<br /> �EEI3 �F TRUS`T
<br /> Loan No: 7�'1�77�3� ����1t�nued} Page �
<br /> and otherwise perfarms all th� obligations impased upan Tru�tor under this Deed vf Trus�, Lender shall execu�e and
<br /> deliver to Trus�e� a request for full rec�nWeyance and shall execut� and deliWer to Trustor suitable statements of
<br /> termEnation of any financing stafemen� an �ile eWidencing Lender's secur��y interest in the Ren�s and �he Persona�
<br /> Property. Any reconv�yan�e fes required by(aw shaIl be paid by Trus��r, i#permitted by appl�cable law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of the foIlowing, at L�nder's aption, sha�l constitute an Ev�n� af ❑efault under this D�ed
<br /> of Trusf:
<br /> Paym�n�Default. Trustor fails to make any paymen�when due un�er the �ndebtedness.
<br /> �ther De#aui�s. Trustor �Fails to camply with or t� perfarm any ��her �erm, obligatian, ��venant or conditian
<br /> �ontained in this Deed of Trus� �r in any �f the Ralat�d Dacuments or ta cvmply wi�th or t❑ per�arm any t�rm,
<br /> obligation, covenant ar condition contained in any oth�r agreement be�we�n Lender and Trustar.
<br /> �ompl�ance Defauf�. Fai�ure to comply w�th any �ther �erm, obligatian, covenant or �ondition contained in this
<br /> De�d o�Trust, the Note or in any of th� R��ated Documents.
<br /> Defiault on ather Payments. Fai�ure of Trus�or within th�tfine required by�h�s Deed of Trust t❑ make any payment
<br /> for taxes or insurance. or any other paym�nt necessary�a pre�ent filing v�f❑r ta�ffec�discharge of any[ien.
<br /> Fa�se S�a�ements. Any warran�y, representa�i�n or statement made or furnished ta Lend�r by Trus�or or on
<br /> Trustor's behalf under this ❑eed af Trust ar the R�la�ed Dvcumenfs is false ❑r mis�eading in any ma�erial �espe�tr
<br /> �ith�r naw vr a��he time ma��or fu�nish�d or becames�alse or misleading at any�ims thereaft�r.
<br /> Defe�ti►►e Collaferal�zation. This �eed ofi Trust or any of �he Rela�ed Documents ceases �o b� in fuil fvrce and
<br /> e�fect �including �ailure of any collat�ral da�umen� to create a valid and perfected securifiy int�rest or lieny a� any
<br /> time and for any reason.
<br /> Qea�h or Insol�ency. The death o�Trustor, the insol�enGy of Trus�or� the appoin�m�nt of a re��i�er for any part o�
<br /> Trus�or's pr�perty, any assignment �or the bene�it of cr�di�ors, any type o� credi�or workvut, or �the
<br /> c�mmenc�ment of any prviceeding under any bankruptcy or insoivency laws by ar against Trustor.
<br /> Crsditor or Forfeiture Proceedings. Commencement of fare�lasure or �arfeiture praceedings. whether by judicial
<br /> pro�eeding� self�help, repossessian vr any o�her methad, by any creditor of Trustor�r�y an}�go�ernm�n'�al agency
<br /> against any property securing the lndeb�edness, This includes a garnishment of any flf Trustor's accounts,
<br /> inciuding deposit accaunts, with Lend�r. Haw��er, this E�ent of De�au�t shall nflt apply if there is a good faith
<br /> dispute by Trustor as tv th� �ali�ity or reasonableness af the cfaim whi�h is the basis of�he creditor ar farfeiture
<br /> proceeding and i�F Trustar gives Lender written noti�e Qf fihe creditor or forf�i�ure proc���ing and deposits with
<br /> Lender moni�s ar a surety b�nd for the �r�ditar or�For�ei�ure proceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its
<br /> svle discre�i�n, as being an adequate reserve ar bond for the disput�.
<br /> Breach�f�ther�4greement. Any �reach by Trustor under the terms af any ather a�reemsn� between Trus�or and
<br /> Lender �hat is n�t r�medied within any grace period praWided th�rein, inGluding without limitation any agreement
<br /> cvncerning any indebtedness or vther obligation�f Trustor to Lender, whether existing nvw ar ia�er.
<br /> Events Affec�ing Guarantor. Any a�f the preceding �v�nts ac�urs with resp�ct ta any guarantflr, end�rser, sur��y,
<br /> or ac�ommodati�n party of any vf fihe Indebtedness or any guaran�or, endarser� surety, ar ac�ammoda�ion party
<br /> dies or becomes incampe�ent, o�- re�okes or d�sputes the �alidity of, or lia�ifity under, any �uaranty of the
<br /> �ndeb�edness.
<br /> - . - �4d�erse Ghange. A mat�rial adverse chang� occurs in Trus�or's financial ��nditian, ar. Lend�r belieWes �he
<br /> pr�spe�t o�payment or performance ❑�f�he Inde�tedness is impaired.
<br /> 1ns��urity. Lender�n g�od fai�h �e1i���s itself insecure.
<br /> ExEsting tndehtedness. The payment of any installm�nt of principa[ or any interest vn the Existing In�ebtedness is
<br /> n�� rnade within fhe time required by the promissv�y note evidencing such indebtedness, nr a default�ccurs under
<br /> the instrument securing such indebtedness and is n��cured during any applicab[e �race period in such�instrumen�,
<br /> or any suit or vth�r a�fiian is cvmmenced�a foreclase any existing lien on the Proper�y.
<br /> Right tv Cure. ff any default� o�her than a defiaul�in payment is curable and if T�ustor has not been gi�en a notic�
<br /> �f a brea�h ofi the same pro�ision of this Qeed of Trust within the preceding twelve �12y manths, it may be cured if
<br /> Trusto�, a�ter Lender sends wri�rten no�ice ta Trustor demanding cure o�such de�aulfi: {1} cures�he default within
<br /> �fi�Fte�n {15y days; ar {�y if the cure requires m�re than fi�teen �15� days, immediately Enitia�es steps vuhich Lender
<br /> deems in Lender's soie discretian tv be sufficient to cure the default and therea��er continues and completes all
<br /> reasonable and ne�essary steps suf�icient to produce complianc� as so�n as reasonably practi�al.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMED[ES �N DEFAULT. I�F an EWent of Defaul� accurs under�his Deed ofi Trus�. at any t�me thereaf�er,
<br /> Trustee❑r Lender rnay exercise any one or mvre�f the folfowin� righ�s and remedies:
<br /> A�G�feration Upvn De�ault; Addi�ional Remedies. If any E�en�of De�Fault accurs as per�he �erms af�he Note
<br /> secured herehy, Lender may declare all �ndeb�edness secured �ay�his Deed of Trust�o be due and payab�e and
<br /> the sarne shall thereupon becvme due and payab�e withaut any presen�ment, demand, protest�r nati�e of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a� Ei�her in person or by ag�nt, with or wi�haut bringing any actian �r proceeding, ar by a receiWer
<br />