�-ed by this Se�urity Ins#rument granted by <br /> L�nd�r to any successvr in interest of Borrower shall not nperate�o releas�the liab�lity of the❑riginal <br /> Borrawe�or Bvrrvwer's successor in in�erest.Lender shal!nvt be required to cammence proceedings <br /> against any su�cessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar v#herwise modify amvrtiza#Ean <br /> of the sums secured by this Security lnstrumen#by reasan vf any demand made by the original Borr4wer <br /> ar Borrawe�'s successot-s in interest.Any for�earance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall <br /> not be a wai�er af or p�e�lude the exercise of any right or r�medy. <br /> 1Z. Successors and Assigns Baund;Jaint an�l Se►►eraf Liabi�ity;Go-Signers.The�ovenants <br /> and a�reements vf this Se�urity Instrument shali bind and beneft the successors and assigns of Lender <br /> and Barrawer,suhjec#�o the prv�isians of paragraph 9�b}.Barrower's ca�enants and agreements shall <br /> be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs�his S�curity Instrument but does nv�execute the Note: <br /> �a}is c�-signing#his Security Instrument only#o mortgage,grant and convey that Barrower's interest in <br /> the Property under the terms of this 5ecurity�nstrum�n�;��}is nvt personaliy ohligated�a pay#he sums <br /> secured by this Securi#y�nstrument;and(c}agrees that Lend�r and any other Borrower may agree to <br /> �xtend,madify,farbear or make any accomm�dations with regard ta the terms vf fhis Security Instrument <br /> � or#he Nate without that Borro�ver's consent. <br /> '!3. Notices,Any nnti�e tv Bvrrower ptv�ided fivr in this Se�urity Instrument shall be gi�en by <br /> delivering it or by mail�ng it by first class mai!unless applicabls iaw requires use of anothsr msthod, <br /> Th�notice sha�l be dir�ct�d to the Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by <br /> notice to L�nder.Any notice ta Lender shali be gi�en by first class mail ta Lender's address stated <br /> herein or any address Lender designates by notice to B�rrowe�.Any notice provided for En this Security <br /> Instrument shall be deemed ta have been given to Bo�rower�r Lender when given as provided in this <br /> paragraph. <br /> '�4. Governing Law;Se�erahility.This Security lnstrument shall be governed by Federal 1aw and <br /> the�aw of#he jurisdiction in which#he Prop�rty is Iocated.In the e�ent that any provisian or clausQ o� <br /> this Security Inst�ument or the Note conflicts�ith a�plicabl�law,such cvn�li�t st�a�l not affect o#h�r <br /> pro�isions of this Security lnstrument or the Note whi�h can be gi�en efFect without the �onflicting <br /> pro�isivn. To this end the prv�isivns ofi this Security In�#rument and �he Not� are declared to be <br /> severable. <br /> 15. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be gi�en one conformed�apy of the Note and of this Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> '1 G. Haaardous Suhstances.Borr�awershall natcause vrpermitthe presence,use,dispasai,storage, <br /> or release of any Ha�ardous Substances an ar in the Property.Borrowe�shall not do,nor ai�ow anyane <br /> else#a do,anything af�ec#ing the P�-operty that is�n�ialativn of any En�irQnmental Law.The pre�eding <br /> two sentences shall nat apply ta the presence, use, vr storage on the Prvperty af smai�quant�t�es of <br /> Haza�daus 5ubstances that are g�nera�ly recognized to be apprap�iate to normal residential uses and <br /> ta maintenance of the P�operty. <br /> Borro►►ver shall pramptly give Lender written notice vf any in�estigation,claim,demand,fawsuit ar <br /> ather act�vn by any governmental vr�egula#ory agency ar private party inval�ing the Pr�perty and any <br /> Hazardaus Substance vr Environmental Law v�whi�h 8vrrower has actual knawledge.if B�rrower fearns, <br /> ar is natified hy any gove�nmenta�or r�gu latory au#hority,that any remova!vr vther remediativn❑f any <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstan�es a�Fecting the Property is ne�essary,Borrower sha�i prvmptly take a�!necessary <br /> remedial actions in accvrdance wE�h En�irvnmen�al Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph �5,"Ha�ardaus Substances"are those suhstances defned as toxic or <br /> hazardous substances�y Enviranmental Law and the follvwing substances:gasvline,kerasene,other <br /> f�amma�le or taxic petroleum products, taxic pesticid�s and herb�cides, valatile sa�v�nts, ma#sria�s <br /> �antaining asbestos or formaidehyde, and radioac�ive materials. As used in this para r h �6, <br /> _, <br /> ;.• <br /> FHA Nebraska E3eed vf Trust-419fi I111t1a15: <br /> � Ellie Mae,In�. Page 5 vf 7 NEEFHADE 1212 <br /> NEEFHADE <br /> D611312014 D�:03 PM P�T <br /> ..■ <br /> 1 <br /> .� <br />