<br /> �EE� C]F Tf�UST
<br /> Lvan No: "I�'��77�31 ��ont�nu�d} Page �
<br /> PAYMENT AND PEFiFDRMANCE. Excep� as a�herwise provided in th�s Deed of Trust, Trustar sha�l pay to Lender all
<br /> amoun�s secured by this �eed of Trust as they become d�e, and shai� s�rictly and in a timely manner p�rf�rm all af
<br /> Trustor's ob�igations under the No�e,th�s Deed af Trus�, and�he Related Documents.
<br /> P�SSESS��N AIVD 1VIA[NTENAN�E �F THE PRQPERTY. Trus�or agr��s that Trustor's possession and use of the
<br /> Proper�y shall be g�Werned by the follawin� pr��isions:
<br /> Possessivn and Use. Unti1 fihe o�currence af an Even� o� Defaul�, Trustor may �1} remain in possession and
<br /> contrvl vf�he Property; ��y use, operate or manage fihe Prvperty, and {3� colle�t�he Rents�From the Praper�ky.
<br /> Duty tv N[aEntain. Trustar sha[I maintain the Property in tenan�a�le c�nditian and promptly per�Form ali repairs,
<br /> replac�ments, and maintenan�e necessary tv preser�e its�alue.
<br /> Campliance V11ith En�irvnmental Laws. T�us��r represents and wa�-ran�s �o Lender that: �1 y During the perEod o�
<br /> Trus�vr's awnership o�F the Property, there has been no use� genera�ion� manufac�ure� s�orage, treatment, disposal,
<br /> release or threat�ned release of any Hazardous 5ubstanc� by any person �n, un�er, about ar fram �he Praperty;
<br /> {�� Trust�r has no knowledg� of, ar reason to belieWe fiha�th�re has b��n, excep� as previously disclosed to and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, �a� any breach or �iolatian af any Environmental Laws, �b} any use.
<br /> generation, manufacfure, starage, �reatment, �isposal, r�lease or threat�ned release a� any Ha�ardaus Substanc�
<br /> on, under, abou� o� fram �he Property by any prior ❑wners or occupants o� �he Proper�ty. vr {c} any actual or
<br /> �hreatened fi�igation or claims of any kind lay any persan relat�ng to such mafiters; and �3y Except as pre�iously
<br /> disclos�d�o and acicnowledged by Lender En writing, �a} nei�her Trustar nor any�enan�, contractar, agen�ar vth�r
<br /> au�h�ri�ed user af the Prop�rty shalE us�, g�nerate, manu�Facture, stare, treat, disp�sa ot or re[ease any Hazardous
<br /> Substanc� on, under� about or from the Property; and ��� any such a�t��ity sha�! be canduc�ed in c�mpliance with
<br /> all applicable federal, sta�e, and local laws, regulations and nrdinances, inc�uding withvu� IimEta�ion al!
<br /> Envir�nmental La�rvs. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Pr�p�rty to make such
<br /> �nspec�i�ns and �ests, a� Trusta�-'s expense, as Lender may deem apprvpriate to determine cvmpCEance of the
<br /> Praperty wi�h this sectian af �he [3eed ��f Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shall be �or Lender's
<br /> purposes only and shali n��t b� cans�rued to crsat� any responsibili�y ar liabili�ky on �he part o� Lender to Trustvr ar
<br /> to any�ther person. The representations and warranties contained herein are based an Trustor's due diligenc� in
<br /> investigating the Praperty �or Hazardous 5ubs�ances, T�ustar he�eby {�} releases and waives any �utur� ciaims
<br /> against Lender for indemnity or cantribu�ion in th� event Trus�or hecomes liable for cleanup or o�her costs under
<br /> any such laws; and ��� agrees�o ind�mnify, defiendr and hoid harmless Lender agains�any and all claims, lossesf
<br /> liabilities, damages, penalfiies, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or Endirectly susfiain ar sufife�resul��ng frvm
<br /> a breach �� �his secti�n of the Deed of Trust ar as a consequence o�F any us�, generativn, manufacture, st�rage, �
<br /> dispflsaE, release or threa�ened release vccurring prior to Trus�or's ownership or interest in the Property, whether or
<br /> not �he same was or shauld have been knawn to Trustnr. The pro�isions af this section o��the Deed �f Trus��
<br /> inciuding fhe vbiigativn to tndemnify and defend, shal[survive the payment o�the [ndebt�dness and the satisfa��ion
<br /> and re�onveyance of�the [ien v�this Deed of Trust and shall not be a�fected by Lender's acquisition o�any interest
<br /> in the Proper�ky. whe�her by fore�[osure ar otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trus�or shaf! not cause, conduc� �r perm�t any nuisance nor cammit, permit, or su�fer any
<br /> s�ripping vfi or waste on or �o the Property or any portion af the Property. Wi�haut I�mi�ing the generality o�the
<br /> fvregaing, Trus�vr wili not remo�e, ar grant to any�ther party the right to remove, any timber, minerals {in�luding
<br /> 0�1 and gas�, coal, clay� SC�I'la� svil, gra�el or rock praduc�s without Lender's prior vvritten cansent.
<br /> � Remaval af Improuements. Trustor shall not demofish or remo�e any lmpraWements fr�m the Real �'roperty w�th�ut
<br /> Lender's prior writt�n cansent. As a condition t�the remo�a� of any Impro�ements, Lender may requ�re Trust�r to
<br /> make arrangements satssfactory �a Lender �a replace such �mpro�ements with lmproWements �f a� I�ast equal
<br /> value.
<br /> Lender's Right to En�er. Lender and L�nder's ag�nts and rep�esenta�i�es may �nter upon the Real Praperty at alE
<br /> reasonab�e times �to attend ta L�nder's inter�sts and �a inspe�t the Real Proper�Cy fQr purposes �f Trustor's
<br /> carnplian�e with�he terms and cond�tians of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Compf�ance with Go�ernmenta� Re�uir�men�s. Trustvr shall pramptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regula�ivns. now �r herea�ter in e��ect, of a�l go�ernmen�al authflrities applicable to the use or occupancy o�F �he
<br /> Property, including without limitation, the Americans VIlith Disabilities A��t. Trustvr may cantest in got�d �aith any
<br /> such law. ordinance, ar regulation and withhold c�mplian�e during any proc��ding, inc�udin� apprapriat� app�als�
<br /> s� long as Trustor has notifi�d L�nder in writing privr ta doing so and s❑ I�ng as, in Lender's sole opinion. Lender's
<br /> interests in the Property are nnt jeopardized. L�nder may require Trustor to past adequa�te security ar a surety
<br /> band, reasonably satisfa�tory to L�nder,t� pr�tect L�nder's interest.
<br /> Duty tv Prote��. Trustor agrees neither �to abandon �r Isav� unat�ended the Property. Trustar shal� do all other
<br /> acts, in addition t��hose a��s set-�orth ab�We in this sectEon, which�rom the characte�and use o#the Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary to protec�and preserve the Proper�y.
<br /> ❑UE �N SALE -CDNSEIVT 6Y LENDER. L�nder may, at Lender's op�i�n, declare immedia�ely due and payable all sums
<br /> se�ured by this aeed flf Trus�upon�he sale or transfer, wi�hout L�nder's prior written cansent, of a[I or any part o�the
<br /> Real Pr�perty, or any inter�s� in the Real Pr�perty. A "sale or�ransfer" means�he conveyance of Rea[ Proper�y ar any
<br />